250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
OK! I agree with everyone...


But I gotta be the asshole to point out that these little dudes are DROWNING!!!!!

That RW looks SOAKED.. is it?

I use the same cubes and water them by weight..

With clones like you have, I water mine to no more than 35 grams....

RW should never be wet..

DAMP is the word...

A damp cube will not sling water out when shaken...

#1 you are inviting rot and disease...
#2 a clone that has access to water like that will never root, it doesn't need to...

So the idea is to give the clones enough water to survive, but still be thirsty all the time... so it grows roots to search for water...

If you give it all the moisture it needs right there, it will rot before it roots...

Just my thought though...




Well-Known Member
OK! I agree with everyone...


But I gotta be the asshole to point out that these little dudes are DROWNING!!!!!

That RW looks SOAKED.. is it?

I use the same cubes and water them by weight..

With clones like you have, I water mine to no more than 35 grams....

RW should never be wet..

DAMP is the word...

A damp cube will not sling water out when shaken...

#1 you are inviting rot and disease...
#2 a clone that has access to water like that will never root, it doesn't need to...

So the idea is to give the clones enough water to survive, but still be thirsty all the time... so it grows roots to search for water...

If you give it all the moisture it needs right there, it will rot before it roots...

Just my thought though...


I let them have 1/8 to 1/16 inch water, then 1/8 to 1/16 inch water thrive alive b1 solution, then don't add anything at all, just mist. the cubes soak up the 1/8 to 1/16 inch practically over night, and then the plants slowly suck out the moisture in the cubes. After about 3 days from adding the thrive alive b1 solution, the cubes are about 60% moist, and that is when I transplant to soil. Just did it today actually. At this point the root nubs are sticking out looking for additional moisture, and the leaves are hanging because they're not quite getting enough water/nutrients. After two days of looking sad (day ten), they perk up and start growing like crazy. Its a ten day rooting method that I call "strong rooting" because only the strongest cuttings make it through the transplant into soil, and those are really the only ones I want anyways. and FYI, I haven't lost a single one doing this in the last two and a half weeks, and now have about 50 clones vegging..... anyways.....


Well-Known Member
Nice plants, all though you might want to try and leave some more fan leaves on them, they will grow more and produce better yields. I used to take them off so that all the bud sites could get light, but those big fan leaves are a major part of the fuel factory. Keep it up. How man more days till harvest ya think?


Well-Known Member
OK! I agree with everyone...


But I gotta be the asshole to point out that these little dudes are DROWNING!!!!!

That RW looks SOAKED.. is it?

I use the same cubes and water them by weight..

With clones like you have, I water mine to no more than 35 grams....

RW should never be wet..

DAMP is the word...

A damp cube will not sling water out when shaken...

#1 you are inviting rot and disease...
#2 a clone that has access to water like that will never root, it doesn't need to...

So the idea is to give the clones enough water to survive, but still be thirsty all the time... so it grows roots to search for water...

If you give it all the moisture it needs right there, it will rot before it roots...

Just my thought though...


The rockwool isn't that wet... I weighed it and it weighed 44 grams. I did what al b fuct said in this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html

I did the slinging of the rockwool to get out any excess water. I guess I will let them dry out a little. Roots are starting to form on the clone which I am excited to see. I know I prob shouldn't be taking it out of the rockwool but whatever. Thanks for the heads up though dude, it's been a while since you were on it seems.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments in my journal. i'm slowly reading through your entire journal, definitely a lot of great info in here that will help my grow out. feel free to keep checking back with mine and provide any suggestions or tips.


Well-Known Member
Hey tom, how long ago did you take the clones? I usually have a cover on top for the first 5 days to keep humidity up high, and use a heat mat on bottom that helps big time for showing roots faster and keeping them warm and moist almost dry. I used to feed from top, but now I just dip the bottoms in water just for a quick sec. when adding moist back to them. You want them to just about dry out, so the clone is forced to makes roots to reach for water faster. Also, a fan blowing on them helps a bunch too. A little air flow is good for them!


Well-Known Member
Hey tom, how long ago did you take the clones? I usually have a cover on top for the first 5 days to keep humidity up high, and use a heat mat on bottom that helps big time for showing roots faster and keeping them warm and moist almost dry. I used to feed from top, but now I just dip the bottoms in water just for a quick sec. when adding moist back to them. You want them to just about dry out, so the clone is forced to makes roots to reach for water faster. Also, a fan blowing on them helps a bunch too. A little air flow is good for them!
I took the clone on the 17th... Also, I shook some water out of it so it only weighs 37 grams now. I'll just mist it lightly once it dries out some more. I have had a large bag over the clone to keep the humidity nice and high


Well-Known Member
looks really nice.... I prolly would have waited another week or two.... but I need that couch lock shiet.... what was trich development at when you chopped her?


Well-Known Member
hey tom, rep+ for the harvest, that looks yummy. cloning has been kicking my ass. i've been able to root roses and tomatoes, but no luck at all with weed?


Well-Known Member
But seriousely, what ratio of cloudy/amber trichs

Just kidding, dude, great job. I'm jealous. Those look very very tasety. Can't wait to hear how it smokes.

Once again, great job. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
The trichomes were all cloudy with a couple random ambers. I just needed to clear up space for her clone and since she was close I chopped her. Plant #3A is underneath the middle of the light and not the side so she is very happy. I should have roots coming out of the rockwool in the next few days.