you just took an American ship .............


Well-Known Member

"NATO forces have helped fend off several attacks in recent days, but have released the culprits because they had no jurisdiction to arrest them. In some cases, neither the pirates nor their targets were nationals of NATO countries.

In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen met Monday and said they will seek authority for NATO to arrest pirates."

Big P

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine once made an offensive, off topic joke. It went like this:

We've only had one black president so far and already the whole countries credit is fucked up.

I know, what a tastless joke he told me:bigjoint:

There was a preist a rabbi and a hindu,

they had just all recieve a combined bailout from the government to share equally

so the preist says we have to find a way to split all this money up with god before we take our shares.

the hindu guy was like yes your right we have to give god his share.
he said I have an idea. we will draw a large circle on the floor and then throw all the money up on the air. Whatever falls within the circle will be for god, and we can split the money that falls outside the circle equally

all of a sudden the rabbi cut him off and was like no no no thats no good, what we should do is just throw all the money up in the air and whatever god wants he can keep:bigjoint:

backs away from thread slowly:shock:


Well-Known Member
Just read this in a newsletter i get from Blackwater!This guy has a point.:blsmoke: Is it just me or could this pirate issue be fixed fairly quickly? How about one year of professional armed security personnel on every ship making the passage. I know everyone will be screaming how much it will cost; well folks don't even try to do the math on what it cost to run the USS Bainbridge and the JTF around the gulf responding to radio calls 600 miles away. Of course everyone will want to know what the rules of engagement are; again, there are a lot of smart people out there and this should be answered quickly (if they shoot an RPG at you, you shoot back). For the second year, there will be security on one of every three ships and a large sign on all ships that says this vessel is manned by armed security whether it is or not (kind of like those little signs and stickers people put on their house that says they have a security system but really just paid $5.00 for the sticker).

Eventually this will be just too risky for the pirates to continue the madness, especially if they are not getting money, oh and yes, the diplomatic avenue with nation building must be happening in parallel.
Stay safe.
John Adams

Managing Editor, Blackwater Tactical Weekly
Please continue to submit your suggestions to [email protected]


New Member
Uhhh, Blackwater, those professional thugs. Those guys are psychotic, trained killers, killers of human beings. You align with these people? Or are you just posturing to be seen as tough?


Well-Known Member
My solution is much more cost effective.

Each ship would carry a couple of barrels of pigs blood. As the pirates come up, pigs blood comes down. Spread lard all over the landing and hand rails where they would board the ship. They slip and slide in hog grease.

We should use their Muslim sensibilities against them.


New Member
My solution is much more cost effective.

Each ship would carry a couple of barrels of pigs blood. As the pirates come up, pigs blood comes down. Spread lard all over the landing and hand rails where they would board the ship. They slip and slide in hog grease.

We should use their Muslim sensibilities against them.
I doubt that would slow them down, especially since all you've got is pig blood and lard, they have RPGs and AKs, ya gotta fight fire with fire. You'll get to the rail with a bucket of pigs blood and get your head blown clean off.


Well-Known Member
Blackwater is just one security firm.There are several others that operate and can do the same job.Med I dont think that you have any experience with these kind's of operations and what i believe in or who i side with is none of you're fucking business. :finger:


Well-Known Member
I doubt that would slow them down, especially since all you've got is pig blood and lard, they have RPGs and AKs, ya gotta fight fire with fire. You'll get to the rail with a bucket of pigs blood and get your head blown clean off.
Psychological warfare, Med.

Find out what those Muslim pirate cocksuckers are afraid of and ram it down their fucking throats.

Things like an educated woman, or a bar of soap. :bigjoint:


New Member
Blackwater is just one security firm.There are several others that operate and can do the same job.Med I dont think that you have any experience with these kind's of operations and what i believe in or who i side with is none of you're fucking business. :finger:
Absolutely, I was in NAM though and I do know a few things. It's good to know there are psychos out there, I guess you fit the description, EH? Mercenaries are basically psychotic, I've known a few. They don't value human life very much. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why the crew just doesn't carry AR-15's, I forget the reason they gave why they didn't, sounded retarded though.

I know there are ship loads of Marines who would love to kill these fuckers out on the sea right now. Marines pray at night for opportunities like this


New Member
I love how med just flies off the handle without a shred of credibility... :lol:
Ask any of the contractors (plumbers, electricians, engineers) that were or are over in Iraq and ask them what they think of Blackwater...

I don't think pig's blood is that big a deal to Muslim's Johnny.... I mean they consider it to be unclean, but nothing much more than that.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Originally Posted by CrackerJax
Republican SWEEP in 23 months. (write it down stoners) :lol:

I believe he must have meant, they'd be sweeping the streets, ~LOL~.


New Member
I don't see why the crew just doesn't carry AR-15's, I forget the reason they gave why they didn't sounded retarded though.

I know there are ship loads of Marines who would love to kill these fuckers out on the sea right now. Marines pray at night for opportunities like this

It's because of the liability insurance holders. The owners of the ships don't want to face horrific public exposure and millions of dollars in lawsuits because they armed the crews. As always, it comes down to money.

out. :blsmoke: