my babies thriving w/ 14CFLs and one question...


Active Member
Well I figured that it's time to give you all an update!

Things are going better than I had expected. All of the plants are doing great and have been in 12/12 for approx. 1-2 weeks now.

Here is the slow poke that I started the thread about. It just is dense as hell. I actually put this one back under 24hr lighting until it gets a little bigger. I have high hopes for this one:

Now this is the busiest plant that I have. I've tied it down trying to maximize light penetration.

This one you can see where I've tied down the three branches hoping to promote more tops:

This is the tallest one that I have. Before I tied it down it was about 16" tall:

And the last one in the bigger pots, also tied down:

And here are the two twins. I haven't started to tie them down yet...

And here's the whole family!!!

the last picture is of them at home where they belong:

P.S. I've probably gone WAY overboard but I bought a new toy on eBay today!!

Is this going to be overkill in my little grow room I have setup?



Well-Known Member

If that picture shows your whole space than you might as well cancel that order because it is going to fry your plants. You shoulda did some more research man, you are going to have to spend a lot of money in order to make the temps in your box semi okay. Good luck though bro :???:


Active Member
If that picture shows your whole space than you might as well cancel that order because it is going to fry your plants. You shoulda did some more research man, you are going to have to spend a lot of money in order to make the temps in your box semi okay. Good luck though bro :???:

I've got 36" wide x 18" deep x 48" tall. Here's how big it is:

That shouldn't be too small should it? I currently have two fans built into the box. One fan pushing air out and the other towards the bottom pulling air inside.

Here's what the fan's look like. One is about twice the size the other one is though:

And I tried to take a picture of the fans but the lights are too bright. But the top left one is the big fan blowing out and the bottom right in the smaller one pulling in fresh air:



Active Member
"In order for the heat produced by a light system not to harm the plant, a 250 watt light system should be started 18 to 30 inches above the tops of the plants, a 400 watt light system should be started 3 to 4 feet above the tops of the plants,
A 600 watt light system should be started 4 to 5 feet above the tops of the plants, a 1000 watt light system should be started 5 to 6 feet above the tops of the plants."

I found that here:

ACK! Looks like I need to change my order to a 250 watt instead. :(


Well-Known Member
My box is 54" tall, 36" wide, and 24" deep. I use a 250 watt HPS air cooled with a 306 CFM inline fan made by Active Air. My temps are around 78°F -80°F. I promise you that you will need to upgrade your ventilation because small computer fans just aren't gonna cut it. You might encounter some light bleaching too once the plants get big and get close to the lamp as well as straight burning of the tops. I personally would never put a 400 watt in a cab that size but that's your call. Good luck dude, you are probably going to need it :sad:


Active Member
grrr I wrote and called HTG Supply and they still shipped the 400w light... Can I use a 250watt bulb in it to try and help with the heat and then maybe in the future upgrade to the 400 watter.



Well-Known Member
You're probably going to either send it back to them once it arrives or shell out the extra money to cool it with a high powered exhaust fan


Active Member
Weeeeeee. Well I woke up this morning and went to go check on my babies and guess what? The biggest bushiest one I have, show her sweet little female parts today!!!!!

On the other hand I had 3 turn out to be males too but they were actually the scraggly one.

I am reading their sex correctly aren't I? :)

Damn, I think I resized them too small.... If the pics are too small someone just speak up and I'll redo them.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you've got it right to me! Congrats on the big lady. They are all looking super happy - well done!


Active Member
Guess what?? TWO MORE FEMALES!!!!:hump:

So far that's 3 males, 3 females, and one unknown.

I'm happy with just 3 females too. I was worried about what I would do if I had too many females for my cabinet.

I'm looking forward to seeing the buds starting to form!!:weed:


Active Member
Still no answer so I'll post the question again.

I have a 400watt HPS system that is going to be arriving tomorrow in the mail. I'm wondering if I can switch out the 400w bulb with a 250 watt bulb and not suffer any problems.

Anyone? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Still no one has seen this fly before???

yup, i had several dozens in our greenhouse. they drastically reduced in number after i opened the doors to the greenhouse for several days and let in several small wasps (1/8" in size). they are now welcomed guests & let live there. i guess they ate them or scared them away.

here's a shot of one if you look closely on the upper left corner of the image



Well-Known Member
I would not use a 250w bulb in a 400w ballast. I did this way back when and found out it can cause some serious electrical issues and possibly catch fire. So I would send the 400w system back and get a 250w or a 150w. Either way, it will make a big difference over the cfls I think!

Plants are coming nice.. grats on 3 ladys!


Active Member
yup, i had several dozens in our greenhouse. they drastically reduced in number after i opened the doors to the greenhouse for several days and let in several small wasps (1/8" in size). they are now welcomed guests & let live there. i guess they ate them or scared them away.

here's a shot of one if you look closely on the upper left corner of the image

Couldn't see the image but thanks for the info! Ever since I put the 400w HPS in there I have been keeping the cabinet doors open to keep the heat down and that's also helped with the flies.

hey post more pics of that odd one please! i'm verrrrrry interested in it!

I would not use a 250w bulb in a 400w ballast. I did this way back when and found out it can cause some serious electrical issues and possibly catch fire. So I would send the 400w system back and get a 250w or a 150w. Either way, it will make a big difference over the cfls I think!

Plants are coming nice.. grats on 3 ladys!



Active Member
Guess what?!? The odd one turned out to be...... a....... FEMALE!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!@#$

Anyways, I'm excited. I can't wait to see what the buds that this things produces is going to look like. It's probably going to be on big fat nugget. I can hope atleast. lol

And, I have a question. I know it was mentioned that maybe me having a 400w HPS in a small cabinet would cause 'bleaching'.

Is that what this is:

Thanks for all of the replies and help everyone. Really if it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't have even come close to making it this far.

This has somewhat turned into a grow journal but, oh well. :)