you just took an American ship .............


New Member
I don't think an RPG could take out a tanker, their hulls are about 3/4 inch steel plate. I think a .50 cal and a few RPGs would be sufficient arms for any ship. Let the games begin. I believe if one of those rowboats came under .50 cal fire, they'd be so busy trying to skeedaddle they wouldn't have time to fire an RPD. Also if they throw the grappling hook and try and climb aboard, blow their asses back into the water, a small bit of damage sustained from an RPG would certainly be less than the millions in ransom. Paying a small contingent of mercenaries to defent the ship may be money well spent. Geeze, a job I might apply for. Some night vision goggles and a .50 cal, they'd never get close enough to grapple. Send out a notice to all of Somalia, if you get within 1/4 mile of any naval vessel, your ass is grass. Maybe a 40MM canon for mother ships, two or three 40MM holes at the water line ought to do the trick. The expence of arming and paying mercenaries would save them big bucks over the long run and fuck over the pirates, If they come with larger ships, the satelites could track them and the navy could take those out.

Big P

Well-Known Member
how about some floating tear gas gerande launchers, those are not deadly weapons,

or shit, how about a couple of flaming gasoline bombs tossed at those fuckers, then video it with close grafics, burn 1000 discs of them burning alive then air drop them on the beach so they friends can watch:mrgreen:


New Member
I see, if they are on land then they need the bill of rights treatment...on water we can just kill them with impunity or is the govt. taking down those sniper soldiers names to prosecute them later...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I see, if they are on land then they need the bill of rights treatment...on water we can just kill them with impunity or is the govt. taking down those sniper soldiers names to prosecute them later...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:
if they surrender, we'll prosecute. If they fight back, we kill them.
i guarantee that life in jail for that 16 year old pirate they captured is gonna be life high on the hog for a somali kid.
clean sheets, hot showers, TV, and FOOD.
Once they start to see that we can kill them without even being there (UAV with hellfire missles), i'll bet farming or even actualy fishing will start looking like a more and more attractive alternative.


New Member
They know the area needed to cover is immense and to their advantage...only when we hit them at home will it stop... a few ports need to disappear.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
seems to like the shipping industry needs to take responsibilty for this shit themselves. I don't know why the US government is responsibile for this shit......


Well-Known Member
I think its just a matter of time before thier strongholds and command center's dissapear.We have to make an attempt to get these hostages back 1st.Then they will feel the weight of the 20 in guns and the clusters and hellfire missiles.I think the french actually got 5 more today.Open season.We could send in the redneck special forces and tell them that the pirates have kidnapped dale jr and finish this whole thing off.:peace:
Ps:Firing 3 kill shots off a fantail near port is an achievement in its own.The smaller the boat the more it bounces."the only easy day was yesterday"USN SEAL's.


Well-Known Member
what if they would have missed and that captain lost his life? no one has mentioned this yet. that's a hell of a risk to take.


New Member
I think its just a matter of time before thier strongholds and command center's dissapear.We have to make an attempt to get these hostages back 1st.Then they will feel the weight of the 20 in guns and the clusters and hellfire missiles.I think the french actually got 5 more today.Open season.We could send in the redneck special forces and tell them that the pirates have kidnapped dale jr and finish this whole thing off.:peace:
Ps:Firing 3 kill shots off a fantail near port is an achievement in its own.The smaller the boat the more it bounces."the only easy day was yesterday"USN SEAL's.

yeah, in the story i read, the Navy was towing the lifeboat to "calmer water".... uh oh... don't ever let them take you to calm water...:lol:

out. :blsmoke: