This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.


Active Member
Dude. If you haven't got it already We could ship you that setup from New Zealand plus a few extras, like a full harvest master setup. for that price and it would be in NZ Dollars so you would probably save $10000.

Get back to me if you keen


Well-Known Member
Well FDD show me where i said "i think he's lying. i think he lives in the US. Nev or AZ area." Don't put words in my mouth, and don't make up quotes. What if I were to tell you that I hadn't seen the other posts with your warnings? I've seen you do this kind of thing before and even ban people when you get challenged. Let's just drop this little diatribe already. The original poster said in his first sentence, and I'll really, really quote "I just bought four room setups. They are all 10x10x10 tents. Please criticize and offer any suggestions you may see!" Wel Fdd that's what people were doing! If he wanted praise, way to gos, atta boys, pats on the back, groupies.... well he should of said so. And, I don't think I said anything about the guys assets either, I don't take kindly to liars Fdd, that's what it's all about, if you want to throw me under the bus, well that is your prerogative, I'm never going to kiss-assyou or anyone elses behind on this board.

"i think he's lying. i think he lives in the US. Nev or AZ area." sounds like a tattle-tale to me. if not what is? even if he was only "telling" us, he was still "telling". i thoight we all "covered" for each other. something about a bus .....................

why do people feel the need to come in here and call bullshit on everything? it just goes to show who they really are. people are amazed by 27K? that's barely a new car. i see shit like this all day long. i quit talking about it because people "can't handle the truth".

View attachment 376955 View attachment 376956


Well-Known Member
you tell me to drop it as you post another paragraph. :roll:
the quote was "sarcasm", or i would have quoted you.

Well FDD show me where i said "i think he's lying. i think he lives in the US. Nev or AZ area." Don't put words in my mouth, and don't make up quotes. What if I were to tell you that I hadn't seen the other posts with your warnings? I've seen you do this kind of thing before and even ban people when you get challenged. Let's just drop this little diatribe already. The original poster said in his first sentence, and I'll really, really quote "I just bought four room setups. They are all 10x10x10 tents. Please criticize and offer any suggestions you may see!" Wel Fdd that's what people were doing! If he wanted praise, way to gos, atta boys, pats on the back, groupies.... well he should of said so. And, I don't think I said anything about the guys assets either, I don't take kindly to liars Fdd, that's what it's all about, if you want to throw me under the bus, well that is your prerogative, I'm never going to kiss-assyou or anyone elses behind on this board.


Well-Known Member
vegas, I'm a fan. I don't have a guess on the power, not experienced enough in giant grows (or small ones either). I'll offer all the help I can, and if by some chance you were to ever in the future offer for me to come hang out, visit, smoke I'd be down for that too. ;-)

And yes, it is very funny how americans have law enforcement on the mind so much. I feel like I must be living in a different place than most them (maybe it's just california). I just do my thing, and only worry about cops pulling me over for driving like Ayrton Senna.

This picture makes me tingle. Just thinking about the dreams and possibilities that await inside. Thanks for sharing, and to your friend for the pics. How much does he chage for the guided tours?

j to the c

Well-Known Member
So have 4000 watts per room.... At the standard of .5g per watt every 30 days this is equal to 2lbs. per light per room with a total of 32lbs. every 60 days. Ythis is not a solo adventure for anyone unless you plan to work 16 hr. days 7 days a week. Any ways you've been blessed with an incredible set-up. As long as you treat it as a small single lamp set-up. In my opinion something this large should be able to produce .75gpw or more. Don't get sloppy due to shear volume, your tweaks in efficiency should make this produce the unimaginable.I think I'll buy some Zip-Lock stock here in the U.S. for ya! good luck and remember each plant will have its own personality


Well-Known Member
eh hem. patiently waiting on your pictures.
eh hem. how the hell is eh hem being patient? Don't be a douche. :roll:

Patience is a virtue, and anyone with an IQ over three knows freight delivery estimates are rarely correct. Especially with the obscene amount of packages something like this would entail. For example, I was supposed to have about 3k in equipment show up on Monday, half of which arrived Tuesday. The rest still enroute. Shit happens.


Well-Known Member
Vegas it looks like a great set up.
I wonder how many people it takes to set a tent that size up?
It took 2 of us to set up my 4x8x7 sunhut. Although I am disabled and not much help I still know this tent takes at least 2.
Good luck. Looking forward to seeing the pics today.


Well-Known Member
All I had time to do today is unload the truck. Here it all is. The 10x10 DR300 tents are the smallest boxes of everything, kinda funny lol. The only thing that didnt arrive is the water chillers and the ice boxes for them. They will be here in a few days (from another supplier).

There's more from shopping locally that added up to about USD $4400. STuff like water filtration systems, resivoir fill/drain systems, a 150 clone setup, etc..... I'm guessing it'll be weekend before the 4 tents are setup. We did the frame of one tent today, took about an hour to put together.

Here's a nice shitty phone picture. I'll take nice photos once the setup is *done*.



Well-Known Member
All I had time to do today is unload the truck. Here it all is. The 10x10 DR300 tents are the smallest boxes of everything, kinda funny lol. The only thing that didnt arrive is the water chillers and the ice boxes for them. They will be here in a few days (from another supplier).

There's more from shopping locally that added up to about USD $4400. STuff like water filtration systems, resivoir fill/drain systems, a 150 clone setup, etc..... I'm guessing it'll be weekend before the 4 tents are setup. We did the frame of one tent today, took about an hour to put together.

Here's a nice shitty phone picture. I'll take nice photos once the setup is *done*.
thats a big fuck you to all the non believers.:clap:

now please tell us you didnt get it shipped to where u are growing?