• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

furnace repairman found my grow!


Active Member
he's coming back around 4 today.

I won't be here, but my wife will be.

I already tore down the grow room and removed the lights.
I put the plants in my garage.

My wife will tell him she made me clean it out because she's tired of that shit.
She is going to make it sound like she was against it and doesen't want to risk me getting arrested.
There is absolutley no reason the guy needs to go to the garage, so he won't see them in there.

On a side note my wife had a friend call me and pretend to be the cops last night...great April fools joke. I was freaking out! I almost shit my pants.
I was looking out the windows and in a panic.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should plan a grow better, this is like the third thread i have seen with people's grow getting compromised,


Well-Known Member
I agree with the poster on the first page, you shouldve just wacked the guy. In all honesty though if I were you, id move. He tells his family at dinner his son tells all his buddies the next day at school. You should be getting robbed umm....right about now. Doesnt even matter if the plants arent there anymore, cause they dont know that.


Don't be irrational...you're not going to go kill someone because they found your shit.
And on a side note, if you plan on (OR WANT TO) getting caught, keep having your wife pull pranks like that. Hilarious. She obviously told someone else...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes ya just have to trust your karma . . . if you're a decent human.

Ever ratted a stranger out just because? Then don't sweat it. If he gave a fuck, you'd know by now?


Well-Known Member
Leaving something like that to chance is simply stupid. Not only do you have to worry about him, but you have to worry about every single co-worker, family member, friend, or random stranger in a bar he tells while wasted. There are WAY too many unknowns with something like this. Chances are if you had a job entering peoples homes and you stumbled upon a grow you can bet your ass you'd tell someone. Hell, you'd probably come here and post! Guess what happened today at work? that's a story you know he's going to be telling at least a few people..... And that's unacceptable.

Fact remains the number one rule has been broken, unintentionally of course, but still.... Its a large risk and this fact cannot be argued. He could be the coolest guy on the block, but the pals at the bar he gets wrecked with entertained by his story may not be. And you're the one either going to jail, losing your crop, and risking the safety of your family most of all. What's to say this guy dosent tell the wrong person who then takes it upon himself to put a few back, grab his rifle, and go get himself what he thinks will be a few pounds and an end to his current debt? And what's to say something dosent go horribly wrong in the process....... You just don't know. People are capable of some pretty stupid shit. I've seen it, we all have. Turn on the news. I can go on all day giving you scenarios but I'm sure you get the point.

However, if you deem it an acceptable risk, by all means continue your grow. there are always risks, we just choose which ones are acceptable to us.... But now your location and entire grow is now compromised and that's a risk most smart farmers would never even consider taking.

You may call it paranoia, I call it thirteen years without so much as a single charge or a run-in with any undesirables.... You do the math. The only people coming here telling you to forget about it or not to worry about it are either kids with no experience, kids growing in their little pc cases who think mommy and daddy will bail em out of trouble, people with no sense of how things work in the real world, or people who will probably end up in your situation or worse in the future. Play it safe, and good luck to you. Your "cover story" given to your wife is good, but I would not set up shop again. Not for a long while. Move the plants outdoors, or destroy them.


Active Member
so I think he is fooled, maybe not. my wife was pretty convincing.

I understand some of those saying he will rat me out etc etc.
However, I have a built in insurance policy here;
He is coming back in 2 months to fix my air conditioning, that will be about a 1000 dollar job. So, if he calls the cops then he will not make that money. I'm sure he will figure that out.
As far as robbery, there is only 5 plants, and I have a very loud and aggressive dog, He barks if someone sets foot in the yard, and he tries to bite anyone he doesen't know.

so, thanks everybody for the advice, I am taking a calculated risk, but, then again so is anyone that grows.


Well-Known Member
I am going to put them in my garage and my wife is gonna tell him something like since he found them that she made me cut them down.
The thing I like about that is its believable.. Its time for a breathing period like the wiser ppl here have said.. He probably is speaking honestly, the only problem is its out of your control, and 5 plants in some places is enough to jack charges up to the next teir beyond personal.. Be nice, let him know that its not that you don't trust him, but the incident clearly outlined the future risks..
Lesson learned.. Thats the big downfall with many basements.. While you're learning the lesson have you taken note of your water shutoff location, electrical and floor drains?? Beyond that, be a nazi if you have to when dealing with service ppl.. If the basement room they need to access appears that it could concievably be finished behind that door then on the way downstairs, tell him to be very quiet because your wife (or somebody is asleep in that room.. Do not leave him unattended for any reason.. Repair guys can be worse than toddlers and dogs combined..:) If you need to get in there, you're obviously the only acceptable candidate..
Make sure its lights out when he arrives, and that fans don't sound like jets obviously.. Even in flowering the length of 'daylight' can be tinkered with.. Plants measure the dark period, not the light.. If your lights are on for 4 hours then need to be shut off its not that bad.. Just turn them back on 12hrs after you shut them off, and if you need to return to your original schedule do it by tinkering with daylight hours again, don't let them get dark periods <> 12hrs (assuming you do typical 12/12)..


Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate to see someone so blinded to the reality of the situation he's putting himself in, and his family.

We all take risks growing. You're absolutely right. But they are risks we deem acceptable. Why? Because we keep it low profile. We dont grow when there are random home repairmen out there that know we grow. We go about it the right way. If a grow is compromised we tear it down immediately. We come to forums such as these to anonymously converse with each other to fill whatever need we may have to share and discuss such things without risking exposure. We learn from other peoples mistakes and triumphs. And you my friend.... you're the poster boy for mistakes at the moment. You're breaking the golden rule. The rule of all rules. Someone else now knows that you grow, and where you grow.

When you get caught, and I say when because you will, please don't come here to cry about it and expect any type of sympathy. What you're doing is just plain thoughtless and irresponsible.

"I only got five plants".... and? What's this supposed to mean? You honestly think some random person is going to care? Like I said, people do stupid shit. And chances are it wont be the furnace repair man, it will be a friend of his, or a friend of a friend. Its crazy how far silly things like this travel....

Please find a hard surface and push your head into it at somewhat of an extreme force. Repeat this process until you no longer make excuses to justify your irrationality. You have no idea what you're getting yourself in too. This is VERY apparent now. Painfully apparent.

As much as I hate to say it.... I think getting caught is in your destiny. Or worse. Hope those "five plants" are worth it because all it takes is one drunk piece of shit that overhears so much as a conversation about your grow from that furnace repair man and you and your family could be in for the surprise of your life. Although it wouldnt be much of a surprise to any of us seeing as we warned you.

Wish I still had the newspaper clipping from the family that was killed over a SINGLE PLANT a neighbor had spotted. The neighbor told a sister. The sister told a boyfriend. The boyfriend told his friends. His friends told their classmates. One of the classmates hearing the story (the same story that started out as a single plant had magically turned into dozens by the time the story had reached him) decided a quick snatch and grab would be a great way to get high and make some quick money. After some brief investigation the geniuses found the residence and there was no car in the driveway, no lights. Awesome, nobody was home. Him and two friends kicked down the door, the family was home. They did not own a car and had just settled for bed. The two friend's were armed. A woman and man in their early thirties were shot and killed. Their one month baby girl was left an orphan. Upon leaving the scene a vehicle was spotted on a traffic camera and they were quickly apprehended. The single "3 foot immature cannabis plant" was found when they were taken into custody, being dried in an oven.

Moral of the story you ask?

Dont be a fucking idiot.

Whether it be the police or some random joe electrician or plumber..... You're now destined for trouble. It's only a matter of time. You have now been introduced with a random unknown, a VERY unacceptable unknown. People have yanked plants or relocated grows for MUCH LESS. Hell, I know someone who tore down an entire operation and left the state because he had broken up with a girlfriend and did not want to risk a revenge-bust.

It's like watching someone walk straight into oncomming traffic. "no really guys, its okay, im fine, they'll stop"


You cannot control what other people do, nor can you fix stupid apparently.

If you want to keep growing.... MOVE.

You're pretty much fucked and the sad thing is you do not realize it yet. You will though. I guarantee it.

I'd say good luck to you, but I would be lying. From reading your posts it is apparent you have a lot to learn and it's going to be the hard way....


Active Member
a couple people on these boards are real assholes!
1. Even if I uprooted my plants and cleaned everything up, the potential theif who the furnace guy told would not know that, so he would still break into my house. He wouldn't know if there are currently plants there or not. If someone was told about my grow that will break into my house, that event will already take place. At this point I can't change that.

2. Tommorow my state begins issuing ID cards for medical, a repairman stumbling upon a small growroom will be a fairly common event. It won't even be a story to tell at the bar or to the cops.

3. I asked for advice. I didn't ask for orders. I stated that I appreciate all of your advice, and I do. The thing about advice is that it's optional. If someone doesen't take your advice it is unnecesary to chastise them or make them feel stupid. That goes against the spirit of giving advice.

4. Even if the guy tells someone at the bar, who tells someone else, and that person decides to go to the cops, that is called hearsay, and it is useless to the police. Hearsay is just a fancy term for gossip.

But again I do appreciate all of the CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE I recieved.

thank you

P.S. computers aren't safe, there are plenty of people on here talking about there grows. this is a public board.


Well-Known Member
Don't confuse strongly countering idiotic "Its all good, pot should be legal anyways" statements with barking orders.. Your immediate plan is a decent one.. Not 100% prudent (they are still on the premises), but decent.. The story is believable, and the lack of plants will only reenforce that.. Hope the guy seems guilty/bummed for scaring a grower out of the game.. Thats preferable to a smug 'I know you still got plants' attitude..

Edit: If you aren't immaculate already, make sure there is nothing even REMOTELY related in your trash.. Hearsay is BS in court I know, but so do the police, so if this is that flukey worst case scenario, they'll be looking for real evidence like old pots, or 5 plants through a garage window..:)


Well-Known Member
a couple people on these boards are real assholes!
1. Even if I uprooted my plants and cleaned everything up, the potential theif who the furnace guy told would not know that, so he would still break into my house. He wouldn't know if there are currently plants there or not. If someone was told about my grow that will break into my house, that event will already take place. At this point I can't change that.

2. Tommorow my state begins issuing ID cards for medical, a repairman stumbling upon a small growroom will be a fairly common event. It won't even be a story to tell at the bar or to the cops.

3. I asked for advice. I didn't ask for orders. I stated that I appreciate all of your advice, and I do. The thing about advice is that it's optional. If someone doesen't take your advice it is unnecesary to chastise them or make them feel stupid. That goes against the spirit of giving advice.

4. Even if the guy tells someone at the bar, who tells someone else, and that person decides to go to the cops, that is called hearsay, and it is useless to the police. Hearsay is just a fancy term for gossip.

But again I do appreciate all of the CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE I recieved.

thank you

P.S. computers aren't safe, there are plenty of people on here talking about there grows. this is a public board.
Dude, delusional spent a lot of time and energy trying to help you out and because you don't like his answer, he's an asshole? Sometimes we need to accept the fact that we don't know everything and there are times when sound advise from another perspective should be strongly considered.

Its obvious that you only posted here because you wanted to justify your response to the situation regardless of its obvious flaws.

In response to your "PS statement"; of course computers aren't safe but you're mixing apples and oranges. If Auntie Sue walks into the local sheriff's office to report a grow operation the Sheriff has no choice but to go investigate it. Politics are local and police can't ignore illegal activity being reported in their jurisdiction. On the other hand, the internet is a global communications network and local municipalities don't have the skill or desire to bother investigating it because it has no local benefit to them or their communities. Internet "crimes" are the responsibility of federal entities and E-Crime is so wide spread that, for now, you have to be a really big fish for anyone to even bother.


Well-Known Member
all this over a few silly plants. :(
Obviously you don't live in a place where a few silly plants can land you a few silly decades in prison. Where I am 1 plant = 1 pound of marijuana and 5 of those silly plants could easily constitute 25 years in the penitentiary. Just because laws are lax in California now doesn't mean the severity of the situation is diminished everywhere else too. We're not all in California or even the USA.