Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori


Well-Known Member
Nice....looking good there man....I can't wait until my Satori's are like yours. Mine will be 3 weeks in soil tomorrow. How are they smelling btw??


Well-Known Member
Nice....looking good there man....I can't wait until my Satori's are like yours. Mine will be 3 weeks in soil tomorrow. How are they smelling btw??
Hey SW thanks for stopping by. I'll have to have a look at your Satori, Hashberry grow, how are you liking their growth so far?

The smell is umm hard to describe! It's nothing like the Sensi Stars I grew before - they really were pungent. This is more sweet, spicey, floral, incensy, not unpleasant at all. They're pretty low odour really even in flowering.

They've got that typical 'Marijuana' smell, but it's not pungent or heavy - it's light and sweet.

Rub the stem of one of your Satori's and smell it - it's that but a bit more intense.


Well-Known Member
I finally get to see what the Mandala strains look like IRL. Nice. I hope they get a bit more chunky for you before its all over with. But I'd still take it as I see it now. Nice work.

I'll be checking Mandala out soon.


New Member
Looking good, the fattening has yet to come. I try to have a decent sized cola at 4 weeks, you can sort of judge the yield (barring slip-ups of course, lol) around this period.

Do you know the flowering time? Being dominant sativa, i expect they'll go for around 10 weeks? Are you going to let some plants go longer than others, or chop bits from each one as the time draws near?

I can't help myself but snip off little tasters, by the time harvest day comes all that's left is the main cola.


Well-Known Member
Hey SW thanks for stopping by. I'll have to have a look at your Satori, Hashberry grow, how are you liking their growth so far?
There's not much to look at at the moment I'm afraid. I'll get some pics up later today when I'm back home though. But I'm very pleased with the progress so far at 3 weeks, espeically as I nearly killed them all!! It's only a Satori grow at the moment as well, due to space considerations and male/female ratios I only started 6 Satoris. Once I've got these in my flowering space, I'll start off the hasberries and take some clones off the Satoris as well.

I know what you mean about the smell, I can smell it in my Satori's already. Very sweet!!

Your clones look very healthy too btw....I hope I can get mine to take as well, I've never taken cuttings before though, so it will be a first for me!!


Well-Known Member
I finally get to see what the Mandala strains look like IRL. Nice. I hope they get a bit more chunky for you before its all over with. But I'd still take it as I see it now. Nice work.

I'll be checking Mandala out soon.
Thanks BloodShot, glad you like them. You need to bear in mind these have a 9-10 week flowering time, and they're only just starting their 6th week, so they've still got at least 4 weeks to go.

Also being Sativa dominants (although leaf traits can be quite Indica looking, due to that trait being bred in) they will tend to grow and fatten in spurts. ie they'll fatten up some buds, then grow more, then fatten up more buds and so on.

What I am pleased with, with the Satoris is the amount of resin on the fan leaves and bud shade leaves - should have plenty to make hash with - the land race genetics coming from Nepal, should make some excellent Nepalese temple ball hash. bongsmilie

Whichever Mandala strain you go with - I'm sure you'll be pleased.


Well-Known Member
Whichever Mandala strain you go with - I'm sure you'll be pleased.
All sounds good. Ill be going with everything except the Safari Mix and the Krystalaca (sp).

Its hard to find dominant Sativa genes. As far as Ive seen Mandala has the best. I wont be growing any of them. But its nice to see what they look like when grown out.

I'll just save all seeds for that rainy day.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, the fattening has yet to come. I try to have a decent sized cola at 4 weeks, you can sort of judge the yield (barring slip-ups of course, lol) around this period.
Hey Skunky, I agree 100%.

It's around about the start of the 6th week that the fattening and swelling starts, although on the tallest Satori it's still putting out growth! I just don't know what to make of this plant at all. There's two Satori's that look like they'll yield the most - the tall one and the shorter one. It's the shorter one I showed the pics off and has the nice cola forming. On the other - the top cola is still quite bare as it's still putting out growth and going upwards - god knows when it'll start fattening up - I might have to intervene and try and force it to get it's act together.

The lower areas are dense with buds - it's just the top that looks bare. I'll attach a pic of it. This one will yield the most in my mind, followed by the similar smaller one. I'm reckoning on perhaps 3-4 oz's dry each from these. The other Satori is tall and lanky as are the two Kali's and yield will be down because of it - 1-2 oz's max off those I think. Still if I pull 10 oz's dry from 5 plants I'll be pleased. They're only in 2.5 x 1.5 ft space after all!

It's not all about yield for me - quality plays an important part too and so the final decisions as to which to clone and SOG will be made once I've had a chance to smoke them.

There's no doubt at all in my mind that these plants were made for SOG and that's where the best yields will come from.

Do you know the flowering time? Being dominant sativa, i expect they'll go for around 10 weeks? Are you going to let some plants go longer than others, or chop bits from each one as the time draws near?
Give that man a prize! 9-10 week flowering on both of them. I think I'll probably part harvest all of them - take off the top half and then let the lower half flower for another week or so - depends on how quickly the clones I take from my mothers are ready for flowering really.

I can't help myself but snip off little tasters, by the time harvest day comes all that's left is the main cola.
Don't tempt me! I'll certainly take a few small samples in 2 or 3 weeks time and I'm really looking for a 50/50 cloudy clear on the trich's - I don't want any going amber on me.

I'm pretty much out of my Sensi Star now, just as well really I was beginning to get a bit tired of it - it's too couchlocky for my tastes, so I'm really looking forward to some Sativa buzz :)


Well-Known Member
Your clones look very healthy too btw....I hope I can get mine to take as well, I've never taken cuttings before though, so it will be a first for me!!
I'm sure you'll be fine Sw. I've not had a single clone die on me yet 100% success. As long as you follow the basic procedure you should be fine.

In my opinion, the part where people go wrong is taking the humidity dome off too early and before the clone has developed it's roots. It's important to keep the dome on - but you must let them breathe for 15 mins os so a day without it. The process of misting them every day (twice in the early stages) is sufficient ventilation.

That an a little bit of light not too much, I use a 20w 2,700k energy saver CFL about 3 or 4 inches above the propagator and a little bit of warmth - mid 70's is ideal.

Create the right environment for them and care for them - you won't go wrong.

I've had a lot of success with Root Riot cubes - I wouldn't touch rockwool with a bargepole for cloning but that's just me.

Next time round I'm going to do it differently. I'm going to get some seedling trays with the little inserts - fill it with seedling compost and do it without the Root Riot cubes to see how I fare - I don't mind if they all die - I still have my mums. This will be a cheaper method than Root Riot cubes - but I do recommened them if you've not cloned before.

I've attached some pics of how my clones are doing - litte beggars are growing TOO quickly - they've outgrown my temporary home for them - I'll have to move them soon.

You can see the growth where I topped them - I've marked it in red - should have topped them earlier really. Oh yeah and the little bit of N def I got on lower leaves because I left them in their 3 inch pots too long - oops! Luckilly it's the leaves the clone had originally - it's not new growth.

Sorry about the poor pics - lights too close really.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure you'll be fine Sw. I've not had a single clone die on me yet 100% success. As long as you follow the basic procedure you should be fine.
Man, they look fucking great, really bushing out now too. I'm really excited about cloning on this grow actually. I can't wait to give it a go. I was going to just use a light soil mix to be honest, but I think I'll try these root riot cubes if you think they'll make my life a little easier the first time. Do you use any additional rooting hormone or anything aside from the micro nutes/fungi in the cubes? I was thinking of using my BioBizz root juice as I already have some of this....what do ya reckon? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey BG, I am using a EZ Cloner right now, do you have any experience with this type of cloning machine? I am trippin on how hot it keeps the water, due to the pump heating up. The main reason I ask this is because you mentioned to keep the humidity tent on while the clones are developing there roots...Well this system has no humidity tent! I used to spray the hell out of them with plain water PH 5.8, and now I do nothing but toss fresh water in the tank every third day or so.. The Humidity of the room is 50-60%, and I am having about 90% turn out! So if I made a humidity tent, do you think I would have happier, less stressed little ladies?


Well-Known Member
Hiya Chris

I have no experience at all of EZ cloner. Is it a kind of hydro setup?

The point of keeping the humidity dome on until the clones have formed their roots is a relatively simple one. In soil or Root Riot cubes, it's important to keep the clone in a humid environment to slow down the water loss from leaves, so the plant can retain water for longer without having to draw it from its non-existent roots.

That's why when people take the dome off too early the clones wilt and droop and lose turgidity in the cells - they're losing water faster than they can replace it - because their root system isn't developed or can't draw up enough water in ratio to the rate they're losing it at.

The only safe time in my opinion to take off the humidity dome is once the clones have formed a root system - that can take anything between 7-21 days depending on strain and environment.


Well-Known Member
Man, they look fucking great, really bushing out now too. I'm really excited about cloning on this grow actually. I can't wait to give it a go. I was going to just use a light soil mix to be honest, but I think I'll try these root riot cubes if you think they'll make my life a little easier the first time. Do you use any additional rooting hormone or anything aside from the micro nutes/fungi in the cubes? I was thinking of using my BioBizz root juice as I already have some of this....what do ya reckon? Thanks.
Thanks SW, they're still doing great - just a bit bigger ;)

I use Clonex, which I've found to work really well. However, once the Clonex is gone, I'll try a regular rooting hormone powder from a garden centre. I used Root Riot cubes and Clonex because I wanted to give myself the best chance of success, because once the clones had been taken, there was no going back, because the plants were already in flower.

Now I've got some mums with plenty of shoots, I can experiment to my hearts content and find what works best at the most economic price. Not that Clonex and RR cubes are expensive, but it's a tenner or so, but why pay it if you can get just as good results from seedling soil and rooting hormone? Rooting hormone is a quid from a garden centre and I recently picked up some 30 litres of peat free (it came highly recommended so I wanted to try it) seedling/clone potting mix for 2 quid. That should last me ages.

People see me refer to economies all the time and poo poo it as being irrelevant. That's their choice of course, but I don't see why I should have to pay more for something that costs half the price and does just as good a job.

At the end of the day Canna is just another plant, same as all the other garden plants people have cultivated for years without all the expensive stuff bought from the increasing proliferation of specialist hydro shops.

Sure, try the Root Juice, but I have no experience of it. I've given my clones nothing more than Seaweed extract, few doses of Formulex early on and recently Fish Mix (holds nose).


Well-Known Member
hey baby, nice looking ladies youre harbouring there. quick question, what lamps and wattages are you using? i recently picked up a 250w cfl for £30. if youre interested ill ship you the purveyors info..