In spite of your leaves falling off? Sorry, I don't get it.
I'm gonna give your method a try to the fullest. And if it truely does yeild more then my current ways, I will not only praise you in this forum, but I will tell everyone I was wrong and you were right. But first, Here is my problem...
I do have some yellowing on the lower leaves and some may drop off. I don't this as an issue at all considering the light doesn't even penatrate the leaves that were falling off anyway.
Couldn't it be that the leaves are falling off becasue the plant knows that those leaves are just waisting water and nutrients, because they cant properly complete photosynthesis being so far from a strong light source? And as a solution to the problem they just get rid of them.
Just to back this theory up a bit.
I do notice that the plants I have grow outside using the same nutrients didn't have the yellowing or dropping leaves during flowering. Probibly because the light is penatrating much deaper. It just makes more sense to me then a lack of N or to much P.
the reason I wouldn't say it's becasue of a lack of nitrogen, is because I have plenty of it in my ferts.
I was just stating before in an earlier post that the clones I grow without adding AN big bud (0-17-3

or shultz bloom booster (10-54-10) were much smaller then the one's I did add it to. I'm talking like 50% smaller. And I was using Advanced Nutrients 3 part GMB.
No doubt that your method works you have proved it with your pictures. I would just say that for a new grower or intermediate grower, It would be much easier to stick with the info thats more readily available in the growing community. So when they ask for help, they don't get 500 other growers telling them they are wrong and need to learn the proper way of doing stuff.
You can bet that i'm gonna put your method to the test on my next grow. After all it's gonna cost me a lot less and possibly yeild a good amount more. I let you know how it goes..
Uncle Ben, what size pots you use, and how about the soil mix? I just want to make sure I'm right on the money.