You wanna hear about my last fishing excursion? Well, read on.
After not haveing fished basicaly since I left the house I decided to give it a whack again seeing that I am back in town and got all this old gear + inherited my dad's gear, probably enough for a small shop

Anyhow So I find one of the dams we used to frequent but it was a little overgrown and I was basicaly limited to one section...
Appart froma few baby bass, nothing much was biteing, saw a few carp, and even out a rod with bait on in the water for them.
Then I went into the reeds to go smoke a spliff...
Anyhow I got back to my stuff, and now being stoned, I decided I'm going to test out some old gear, first up, a little red reel.
I put it on, went through the whole mission of putting on a new lure and casted into the water.... flew helluva far, and the reel's handle flew into the shallow water (it was not turned in well enough).
So here I stand with a lure in the middle of the damn, and half a reel, put the shit down and decide to go look for the handle in the muddy water.
eventualy I managed to cut the top of my little toe open on a rock...
Now if there is one thing I can;t handle its my own blood, even from shaveing.
So, here I am standing in the damn, head swirling after seeing the blood flow like crazy,the sound of cicadeans in the trees going up like I took a bat of DMT, trying not to vomit at the same time, realising how merciless the sun was bakeing me, and haveing visions of drowing in 3 inches of stinky muddy water, because I bumped my toe.
The irony of it all got me going again, and i made it to the shore, where I was confronted with this heap of gear that I brought from the car in two loads, big piece of farm terain to cross, now on barefeet, as I couldn't get THAT into a shoe...
Needless to say, I havent gone fishing again.