Flowering at 1Ft tall huh?


Active Member
Ok My 2 babies are at 1ft tall and They've been growin for 2 months and 10 days Is it possible for them to flower when they are that small? I dont know what strain they are if they are femmine or not. they definatly dont look like they are growing at all except what it looks like is little tiny leaves and whitish hairs at the very top. one plant, the leaves are curling upwards and a little dry. on the other they are moist healthy looking but drooping. They were yellowing at the bottom 2 tiers and they fell off but the yellowing stopped I changed their light cycle to 12/12 instead of 18/6 they look lke they are doing better. When should I change the light cycle back to 18/6 and what bulb should I start using for flowering? I just dont want them to die I've worked too hard. And this is a bonus if you can answer What it the best strain for making good bubble Hash? :weed:
Thats alot of questions..

Yes, tall enough to flower. I just threw some 5" rooted clones into flower that will probably end up being at least a foot to 18" tall when done. In flower they can go anywhere from double to quadruple in size. How long you veg will determine how big they get.

As for sex. Post pictures.

Same thing for the yellowing. However, it is normal that some of the leaves that do not get light will yellow or wilt and die. Pictures can clarify some things.

If your vegging your light cycle should be 18/6 If your flowering you need 12/12. Shouldn't go back to 18/6 unless you want it to revert to veg.

I doubt you will kill it.

I haven't made bubble hash, but all you are doing is collecting trichomes. So I imagine a very resinous plant such as White Widow or NL would make some pretty damn good hash.
woot You rock so 18/6 is for veg only and 12/12 is for flowering got it. I wish I had batteries for my cam. I believe the two are girls because I see not ball like shapes anywhere on the plant just leafy hairs where a leaf stem is and there is little white hairs looking things like almost every bud I see except theres no bud yet just looks like a crowed top of leaves and white hairs, which leads me to believe its growing a bud.
if there are white hairs at the nodes it is a girl. If there are small multiple pods growing in clumps it is male. With pics I could tell you for sure. How long have they been on 12/12? Im gonna guess and say 1-2 weeks.. 2wks being max??
hi there.

her is a picture of my female with pre flowers. you tend too find pre flowers near the top of your plant first then it starts too show sex lower down later.

hope pic helps check your plants sex.

I just put them on 12/12 for a week now they were on 18/6 since I started them. Yeah It looks like the pic attached but thes little hair thingys are all over. Now that you said clumps im worried they are males. one plant is like the exactly like the picture but those little clumps are everywhere. They dont look like balls but they look like the plant in the pic but with more whitish hairs growing out. but they are everywhere. about 4 little nods with hairs around every stem growing leaves. The other one is growing the same way but more underdeveloped, it just has baby leafy hairs underneath the stems of the leafs. I'm going to repot them today in bigger containers. One they are sexed and both females would I be able to put them in one big ass pot together?
no kay

keep them in two pots, they will bind rootballs and kill each other off.

by the description it sounds like you do have a female plant, some show sex early a few days into flowering and some take a good few weeks. different strains have longer/shorter flowering.

as for lighting : CFL i would say for a couple of plants you want 4-5 40w compacts. look for 2700k (warm white) these are for flowering. 6500k (cool white) are for veg. now your plants are in flower keep them too 12/12 and start feeding them with a high P fert this will help buds and the plant while it is flowering. only a little at first, then build up too full measures on the bottle, you can also use molasses too build up the buds.

a couple of weeks before your plant is ready too harvest start flushing them with water only. this will force them too use the nuets they have stored and give you a better cleaner smoke. a microscope (30x) will let you see your trics changing from clear too misty. you will also notice the white hairs have changed color too a red/orange when around 75% -80% are this color plant will nodoubt be ready for harvest.

my plant is around 10-12 inch high and been in flower (showing sex ) for around 3-4 days now. i tied mine down alot too help incase it grew into a monster. also a plant can grow 3x its size in flowering so i have read in forum.

I myself have a 1 ft tall plant with white hairs all over. Some are turning orange. Im feeding them Super thrive, they are on a 12/12 cycle. What advice can anyone give me. Any body, any body ?????
If you want to start flowering turn your lights to 12/12.....12 light 12 dark

I have read using superthrive in flower is bad it will slow the plants from going into bud
