the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide


Well-Known Member
why take the males out ??
Unless you have plans to breed or to produce lots of seeds, always separate male and female plants as soon as their sex becomes apparent. Remember one or two male marijuana plants can turn a whole crop to seed and you just don't want that happening.

Once you have a good female plant that you would like to keep you can place it in constant light to stop it from flowering. This plant can then be a "mother" for you to take cuttings from whenever you wish.

what do male plants look like ??
Males are often, but not always, tall with stout stems , sporadic branching and few leaves.
Within 1-3 weeks of starting the flowering cycle, pollen sacks will begin to develop on male marijuana plants (shown in the photo at the bottom). The pollen sack circled in red has opened and released pollen that will fertilize female plants.

If you grow marijuana, either hydroponically or with soil, the male plants must be removed before pollen is released. If allowed to release pollen, a male marijuana plant will fertilize all the nearby female marijuana plants. Fertilized females will use some energy making seeds, rather than producing THC.

what do female plants look like ??
Telling a female marijuana plant from a male one can be tricky for the inexperienced grower. It is, however, essential to get a knack for doing this as early as possible. Unless you're breeding or cross-breeding marijuana, there is no reason to have male plants in the grow room.
Within 1-3 weeks of starting the flowering cycle, white hairs (pistils) will begin to develop at bud sites of female plants (shown in the photo at bottom). In contrast, the male marijuana plant will develop pollen sacks.
Clusters of flowers known as buds or colas only occur on female or hermaphrodite plants. Hermaphrodites are plants that are part male, part female. If you want sinsemilla buds, make sure you only have pure females.

when can i tell if its male or female ??
Plants in constant light can sometimes start to show some pre-flowers after only a few weeks of growth. Usually though it takes a change in light cycle to trigger the plants into full reproductive mode.

Most varieties of marijuana require 12 hours of darkness per day to induce their flowering cycles. Sativa varieties sometimes need more. Indica varieties can sometimes take less. Ruderalis varieties can flower whatever.

Early female marijuana flowers look like little furry hairs, usually white, but they can be other colors. Early male flowers look a bit like small bunches of mini green bananas. Look near the leaf joins on your plants to see them emerging.

Even pure female plants have the potential to turn male or hermaphrodite. This can happen if the plant is stressed too much through bad treatment or if chemicals are applied to the plant to induce male flowering.

i hope this little explanation has helpd any new comers to understand the subject a lil better now
please feel free to post replys all welcome

pics from left to right
1 = male cannabis plant
2 = female cannabis plant
3 = hermi cannabis plant (m+f)
4 = male and female cannabis plants


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can u tell yet if these r male or female? edit btw these are still in veg stage if u werent sure. this is my 1st grow in alotta yrs, i remember people always saying if your plant has 5 fingers on its leaves its male & 6 fingers female. i guess that theory is like stone age


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you wont be able to tell really till flower or very late veg .. how tall n that r they koz males r more dominent than females but jus wait till flower koz even when they show the ball full size it still take a few days for it to pollen but imo get them males out straight away good luck post on my other threads mate kk good luk peace
you wont be able to tell really till flower or very late veg .. how tall n that r they koz males r more dominent than females but jus wait till flower koz even when they show the ball full size it still take a few days for it to pollen but imo get them males out straight away good luck post on my other threads mate kk good luk peace

they are about 10 inches tall prolly a month & 1/2 from seed, might have gotten a lil stress early in life as is my 1st hydro grow & they got a lil nute burn early but seem to be going strong now growing about an inch a day it seems. do they look good to u from the pix?
yeah nice and healthy green leavs mate woudlnt worry 2 much about the nute burn as i cant see any spots .. they look really healthy . explain how ur doing the hydro really wna try it but jus stuk to soil lol also give me a rep point lol ill return the favour dude write bak
yeah nice and healthy green leavs mate woudlnt worry 2 much about the nute burn as i cant see any spots .. they look really healthy . explain how ur doing the hydro really wna try it but jus stuk to soil lol also give me a rep point lol ill return the favour dude write bak

there is a little spotting on 1 or 2 of the bottom leaves but the new growth is nice & green here ill try n get a pic of the spotted leaves. ok new pix here 4 ya just showing the spotted leaves.

+ rep conz


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& oh yea hydro grow...i like it alot, seems to be a lil easier than growing in dirt & its supposed to produce better quality shit...ill let ya know in a couple months provided at least 1 of my 2 plants is the girl of my havnt figured out to do private msges yet but if u PM me i can give u a link where to get a hydro set up pretty cheap... not that its hard to make yer own, but im a lazy prick i just find & buy a nice cheap

lol...oops explain hydro...hmmm what do u need explained? how it works, where to get 1, how to make 1.....?
jus clik on my name and it will say send private message dude so do that quik lookin forward to spening a bonus on it
n them leaves were bit worse than i fort lol id jus keep a steady eye on them dude n maybe cut down on the nute a lil bit till its grow a lil more .. write bak
oh they r doing good i said them were the lower leaves early growth all the new growth is looking very green & starting to stink up my room a lil already...its gonna be krazy stanky when i start to bud they are both bagseed plants but i think 1 is some kind of indica & the other sativa. i think indica tends to wider fingers on the leaves than the sativa, but i could be
yeah indica are mainly tall ect compare to sativa wwhichj are short and bushy . so yh lol upload some more pics dude wna see them beautys
i can prolly do heres acouple new 1s

i think pics 1 & 4 is the sativa & pics 2 & 3 is the indica & if im not mistaken its the other way around bro...indica is shorter & more bushy & the sativa is taller......


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other way round dude lol indica tall and sativa short and bushy dude lol look good tho .. have a post on my other forums dude peace
new pix...about 6-7 weeks veg

btw i have noticed a few of the lower leaves are getting a lil crispy that something i should be worried about?


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no man the lower leaves will die off man dnt worry its nothing to do with a problem .. id b very happy wid rep point lol ??
by the way man nice lookin plants have a look at mine in the other thread i fink its called 2 weeks old leaves looking dry .. cya gd luk peace bro
other way round dude lol indica tall and sativa short and bushy dude lol look good tho .. have a post on my other forums dude peace

sativa strains are taller.
indica strains are shorter.


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