NEWB with so many questions regarding the AG!


Well-Known Member
Hi there, I am brand new to the thread, I saw an ad for the Aero-garden/Aero-grow, and apparenty, like many of you, thought I wonder if weed can be grown in that?

I know really nothing about growing, but am eager to learn. Ive been reading through a lot of posts and threads and have a lot of confusion regarding terms. :-?

So, potentially, if one were to go out and get the AG and set it up in a two door cabinet, with a fan, could it actually work?

The "pods" er the containers that the plants are growing out of that come with the kit, are people using those? or are they creating their own and fitting them into the "machine". and do these pods have seeds already in them? IE basil or tomatoes... i dont know im kinda confused..

it seems also that a lot of people are substituting the lights for lights of their own? could someone use the lights that are supplied with the machine or are they no good for this sort of thing?

and on the AG is there a way to set your own light timer? or is it best to do it the old fashioned way and just turn it off and on yourself. at certain times....

can a light setting be the same all the way through or is it changed?

when "pruning the plants" im assuming you dont just lop off the tops of them, there must be some sort of strategy... can anyone dirrect me to a post that would be concerning that?

if anyone out there can answer even one of my questions it would be most appriciated, i know ive asked a lot..

Thanks much




Well-Known Member
if you were as cute as your avitar they would race to help you,i can answer one question,get a timer if it doesnt already have one,if it your first grow maybe use what they provide and then make changes from their as you learn more.i would think that it comes with every thing you need but probably could be tweaked to get better results,like adding a better light,and stuff,but im kinda new to the game.


Well-Known Member
hey welcome to rollitup!!! you'll have to excuse gatorboy some people can be rude. its good to see your doing ur research, you should check out the grow faq soooo much good info. as far as your questions go..........

So, potentially, if one were to go out and get the AG and set it up in a two door cabinet, with a fan, could it actually work?
yes i would work, you might want to put a lil more into it than a fan and a closet if you want to get good results but i think a few people on here have experimented with aero gardens.

it seems also that a lot of people are substituting the lights for lights of their own? could someone use the lights that are supplied with the machine or are they no good for this sort of thing?
well it depends what kind of lights come with it? what kind of lights u use is up to you and what your needs are........and budget lol.

can a light setting be the same all the way through or is it changed?
by light "setting" what do you mean?

and on the AG is there a way to set your own light timer?
yes there are very cheap timers at wal-mart and they come in very handy and are pretty much a must unless you are at home all the time and can turn the lights off and on when need be.

when "pruning the plants" im assuming you dont just lop off the tops of them, there must be some sort of strategy... can anyone dirrect me to a post that would be concerning that?
here is a great "how to" for topping hope this helps

To help increase yield...

and to decrease overall height of the plant, I top (snip the main growth shoot) when the plant has four to five sets of leaves. This is at the fourth set. This action will cause your plant to react by extending those tiny green tufts of green on the side of the stem into full-blown branches.

Proof that it works...

This is what happens after about 5 days to a week after topping. You can see the great increase of side shoots. These will, with some training and future pruning, all compete for light at the top of the plant, instead of being relegated to the middle or bottom of the plant, shadowed by the main cola that you didn't snip when you had the chance to do so.


Well-Known Member
if you were as cute as your avitar they would race to help you,i can answer one question,get a timer if it doesnt already have one,if it your first grow maybe use what they provide and then make changes from their as you learn more.i would think that it comes with every thing you need but probably could be tweaked to get better results,like adding a better light,and stuff,but im kinda new to the game.
huh... i AM my avatar. ^_^

okay, yeah i saw on another thread to get an apliance timer from like radioshack, and get a seperate cord for the light, so that the water thing, and the light are seperate. then to use the light it comes with as a side light? and get another light for the top. not sure what kind of light to get for the top tho.

thanks for the advice!!



Well-Known Member
well i guess it all depends on how much money you want to spend, you can get cheap cfl's pretty much anywhere or you can get mh and hps lights which do a better job but are more expensive. it really all depends on how many plants your planning on growing.


Well-Known Member
well i guess it all depends on how much money you want to spend, you can get cheap cfl's pretty much anywhere or you can get mh and hps lights which do a better job but are more expensive. it really all depends on how many plants your planning on growing.
thanks for all the great info. i dont know i was thinking maybe 3? how much space do you think i would need for something like that.

how much yield could one expect from 3 plants??

i dont know my boyfriend is being a butthole about the whole thing. he doesnt wanna grow weed in the house and claims he doesnt really like smoking because of its "long term effects on your thinking" bla bla bla. gah... what a baby.


Well-Known Member
long term effects on your thinking? What? tell your boyfriend he needs to do a lil research. marijuana will not affect your mind in any way long term or short term. ask him to show you the proof that there are any long term effects of marijuana thats nuts.


Well-Known Member
long term effects on your thinking? What? tell your boyfriend he needs to do a lil research. marijuana will not affect your mind in any way long term or short term. ask him to show you the proof that there are any long term effects of marijuana thats nuts.
well i mean it can making you think a little cloudy, or make you slightly lazy/unmotivated. but i mean, usually just taking a break for a couple days clears all that up.

i dont, he gets all philosophy-ish when he gets stoned, starts thinking way to much rather than just having a good time. and gets all weird... and his heart gets all racy..

i just get hungry, wanna go on adventures, laugh a lot and then pass out.

so to each their own i suppose.

but, he just doesnt want huge cabinets with fans and lights and then have people over and have them be like uhhh wtf is that?

is there some way of discretely doing this?

i saw in another post someone doing an experiement on JUST using the aerogarden no extras no frills. and it seemed like they just had it sitting in their closet.

i might just try that, and see what happens... im just doing it kinda for fun and as a learning exp. if i somehow manage to get some weed for personal use along the way then AWESOME! if not, then ill just grow real herbs in it.

SO, i guess if it actually works, then my real question would be what to do once to plants get too tall for the light attached to it.


Well-Known Member
alright i see where your coming from and your right to each his own. there are plenty of ways that you could make a "stealth grow" you should browse a lil bit in the grow journals section numerous people have done great grows in nothing but a closet and if you looked at the closet you would never know weed was growing inside so that too is a possibility if you want to go down that path. hope everything works out for you, growing is lots of fun and very addictive. i think i like growing weed as much as i do smoking it lol. its like nuturing a lil baby except when this baby is fully grown we SMOKE IT!!!!


Well-Known Member
alright i see where your coming from and your right to each his own. there are plenty of ways that you could make a "stealth grow" you should browse a lil bit in the grow journals section numerous people have done great grows in nothing but a closet and if you looked at the closet you would never know weed was growing inside so that too is a possibility if you want to go down that path. hope everything works out for you, growing is lots of fun and very addictive. i think i like growing weed as much as i do smoking it lol. its like nuturing a lil baby except when this baby is fully grown we SMOKE IT!!!!
haha YES! youre awesome! youre my favorite person so far that ive talked to on here

" its like nuturing a lil baby except when this baby is fully grown we SMOKE IT!!!!"


where do you think is the best place to get seeds? how long have you been doing this? what do you use?

uhm and this might be a dumb question, but what are feminized seeds... is it more likely for them to be female plants? or are they guarenteed to ALL be female? im confused :confused:



Well-Known Member
well ive been helping my dad grow for about 6 years now (he's a medical marijuana user) ive been growing on my own for about 1 year now.

haha YES! youre awesome! youre my favorite person so far that ive
talked to on here
haha thanks im honored!!:hump: :blsmoke:

where do you think is the best place to get seeds? how long have you
been doing this? what do you use?
as far as seeds go its tough to say where the BEST place to get seeds from is there are so many seed banks out there and you'll here good things about some and bad things about some. ive used nirvana alot (cheap and DECENT seeds) ive also used sensei seeds a few times and they are higher priced but you get what you pay for thats all i'll say. but really you should try diff places out and see what you think. the grow faq has a section on seed banks u might want to check that out.

uhm and this might be a dumb question, but what are feminized seeds...
is it more likely for them to be female plants? or are they guarenteed
to ALL be female? im confused :confused:
theres no such thing as a dumb question!! yes, femanized seeds are seeds that seeds breed to be only females and are always more expensive of course.


Well-Known Member
well ive been helping my dad grow for about 6 years now (he's a medical marijuana user) ive been growing on my own for about 1 year now.

haha thanks im honored!!:hump: :blsmoke:

as far as seeds go its tough to say where the BEST place to get seeds from is there are so many seed banks out there and you'll here good things about some and bad things about some. ive used nirvana alot (cheap and DECENT seeds) ive also used sensei seeds a few times and they are higher priced but you get what you pay for thats all i'll say. but really you should try diff places out and see what you think. the grow faq has a section on seed banks u might want to check that out.

theres no such thing as a dumb question!! yes, femanized seeds are seeds that seeds breed to be only females and are always more expensive of course.

where are you from if you dont mind my asking.. do you think its wisest to get a medical card... do you know if a lot of people on here have them? Theyre fairly easy to get here in Northern California. or.. i mean just in case, as a back up if someone finds out er something.


Active Member
hey i'm new to all of this and i was curious about the most effective lighting system. i want to try the aerogarden but i hear about everyone getting extra lights, if i do which lights should i also get. please remember electric bill and price for recomendations


Well-Known Member
hey i'm new to all of this and i was curious about the most effective lighting system. i want to try the aerogarden but i hear about everyone getting extra lights, if i do which lights should i also get. please remember electric bill and price for recomendations
yeah this is the wrong place to ask hahaha. im so new and asking the same questions. try the aerogarden thread. :)


Well-Known Member
oh no problem i live in cincinnati at the time being. as far as getting a med card im not sure how hard it would be in cali but here it was easy i just had my family doctor ok it but my condition called for it im an injured iraqi war vet served 3 years in the 75th airborne rangers got honorably discharged after a piece of shrapnel went through my stomach:spew: and grazed my spine causing the limp i now have. thats my sob story, it made it pretty easy to get a med card. oh and yes there are quite a few people here with med cards but the majority dont. check with fdd2blk he's a moderator on here and a med card holder from northern cali he could help you out there


Well-Known Member
id say if your only growing 3 or 4 plants for personal use a 400 watt hps would be more than enough they run (whole kit) bout 200 bucks from, you might also want to get some cfl's for side lighting aswell that would prolly run you an extra @20-30 bucks a month


Well-Known Member
yeah this is the wrong place to ask hahaha. im so new and asking the same questions. try the aerogarden thread. :)
hi,i cant see why you wouldnt upgrade your light to a 400,i cant even see why you wouldnt go to a 600 it would make 4 plants very happy,but it might upsett your boyfriend,because as you said when you smoke you get hungry lol,maybe that is what hes trying to say,if they had plants that made you bolemic(i think thats the word,not to many trappers use it)but there is a place that rates the best seed companies i will look it up and get back to you,but mr.nice has a very good reputation for seeds,and his feminised are what they say,the man who runs mr.nice seeds has a very strong moral responcability to the grower,im sure the man is still there.take care and play fare.and you have the catchiest avitar.