What plants were used to make ak47?


New Member
thanksss!!!!!!! very much, do you think after 40 days of it growing can i pick a lil bud off and smoke it after ten seconds in microwave???


Well-Known Member
AK47 stands for Afghan Kush #47 (as in the 47th in a batch) The real thing should be a pure indica from (oh my goodness) Afghanistan.

As for nuking your pot, just wait it out. Its immature as hell and the microwave is gonna make things even worse. Trust me! i've done it. its a bad scene.

Patience is seriously required for growing weed, without it all is lost.


Well-Known Member
ive bin without smoke a few times and i nvr ever pick a bud a nuke it,u will be better rewarded to wait it out and u will feel alot better about it aswell :weed:


New Member
if you wanna take an early bud the only way that works is if you got like a little tobacco tin or something put your weed inside but don't close it and then put it on top of your lamp, it takes about 10 hours to dry, it will burn the back of your throat, but it is by far and away the best quick dry method i have used and the only one i would use.

Of course though it depends on how early it is


Well-Known Member
Not in ref to this post but is there an echo in here?

AK47 takes about 8-10 weeks. Personally I have grown it and it is just not done early. You can check my hempy journal but i think I harvested at day 63 of flower......somewhere around that day? Its an early finishing strain to begin with so leave well enough alone. **Beware** it is lung expanding and powerful. Also beware of the stink while growing too. Smells very very intense and you must scrub the air. After curing for 30 days, the buds were crystal :) and still very powerful. When I smoke a J, I end up with resin all over my fingers. It drips out the end and makes my fingers all brown :hump:

AK47 stands for Afghan Kush #47 (as in the 47th in a batch) The real thing should be a pure indica from (oh my goodness) Afghanistan.

As for nuking your pot, just wait it out. Its immature as hell and the microwave is gonna make things even worse. Trust me! i've done it. its a bad scene.

Patience is seriously required for growing weed, without it all is lost.
That sounds like a text book answer for the name but I would like to believe that the name has something to do with the AK47 assault rifle. Not only is it a powerful rifle but during the time the strain ak47 was being born, there was plenty of headlines about assault rifles along with history. All the countries that the strain came from are highly supplied with that weapon. We also had the Russians at war with the Afghans etc...
It could very well be the 47th batch, but do we really believe that?

:joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member
ive read two different descriptions of the ak47. the first was from serious seeds and the other was from BCSC. here are the desciptions:

Serious Seeds AK-47

4 Times Cup Winner!!! in Cannabis competitions, including second prize for the Best Sativa in the 1999 High Times Cannabis Cup, prove it is a favorite to smoke as well as to grow. Winning a second prize in the 2003 High Times Canabis Cup in the Indica category.
This easy to grow plant is one of the most popular. It is of medium height and produces good yields quite quickly. Extremely STRONG odor and smoke. Take extra care for odor control when growing near neighbors. The name was given not out of any idea of violence, but more in association with the ?one hit wonder? that the smoke is. Quality without compromise makes AK suitable for commercial grows or home use. These plants have a short flowering period for a sativa, producing compact, not too leafy buds that gleam with a coat of resin crystals.


This F-1 hybrid produces buds that are truly a joy to smoke. The Hindu Kush takes some of the edge off of the Afghani's taste to produce a short, squat plant that packs a punch, but won't clobber your throat. Not as narcotic as our Afghaan Dream but better yielding and smoother smoking. Excellent mould resistance makes this a good strain for SOG and small grow spaces.

A-K from British Columbia Seed Co

i just got 2 clones of the serious ak and i can tell you these things stink bad at 6" tall in veg!!! the guy i got the cutting from is about 3 weeks out on his first harvest, and when i got to his front door i could smell them.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Not in ref to this post but is there an echo in here?

AK47 takes about 8-10 weeks. Personally I have grown it and it is just not done early. You can check my hempy journal but i think I harvested at day 63 of flower......somewhere around that day? Its an early finishing strain to begin with so leave well enough alone. **Beware** it is lung expanding and powerful. Also beware of the stink while growing too. Smells very very intense and you must scrub the air. After curing for 30 days, the buds were crystal :) and still very powerful. When I smoke a J, I end up with resin all over my fingers. It drips out the end and makes my fingers all brown :hump:

That sounds like a text book answer for the name but I would like to believe that the name has something to do with the AK47 assault rifle. Not only is it a powerful rifle but during the time the strain ak47 was being born, there was plenty of headlines about assault rifles along with history. All the countries that the strain came from are highly supplied with that weapon. We also had the Russians at war with the Afghans etc...
It could very well be the 47th batch, but do we really believe that?

:joint: ~Boneman
the ak47 gun as somthing to do with the name or they would not call white russian a white russian if it did not have anything to do with the gun

AK-47 x white widow = white russian

white Russian cannabis seeds from Serious Seeds. These seeds produce plants that are fantastic in both appearance and effect. Our most typically cannabis indica strain, White Russian is a stable cross of AK-47 and White Widow (a prize winning indica clone). Medium height, consistent plants and dense, very resinous flower tops (crystals appear after about 5 weeks of flowering). With such a strong indica background, the plants smell quite strong during both their growth and flowering period. In an independent seed comparison in which over 150 different seedstrains were grown out in a greenhouse, the White Russian came out as the strongest marijuana plant (22% THC, likely to be the strongest plant known at present!!). Winner of the overall Cannabis Cup in 1996 and of the Cup for Best Bio Grass in 1997. The plants yield very powerful buds, coated with resin. Very strong, long lasting high, more cerebral than knockout. Medicinal plant.
Flowering period: 53 - 63 days
Yield: 350- 500 grams/m2
Qty: 10 Marijuana Seeds
Seed Company: Serious Seeds
Recommended for: Indoor marijuana growing


New Member
WTF does White Russian have to do with anything? Why don't you guys just do a search for the breeders info on a strain. AK-47 is not Afghani Kush; take 2 minutes to Google.