Conspiracy Theories


Well-Known Member
OK I'll start us off........

9/11 was an inside job. Anybody who is not legally blind, and has watched the towers collapse can see this.
Have you seen the southpark episode? The government conspiracy... is a conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
Did someone say NO GROW........What about me.....

Oh yeah, I did watch that, it will really get you thinkin about shit.


Master of Mayhem
IDK what to think about that. I mean I have heard of all the hidden symbols in Washington with the placements of buildings and monuments to form a pentagram, but a swastika...very strange indeed. The swastika was not a symbol of the Illuminati or the Freemasons....could this mean that our government has more ties to the Nazi regime than we thought...or is someone just fucking with us?


New Member
I work in architecture. There is no way the plans made it thru without anyone involved in it noticing and noting the shape of that building. If it was still built after the gasps, and then jokes and ribbing that would have taken place, there must be reason that shape is significant to someone. very odd.

BTW: my new conspiracy theory is that almost ALL conspiracy theories are made up & hatched by the government members or elite that the theory centers around. They provide personal information and tie it together with other real information that sounds plausible, but is fake, and could never be proved anyway.

It keeps nut jobs busy with these almost believable, fake stories that no one pays attention to anyway, becuase they're so outragous, while distracting them from the real stories. clever, aren't they?


Well-Known Member
It's a real building, the photo isn't doctored. You can see that it isn't a perfect swastika though. It wasn't built all at once, and apparently when they added another section they realized it looked like a swastika.

I don't see WHY they would do something like that on purpose. Or why they would do it for some insignificant Navy building. Secret societies usually want to stay secret. So I don't buy into the idea that they add their symbols to buildings, streets and landmarks. Find me a street design that spells out Freemason and I'll believe it.


Master of Mayhem
MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS. Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.

Read more here:Marijuana Conspiracy - by Dough Yurchey
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