Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
LOL One of China's Springers attacked a skunk... Guess who won ? The poor guy .. He stinks .. China Is outside Douching him now (woman's douche takes the smell off in a second ) But Im glad Its not my dog.. My old dog used to get sprayed 2-3 times a month ..

Oh man ................ the smell outside is RANK..................


Well-Known Member
Uh. Why do you need to hold your eyes open to masturbate?You're doing it wrong.:shock:
LOL....Good one Stoney.... :p:p:p

Good Monday Morning Folks ,

So whats The good word ?

LOL One of China's Springers attacked a skunk... Guess who won ? The poor guy .. He stinks .. China Is outside Douching him now (woman's douche takes the smell off in a second ) But Im glad Its not my dog.. My old dog used to get sprayed 2-3 times a month ..

Oh man ................ the smell outside is RANK..................
Hi.... going to be nice couple of days... going to 50 f tomorrow...... about 40 today......

When I shared a house one guys dog got it about 3 times in a 2 month period... the stupid dog would run through the house rubbing himself on the caret and shit to get the smell off.... when you wake up at 2 in the morning and the air is thick with the smell you can't breath....:-?

stupid dog...


New Member
Last night my son was here looking at my plant. (HGMM) afterwards he sat down and happened to see my avatar on here. He pointed and said "that's the kind of weed you need to grow" and I looked at him and said "that is a picture of the bud you were just smelling silly boy, that's what it looked like a week ago"

Then he got this giant smile on his face.......


Well-Known Member
I ran and bought more douche ,I threw them on the counter and said .I have that unfresh feeling ..LOL

All is better now the dog smells like a fresh mountain breeze and The smell is gone ,, Time to bake



Well-Known Member
So Last night I went over to my buddy's house and we planted the summers plants ,
we planted

2 Black Dominion
2 Hijack F2
2 Hijack F3
4 Mystery Mix
4 Secret Service F2

Thats for my friends Homemade greenhouse . They are started in peat pellets and will move to gallon pots then they will go right in the ground after the threat of frost is over ..


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...
I could of used the douche advice about 6 months ago! I never knew that one, I am keeping that one in my memory bank. It took a week to get that smell off of my dog, terrible. I did the tomato juice, it did not work for me..The dog smelled like a tomato drinking skunk, lol. I never would of thought of a douche! Good one!!:clap: