First Grow, 150w HPS, Afghan Kush with PICS


Well-Known Member
Was using water out of my aquafina bottles temporarily since I didn't let any tap water sit out for 24 hours like you are supposed to (so the chlorine can evaporate). I tested its pH and it was at 7.0 so not too bad. I also tested my tap water but the pH was 8.0, so today I checked the pH of the water coming from my roommates brita water filter and it was like 6.3 so I'll be using that from now on.


Well-Known Member
As you can see I have transplanted my plants into bigger pots now (their final pots), and my older plant blew up the last few days. The other plant is 3 days younger, so hopefully she will catch up hah.

Picked up all 3 foxfarm nutes the other day and am still debating when to start them; probably in the next few days.


Thanks for any comments!


Well-Known Member
More pics, this is day 24 I think, and here they are:

As you can tell in the first picture I had a problem again with the lighting situation being too close to the plant causing burns on the leaves. I have since made a better system to keep the light 6'' away from the plants and hopefully will have no more problems with this in the future. Unfortunately one of the cords hanging my light up fell down a little bit and the light was like 2'' away from the plants :( . But the plant in the second pic is still doing pretty good. Just added the first nutes today and will be adding them every other watering (today I added 1/4 tsp grow big and 1 tblsp big bloom).

Any comments/suggestions are welcome, thanks!


Well-Known Member
eh wuts up bro. no new updates??? You said you were in week 2 of flowering I would love to take a look....

POST SOME PICS..........


Well-Known Member
Yeah was posting pics from my cell phone and I lost my cell phone a couple weeks back. Got a new phone and took pics last night but had no way to upload them so I'll have the pics up in a day hopefully..


Well-Known Member
Day 46 I believe. In the middle of the 3rd week of flower now.

This is the younger plant that I LST'd (about 3 days younger):

This is the older plant, which I did not LST. I am trying to see if there is a big yield difference between LST and non-LST'd plants. However, one thing that could effect the overall yield is the fact that the LST'd plant might be taking some of the light away from the other one :( .

About 5 weeks left in my grow...can't wait til harvest..


Active Member
hey dude nice setup you got going terms of one plant taking light away from the other one, pretty soon since ur already 5 weeks into flower, you can trim some of the big fan leaves to let light get to more areas and expose them. Also if they dont get much light they will finish later so u can just harvest gradually from top to of luck.......................................aHIGHrussian

P.S. what are you shooting for in terms of yeild per plant?? im thinking about getting a 150w hps for a lil hutch 30w x 35h x 11d. ehh?? possible?


Well-Known Member
hey dude nice setup you got going terms of one plant taking light away from the other one, pretty soon since ur already 5 weeks into flower, you can trim some of the big fan leaves to let light get to more areas and expose them. Also if they dont get much light they will finish later so u can just harvest gradually from top to of luck.......................................aHIGHrussian

P.S. what are you shooting for in terms of yeild per plant?? im thinking about getting a 150w hps for a lil hutch 30w x 35h x 11d. ehh?? possible?
Hey thanks for the tips, I don't think I will cut any of the fan leaves since I believe it is better to keep them so as to not hinder the plants growth. But I will look more into harvesting from top to bottom, didn't think about that one so rep for you.

As for yield I will hopefully be going for around 3 oz dry in total, or 1.5 per plant, so hopefully I meet that goal. I had some heat problems at the beginning of the grow so that might have an effect on the yield so we'll see.

For your grow it should be possible, I'm only 3'' more in depth (14'' vs 11''), and it should be fine. Only thing you will want to do is LST your plants so they do not get as tall since 35'' might be small depending on how long you veg your plants for (vegged mine for like 4-5 weeks).

HTH and thanks for the comments!


Active Member
yeah man im actually making a screen right now so i can do a scrog to restrict the height... and ohh yeahh....wheres the update brooo?!?!?!PICS PICS!!!


Well-Known Member
I should have a little less than 4 weeks left in the grow, I believe my harvest date is somewhere around April 6th, just in time for 4/20 haha.

I have some bad news though, two days ago my batwing reflector fell down on one side, taking the light with it and in turn burning parts of both plants. Thankfully it didn't harm any of the major bud sites, since it mostly took out lower leaves. I know this will have some affect on the yield of my plants since they won't be able to use up all the light with those leaves anymore, but i'm just happy I caught the light in time so it didn't do any further damage. You can kind of see on the LST'd plant that one of the stems leading to a cola is really burnt (lower stem is brown), but the rest of the stem and cola is green and still seems like it's growing, so we'll see how that turns out. But you be the judge yourself and here's the pics:

Thanks for any comments all


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, got some good branches to fill out with bud. You think about maybe buying a snake lamp or something to throw a few cfls for the lower branches? Buds may fill out fatter that way. Anyways we should be harvesting around the same time. Keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've thought about adding some CFL's but there isn't much room in my grow cab and don't really wanna put more stuff in there right now, hopefully the 150 will be enough.