• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Way I smoke!


Active Member
Hey Team,

I am interested in smoking styles.

Cannabis has been around for a long time in a lot of places, and thus has been consumed in many different ways…

I have lived and smoked in many places and noted many different personal and cultural methods of SMOKIN’.

&#8230;for instance; in Adelaide (Australia), I was an outcast because I put &#8216;bakky&#8217; (tobacco), with my weed. EVERYONE smoked it straight. I &#8216;spose it&#8217;s because weed was so cheap there ($150 AU for an oz of Hydro/$110 AU for an oz of Bush Buds), but many claimed it was more natural (and I sort of agree). When I grew up (hhaaa) in Melbourne (Australia), I was paying $25 a gram, $100-$120 a Q, and $300-$380 an oz! &#8230;so that is probably why I 'cut down my weed' with tabacco. That said, the best weed in Adelaide, was not much better than than the worst grade of weed you would find in Melbourne. These dayz i pay $280 an Oz/$150 &#189; , but the budz are primo (where i score). <I will eloborate on the primo manicured budz available everywhere in melb in later posts>

Please list your answers:


Way I Smoke:

Way The Locals Smoke:

Strangest Way Ever Smoked:

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard:

I think this will lead to some interesting info.

Peace to one another


Active Member
Where: Melbourne, Australia

Way I Smoke:

About 1:1 with tobacco, from a tailor-made (not pouch) cigarette. Toast the ciggie with a lighter, then add a little under 2 cigarettes to a gram of weed, chopped to a fine powder. Smoked through a 30cm Glass Bong.

Way The Locals Smoke:
Spliffs are smoked by novices and most old timers; but every self-respecting smoker in Melbourne smokes bongs! (or &#8216;smokes cones&#8217;, as we would say)

Strangest Way Ever Smoked:
Through an Apple: pencil sized &#8216;L&#8217; shaped hole cut into apple leaving 2 holes. With a alfoil cone imbedded into one hole, suck from the other. Best improvised pipe ever!
The &#8216;Upside down Bucket Bong&#8217; is up there&#8230; very scientific&#8230; but not as much (need to smoke NOW) ingenuity.

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard:
That in Nth America, they share cone with like 3 people&#8230; Many years ago I heard of an exchange student who came back from a US exchange, saying that he went to a party, and the bong was going around. They would pack it, and then three (or even more) people would share it, each taking a little toke. The exchange student said &#8220;I&#8217;ll show you how we do it in Australia&#8221; then packed the cone and proceeded to suck it all down. Cries of &#8216;I&#8217;ll have one Aussie style&#8217; (soon followed by epileptic coughing &#8230;hahahaha) could be heard for the rest of the night.


Well-Known Member
Where: at my house :P

Way I Smoke: spliff spliff spliff big spliff bong bong bong bong shotties :D

Way The Locals Smoke: shotties i think skunk will be the only person who knows what i am talking about its basically a tube into a bottle and you put baccy in the tube to block it and then pile skunk on top and then brew it until it falls through into the nasty water :P they hurt they make your mouth taste like shit and i love them

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: POT challenge you have to smoke half a spliff pop a bong run upstairs pop a waterfall (aka cloud 9 ) go back downstairs have a shottie and then smoke the other half of the spliff holding your breath inbetween all of the above (we had to get an ambulance out one time thought he was dying he was just really high tho )

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard: ..... Widow Maker ?


Well-Known Member
Where: East Coast, Kanada (The Trailer Park Boys Area ~ I grew up with Bubbles..lol)

Way I Smoke: I smoke it in a joint, pipe, and also hot knife it (learned this from a hippy lady in the rain forest). Never mixed with tobacco unless I visit those who smoke it with tobacco, which is only one person that I know of around this area; and I always try to bring lots rolled without the tobacco when I go to visit them as I don't like to mix tobacco with my weed.
Most of the time I only smoke joints, because they do the job and you can smoke them on the move.

Way The Locals Smoke: joint, pipe, hot knife, bong.........most smoke it with nothing mixed with it (only seen that one friend do it). Bongs here are for the kids, or maybe the odd person who was given one for the holidays, and most here roll joints or pipe as it fits better in your pocket when playing outside or out in the backwoods.

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: Well the back way from bones' to my place by way of the old powerline is a strange way........Strange ways of smoking, well that is for the kids, and I grew out of those days years ago, and can not remember any strange ways of smoking weed other then some guy rolling shit up with the pages of a bible. Which I was not up for smoking....

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard: That it is harmful to your health.


Active Member
Hey Mouse,
Shottie: hose into water.. Baccy in the hose… what the? You should post a pic. The Challenge sounds wicked. Similar to a Smokathon I held many years back perhaps.

Hey Silver,
The rear approach to your place from Bones via the powerlines may be a good way, if it provides the required respite. We’re all kids at heart. Our memories all we are. While weed is criminalised, smoking in exile in facilitates interesting situations. Your right... I should have phrased the question: PLESE ADVISE DETAILS OF THE strangest way YOU HAVE ever smoked CANNABIS”, so it would be clearer.
The link to the cannabis bible in your signature is dead.

Thanx for your input

Chill, and have a piece of peace


Well-Known Member
where: ohio

way: we all carry pipes and joints.

the locals: these are ingenious people. we use honey blunts. we take like a philly Blunt and use a razor blade to cut it. we pull out all the tobacco and cardboard liner in it leaving just the outer shell. pour honey on it and spread it around with our fingers. hang it up and let it dry for a day or so (when you tounc it, it is not tacky from the honey). you can roll it up with weed or with a weed/tobacco mix. the mix is real good this way with a cuban cigar (I swear this is what they were made for). IT WILL BURN FOR HOURS!!!!!! a good 2-3 hours of continious smoke :)

strangest: was smoking a spyder-bong (for those of you that do not know, a spyder has 6-8 tubes so more than on person can smoke at a time). my friend s were holding my feet while I attempted to do a hand stand while smoking. all the blood rushed to my brain and I passed out. when I awoke, the ambulance was the giving me oxygen and smelling salts to come back around. man that was a good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

best myth: only losers smoke pot.


Well-Known Member
Where: Hippy College Town USA :peace:

Way: Glass bowls, bongs and joints :joint:

Locals smoke: Bowls, Bongs and Joints

Strangest?: During a power outage / tornado at an apartment complex where I worked at 15yrs old. 2:00am I randomly met a super hot chick who was scared and I gave her a ride in my golf cart when we stopped to help a guy on the 1st floor whose screen door had blown off. He asked if we wanted to smoke weed - YEAH - and so he cut a gallon milk jug in half, filled up his sink and we pulled huge gravity bong rips in his kitchen for an hour. Then I made out with the frightened chick :mrgreen:

Myth? :That Aussies can smoke a whole bong all by themselves:roll:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Great thread!


New Member
England U.K.

I just smoke it in spliffs mixed with tobacco. I get the most pleasure doing it this way as I used to be a tobacco smoker anyway. I used to be on about 15-20 cigarettes a day till I started smoking weed all day long. Now I only smoke three cigarettes a day. I can make five spliffs out of one normal sized cigarette. I also smoke a blunt most nights before bed, no tobacco needed in this as it is a tobacco leaf. probably put about 1.5-2 grammes in the blunt.

The locals; well if you can think of it then they do it.

strangest; fuck knows, so long as it's going into your lungs how can it be strange. Kids will be kids.

Best myth, masturbating makes you go blind.


Active Member
Hey Meaty&#8230; Sounds interesting&#8230; but aren&#8217;t you worried about the effects (physiologically or psychologically) of smoking finger smothered amounts of dried honey? Does it do anything to you? What does smoking bee food do to ya? I wonder. Peking Royal Jelly? Either kill you or give you majical powers. Tell us more&#8230;

Skunkush: C&#8217;mon&#8230; surely in all your years you have seen weed smoked in some pretty interesting ways. Unless you didn&#8217;t wake up to weed until you became senior. They&#8217;re some pretty chunky spliffs your rollin&#8217;.

Verve&#8230; wicked memoir about the tornado experience&#8230; memories are all we are. Re: the myth&#8230; sometimes I can&#8217;t believe it either.

Anyone else care to share?


Well-Known Member
im not worried about any side effects. the immense heat kills almost everything. do not smoke royal jelly. take that shit by the spoonfull eveyday just one though. I haven't gottin sick in one year from doing that. if the though of smoking fingered honey grosses you out, smear it yourself or have someone use a glove (preferrably latex-free, you never know who has the alergy to this). and no you are not going toget majical powers like superman, but you will figure out who his powers work after smoking!!!!!!!



Active Member
Where: Woods,Screen house,Room,Car

Way I Smoke:Smoke Fest, usualy my pipe Charleston

Way The Locals Smoke:Everywhere

Strangest Way Ever Smoked:with a bull horn

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard:Smoking pot in a pool with a hose.


Well-Known Member
Where: My house, Florida

Way I Smoke: Out of a bowl i made from clay, joints from clear papers, blunts

Way The Locals Smoke: Bongs, Joints, Bowls, Blunts

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: Either using my pool as a gravity bong or using a grill (Webbers grill) to Bake an oz at a time inside of it, and it has a spot to let smoke out while grilling which looks like 4 spots for hoses, and while i used the hosts to get super powerful hits i grilled burgers on it and got stoned off those, i saved like 5 for when friends came over to get hammered and they got stoned too, but they taste SOOOO weird

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard: Umm, you can die from smoking an overdose


Active Member
Where: Va, my house

Way I Smoke: ROOR

Way The Locals Smoke: ROOR

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: out of an apple

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard: umm hmm mayb a 12 foot bubbler wit an oz and one perosn hittin it


Active Member
Hey Troglart, the Webber method sounds insane! (in a good way). I 'spose it would go through the ounce pretty quickly though. Doesn't sound too smooth tasting, but the hit of concentrated smoke would make it all worth it. (to be said in Homer like voice) "Hhmmmm... Barbeque weed burgers". I Wonder what roasting a chook in there with the bud would turn out like?


Active Member
i live in the us and if u smoke three or even more people it's about a 4.0g blunt if more than 7 everybody has to have an oz i dont know were u got ur facts from

a blunt is for people who dont know a tabacco cigar thats been split and the tobacco emptied and weed rolled in it


Active Member
Where: Estonia

Way I Smoke: Usually from a pipe, sometimes joints, bongs..just to get the job done. I use tobacco when I smoke joints because weed is very expensive here, over 600 USD an ounce.

Way The Locals Smoke: pipe is the most common way to do it.

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: Through a lightbulb, I still don't get it how it worked.


Active Member
Where: basements, under a bridge, outside, graveyard

Way I Smoke: from pipe or from a can

Way The Locals Smoke: can pipe is the most common way i guess

Strangest Way Ever Smoked: lightbulb

Best Smoking Myth Ever Heard: marijuana is a gateway drug... :/


Well-Known Member
Where: Anywhere as long as not in the public eye (that way it's legal for medical marijuana).

Why: Migraines & Stress (i have OCD)

Way the Locals smoke: any way they can (live in the boonies)

Strangies Way I've Ever Smoked: Mega party hookah

Best Smoking Method: Good Old Fashioned Bong