
Well-Known Member
Congrats of getting/returning to, a job...... I feels better to smoke when you've made some money during the day..... a nice reward....
thanks twist, i was definitely stressing. been a month since i got paid and my benefits ended more abruptly than i had expected. the wife is happy too since shes 6 mos prego and working on her feet as a waitress all day. so i am glad i am being her big strong man again lol. oh yeah being able to buy a little herbage is sweet indeed.:clap:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my dog started into respiratory failure and had to be put down all happened inside two weeks he was twelve tri colored chijuajua


New Member
I am a registered border collie breeder and I have never really been around a little dog. did not really like little daughter got this peeka poo and love this little dog to death. she is a nut.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I am a registered border collie breeder and I have never really been around a little dog. did not really like little daughter got this peeka poo and love this little dog to death. she is a nut.
i grew up with a red doberman who would of thought id go for the little dogs:shock:


Well-Known Member
I've got parrots that will out-live me, I hope.

It sucks burying a loved one. My aunt and uncle died 6 months apart. We buried uncle on the 24th of Feb.


Active Member
my brother died last june....I've got him on the mantel...:)
maybe its all the norco im on but i almost cryed just thinking about my lil brother dying... im so sorry man i know i wouldnt be able to dedicating my next bowl/blunt to him...what was his name