Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

Hormone uptake?? Through the root system?? The roots don't transport all this complex stuff that ppl seem to think they do.. They primary uptake ions via a proton gradient.. Aside from that and water, not that much at all makes it up the xylem.. Anything complex that you add to your root system is to improve the soil ecosystem.. Microbes can use them as an energy source to produce more salts/ions..
And H2O2 can backfire pretty bad on the microbes.. CaO2 will buffer against those problems..
Unless your hormone is to act directly on root tissue, then applying it at root level is a waste or a scam (unless it isn't actually hormone).. By definition, a hormone is something that the plant can produce internally.. Typically the direction of travel is downwards.. Thats why they're typically applied to new foliage/stems..

I agree.. at the moment as per my dose schedual... carbs and sugars are my primary.. the induction of.... MAINLY FOLIA APPLICATION. Have used Cytokinins with in the watering program....
My understanding......
Auxin would be released when a root or shoot meristematic (young) cell finds that it contains more than enough shoot derived nutrients mainly sugar, and all other environmental conditions are favorable for growth.
and travel in southern direction only.
Cytokinin would be made when meristematic cells are bathed in more than enough nutrients of the sort normally provided by the root, mainly water and minerals and all other conditions are favorable for growth.
Northly direction only.
Gibberellin/Brassinostreroid would be made when mature cells have less than enough shoot nutrients, i.e. sugar and Oxygen to survive especially if environmental conditions are poor.
found in all areas especially new growth.
true to an extent but still not true

if that was entirely the case people couldnt water with sugar water and make there shit taste like crap but weigh more. and other things of the sort... and aldo if that was the case y do most hydrophonic solutions contain them????

truth is they can absorb a certain amount of anything it may kill it but it will draw some up none the less.. providing its nt to acidic and just fry it lol....

these are just two things that should help you think otherwise.... also different application plays a part when working with hormones....

sorry for the shitty examples i tried to make a long story short.... but to put it simply i disagree yet agree with you on that statement :)

$12.95US - 100ml 6-BEN as solution ! - thats cheap ! and in a good quantity... i could only find 1ltr as smallest....
Once I have all of these chemicals inline, I will do a proper experiment with photos every 2 days, use 10-15 SOG type plants of same strain.....
My spread sheet is geting there, still a long way off....
I'm curious about using h2o2, I always thought it was more of a hydro thing as it kills all the goodies in the soil mix.
We discussed it's use when I was doing my masters at uni about 2 years ago, but that was mainly about it's use in infection control.
I add Tarantula and Piranha with mollasses to my soil substrate and H202 would destroy them all.
I also aerate my water after letting it sit in the sun for an hour (1 hour is long enough to dissipate the chlorine) to add more oxygen to the soil.
Hydro typically aims for sterility, hence the abundance of H2O2.. To keep the soil happy you need to provide it in slow release form, hence CaO2.. Its a proven agricultural additive, and you can make it with H2O2 and lime, but its cheaper to buy I think..
Soils love fresh atmospheric air if you can find a way to pump it in somewhat.. That has oxygen, and nitrogen for the N-fixers..
Hydro typically aims for sterility, hence the abundance of H2O2.. To keep the soil happy you need to provide it in slow release form, hence CaO2.. Its a proven agricultural additive, and you can make it with H2O2 and lime, but its cheaper to buy I think..
Soils love fresh atmospheric air if you can find a way to pump it in somewhat.. That has oxygen, and nitrogen for the N-fixers..
That's why I aerate my water. Haven't heard of Ca02 so I'll check it out, but does it affect the benificial mycrobes?

(out doors - I run by a old theory - "feed the soil not the plant")

spiked...."masters at uni about 2 years ago" WHAT IN ?
Just started my cert 1 in Horticulture / modern technology !
Hormone uptake?? Through the root system?? The roots don't transport all this complex stuff that ppl seem to think they do.. They primary uptake ions via a proton gradient.. Aside from that and water, not that much at all makes it up the xylem.. Anything complex that you add to your root system is to improve the soil ecosystem.. Microbes can use them as an energy source to produce more salts/ions..
And H2O2 can backfire pretty bad on the microbes.. CaO2 will buffer against those problems..
Unless your hormone is to act directly on root tissue, then applying it at root level is a waste or a scam (unless it isn't actually hormone).. By definition, a hormone is something that the plant can produce internally.. Typically the direction of travel is downwards.. Thats why they're typically applied to new foliage/stems..
Man you said that really well, the only hormones I have used are with penetrator and foliar sprayed. I guess that's why the instructions say to foliar spray. Makes sense.bongsmilie

(out doors - I run by a old theory - "feed the soil not the plant")

spiked...."masters at uni about 2 years ago" WHAT IN ?
Just started my cert 1 in Horticulture / modern technology !
Lets just say I'm in the Dental field, I don't want to give too much away on a public site, I could lose my license to practice.bongsmilie
Even indoors I do organic and like to feed the soil and not the plant.
That's why I have my own worm farm and use Tarantula and Piranha with mollasses to help feed them.
I've been experimenting with feeding my worms certain foods high in either N,P or K.
But this is more a long term experiment, especially now as I've been fighting a soldier fly infestation for 4 months now, they lay around 500 eggs through the vent holes and the larvae eat everything voratiously but dont produce castings, just a sloppy mess.
Damn Queensland, the global world of bugs.
So eza, how did that amazing plant go.
I experimented with a tanning light, 5x 25cm tubes putting out 290 to 400 nm on a lowrider 2 but it got severely sunburnt from too much exposure, then I accidently mixed it in with other buds so not sure if it worked.
So eza, how did that amazing plant go.
I experimented with a tanning light, 5x 25cm tubes putting out 290 to 400 nm on a lowrider 2 but it got severely sunburnt from too much exposure, then I accidently mixed it in with other buds so not sure if it worked.

These will come off next week...thursday ! (this was about a week ago !)
My guess is i have broken my previous record of a 28grm crown (dry)...
My prediction is both crown`s = 35grm+ dry
nice pics!

here is my noob question :
i have the full range of canadian xpress nutes. http://www.canadianxpress.com/
do i need either a PGR (like rock juice) or a silica additive (like budlink) as i dont believe i have either in my mix.

What do you want to achieve ????
I found that Rock juice stopped growth of the palnt and put all its energy into flower ! So it didnt gain another CM after final application... so i would leave that till late in the cycle...
I would JUST use SILCA (its cheap in comparison).. and PK13-14...
Candian express they are pretty complete...
these suggestions are just wieght additives ! Neither are hormones....
If you want hormones thats different again !
(though there is trace auxin and cytokinins in rock juice )