OK babies KiloBit's back and raring to go...decided not start a new journal for Rosalyn and/or Tina we'll continue on right from here, I think it'll be OK with everyone
wait, wait, before we start...someone said that Pam was, "the best fecking smoke, I've ever had!"

first off..fecking UPS dropped the ball on my new aerators so we still haven't been able to finish and move Rosalyn to the new bloom room, so that we can concentrate on Tina a little and not have too many problems with the fecking lights...as you can see we had to go and buy some PVC for Tina's home so that she wouldn't stretch to a Twiggy type plant....thinking this is not such a bad idea except for the roots of the younger plant having to travel farther to get into the tub...we will NOT be allowed another grow hut, well the wifey's got a point, so we'll have to manage with the two...hoping once we get rolling by end of year we should be able to harvest at minimum every two months, but we're hoping for every month....that's right one plant per month, that should sustain us well......don't know if it will fly, you know, one sick plant and the cycle gets fecked, but we will attempt anyhow
hold up, going to roll and toke a bit......OK back again...
I didn't get a real close up of Rosalyn, but at some point in the course of the next few weeks you will learn that we fimmed her and she has TWO bigguns and we hope they both yield well..and as you can see, Tina is a very healthy clone of Rosalyn..woohoo
alright, some pics of the new bloom room setup, the cabinet's the same but everything else is being redone....first off we installed the same lighting as in the grow hole...Sun Susyem New Wave T5 2 foot 4 bulbs 2 veg, 2 bloom...one tub will be replaced by two containers..this will eliminate the tangeled roots problem and other shite in the event our cycle hits and one plant moves out while one moves in...we replaced the fecking fan yet again, but this time we went with the 12 Volt metherfeckers and let me tell ya son, they are whisper quiet...put some carbon filter on the exhaust side of the one fan to help with any odor..will they do the job?...only time will tell my friends...we also went with the anchored hooks into the cabinet shelf trick and will be ordering a more convenient way of raising and lower the lighting, although, once in the bloom there should be little adjustment required, actually it could be used move productivley in the grow hole, yeah that's what we'll do.....now we may use the top of the shelf for some clone growing, but we haven't decided that yet, don't want to risk a tip-over or some shite as the cabinet is raised for easier drainage and maintenance
so the plan is...when the aerators arrive, install them and move Rosalyn to the bloom room..we won't induce bloom, but move her so that Tina can get her roots into the tub, ahhhh soak them babies.....

...and we want to start some White Rhino....
Oh shite I forgot, Rosalyn is now 33 days and Tina is...?...well I really don't know what the feck to say on this

how do you tell a clones age?...when it's cut?....when it starts to root? and if so how fecking old is she at that point?
later everyone, peace....