Do you believe in God?

Do you believe there is a God?

  • YES, I believe there is a God/creator

    Votes: 92 46.2%
  • NO, I do not believe there is a God/creator

    Votes: 107 53.8%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
The book only is false by a false teacher of which the world has proven.

Prove to me that there is no can't so there goes your proof.

And those that desire proof of and you will find.


New Member
The book is false dummy because it is full of inconsistencies. It is quite obvious that it has been tampered with many many times.... get your head out of your arse. Have you ever read the dam thing? I have.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Holy mackerel, just go read my previous posts on Paul... I don't chew my cabbage twice.

By the way, which VERSION of the Bible are you reading??? nuff said...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Everthing paul wrote was right on the mark...your theory is wrong and i read the king james version.

translations means nothing...its the understanding of whays written that matters.

There is a book within the book and you read the book of bondage.


Well-Known Member
I like Buddhism.
It's all about self. :)

Enlighten ones self, becoming the best you can become.
No god. No Rules. No eternal damnation.

Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Everthing paul wrote was right on the mark...your theory is wrong and i read the king james version.

translations means nothing...its the understanding of whays written that matters.

There is a book within the book and you read the book of bondage.
If the translation is screwed up and the book says things that it didn't say before that means the meaning is changed.......When you change words it means the meaning changes......

for example.....

"I want to go to the store" means, "I want to go to the store"
but "I want to pray to a fake god" means something completely different than "I want to go to the store"

see what I did there? I changed words and made a completely new sentence with an entirely different meaning!!!

You really believe no one did that to the bible?
than your naive


Well-Known Member
u just cant change every ones mind. u cant blame them for not wanting to believe that they're just worm food lol ...
actually ... yes you can. cuz religion is fucking ridiculous :)


Well-Known Member
I thought I would re-post this on this thread as well. What words can not say pictures do very well. :peace:
Maybe you should ask yourself the same questions. I thought I would showcase a little Faith in the Lord . . . .

This is a little girl who was caught in a bomb blast set off in India 2008. The Hindus and Muslims have been fighting for years. Keep the Faith!

A heart warming photo the result of Israeli airstrikes. Praise the Lord! Keep that Faith strong!

Body is carted away after a bombing in Belfast Northern Ireland. Funny thing is BOTH these guys believe in the same God AND Jesus! Our Faith must remain strong!

An Image that "Hits Home" quite literally need little explanation. Our Faith must remain strong in these times of trial!

And here we are today with our great Christian visionary leader! So keep the Faith?

I am not posting these to be gruesome but rather to point our exactly what Faith has given us. These are not the creations of any God or Satan; these are the creations of man.

What will you stand for?


New Member
u just cant change every ones mind. u cant blame them for not wanting to believe that they're just worm food lol ...
actually ... yes you can. cuz religion is fucking ridiculous :)
I am certainly NOT trying to change Pillar & Co.'s ill informed minds...they are too far down the rabbit hole to see the true light.
My posts are for all of those folks who may read this thread and not post (majority). Some of them may not have access to the truth and at least here on RIU (:clap:), they can read the real truth unfiltered an unadulterated. :peace:

And TY for reposting those pics of religious love NG. You may squeeze your cupie doll twice (gently) :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Prove there IS one. And ya can't use a fictitious third edition book as yer reference.


Thats what I try to tell people all the time Stoney. If GOD is the creator of everything, how is it that you can give him a name, tell me where he resides, give me a time frame of when he's coming back? Wouldn't that make you smarter than god?

sorry I hi-jacked your convo!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You didn't.Welcome to the discussion.I'm just riding pillar until he admits he doesn't know what he's saying.
Thats what I try to tell people all the time Stoney. If GOD is the creator of everything, how is it that you can give him a name, tell me where he resides, give me a time frame of when he's coming back? Wouldn't that make you smarter than god?

sorry I hi-jacked your convo!


Well-Known Member
God is a consuming fire...this be the day that God is going to burn up the things that are false...thus creating a new heaven and earth.

Do not be caught in the fire.
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