How To Make Hash Oil From Marijuana
Hash oil is the most potent form of cannabis available. If you are a marijuana or hashish smoker, you have probably smoked hash oil before. If not, you've heard how strong it is compared to marijuana.
Until recently obtaining hash oil has been difficult, and actually making hash oil has been the domain of chemists and other people who were familiar with extracting psychoactive compounds from cannabis plant material.
For a visual demonstration of the procedure for making honey oil described on this page, visit
youtube and do a search for
how to make hash oil. There are several videos that show the process.
When working with isopropyl alcohol (an optional step with this method), make sure that it only comes into contact with glass. Isopropyl alcohol can extract harmful chemicals from plastic and similar materials.
How To Make Honey Oil From Marijuana
The butane extraction method of making hash oil is based on supercritical fluid extraction. It uses totally over-the-counter butane gas as the extraction solvent, and requires nothing even remotely suspicious or difficult to purchase.
Butane and carbon dioxide (perhaps other solvent/gas combinations with similar ultra-low-boiling properties) selectively solvate the desirable fraction(s) of cannabis oils, pulling out only a beautiful amber honey oil and leaving the undesirable vegetative oils, waxes, chlorophyll, etc. behind in the plant matter.
The most important thing to remember is to work outdoors away from people, animals and anything else that might catch fire or be injured if the butane comes into contact with any ignition source. Butane is highly flammable, work away from anything that might produce a spark. Make sure you are the only victim, if anything goes wrong.
Materials Needed:
Butane, 300 grams per ounce of marijuana
Coffee filter
Marijuana, 7 grams to 28 grams
Pipe, about 1.75 inch outer diameter, 12 inches long
Pyrex baking dish
Two end caps for the pipe
Vials or small container to store hash oil
Isopropyl alcohol (optional)
Butane for refilling lighters can be purchased at smoke shops. Butane for camping stoves can be purchased at camping supply stores. Either type is suitable for making hash oil. If you have any problem locating a supply for butane you can find some by searching through
You will need 300 grams (about 10.5 ounces by weight) of butane for each ounce of marijuana you intend to process. If you are going to process less than an ounce, it is recommended that you still use 300 grams of butane.
You are trying to extract the oil from the marijuana. Coffee filter is needed as a filter in one end of the pipe to prevent marijuana from escaping into the hash oil, as it exits the pipe.
The amount of marijuana can vary from 7 grams (1/4 ounce) to 28 grams (1 ounce). I always use an ounce, but you may want to attempt a smaller amount on your first try. If you plan on processing more than an ounce of marijuana, do it an ounce at a time.
Shade leaves and shake will produce a wonderfully clean and potent gold oil with this method (so if you grow, save the leaves you trim off your plants). You can also extract potent hash oil from bad tasting marijuana too. But bear in mind, a better grade of marijuana will produce a larger yield of hash oil.
I usually use bud from good marijuana to produce hash oil. The estimated THC content of the marijuana has varied from about 8%-12% THC. Not super potent but a fairly good grade. The return is about 4-5 grams of hash oil per ounce of marijuana. An ounce of shade leaves or shake will yield about 1-3 grams of hash oil.
The pipe you utilize should be about 1 foot (12 inches) long with a 1.75 (one and three-quarter) inch outer diameter (o.d.). Threaded pipe is not necessary, get end caps designed for the 1.75 inch outer diameter pipe you are working with and they will fit snugly over the ends. Some people prefer plastic or metal pipe because PVC might release chemicals when exposed to butane.
Metal pipe is by far the worst, it can easily create a spark that would be disastrous. There is a product called the
honey bee extractor available for the purpose of making hash oil from marijuana. The manufacturer says it is made of space age plastic that does not release chemicals when exposed to butane. I've tried it, and it works, but the price is about $50 (US funds).
Butane is very cold, a
pyrex baking dish is recommended for this procedure because it is made to withstand extreme temperatures that would break most other types of materials. I purchased a
set of two pyrex baking dishes exclusively for making hash oil.
One of them measures 11 inches by 7 inches by 1.5 inches. The other is 13 inches by 9 inches by 2 inches. It is best to stick with a container somewhere near these sizes or larger, rather than smaller. This is to ensure that no hash oil is lost because the container was too small and some splashed up and over the side.
Glass vials with screw caps are a good means of storing hash oil. The size you get will depend on the amount of oil you plan on producing. But in general, a larger vial is easier to work with. 1 ounce vials with screw tops are a good choice but some people like them as small as 1-5 grams.
A 1 ounce vial is good if you are going to dissolve the hash oil you produce with isopropyl alcohol. After the oil in the pyrex dishes has been mixed with isopropyl alcohol, it can be poured into the vials and the alcohol will evaporate. This step is an optional step described below.
1) In one of the PVC end caps, drill a single small hole in the center. This hole should be correctly sized to snugly receive the little outlet nozzle of your butane can.
2) In the other end cap, drill a group of 5 or 6 small holes clustered in the center (like a pepper shaker). The honey oil will be collected from these holes.
3) After putting a piece of paper towel or coffee filter inside it for filtration (to keep plant material from exiting with the oil), put the end cap with several holes on one end of the pipe. Push it on there real tight. This is the bottom.
4) Fill the pipe up with plant matter that has been pulverized into a coarse powder with an herb grinder, or by some other method. You want it filled, but not packed down. Fill the pipe with 7 grams (1/4 ounce) to 28 grams (1 ounce) of marijuana.
5) Place the top end cap on the pipe. Again, push it on as securely as you can by hand.
6) Find a location
outdoors with a decent breeze. You want these butane fumes to be quickly carried away.
6a) Hold the pipe (single hole facing up) over the pyrex baking dish. Position the bottom end of the pipe about 1-2 inches over the pyrex dish to eliminate splatter loss.
7) Turn the butane gas can upside down and dispense the gas into the pipe via the single top hole. Be brave, swift, and careful. A spark at this moment would spell disaster, since you have basically created an incendiary explosive device that is leaking.

The butane moves down the pipe, extracting the cannabis oil as it goes. When it gets to the bottom, it begins to drain into the receiving vessel. Notice the pale yellow-green-gold hue of the extract.
After a few minutes, the butane extract will finish draining from the pipe to the receiving vessel. Maintain caution with the pipe, however, since there is a lot of residual butane still evaporating from within the pipe (notice the stream of fumes coming from the top hole).
When it slows down to a drop every few seconds, you can tap on the top hole with your finger and it will help push the last of the liquid butane out (or one can gently blow into the top hole to do the same thing). Remember, no smoking, unless you wish to immolate yourself in grand fashion.
Being very low boiling and volatile, the collected butane will likely begin boiling at ambient temperature.
The pyrex vessel will gradually frost up as the butane cools it down, slowing down its rate of evaporation, but you can speed this up by holding it in your hands. A better way is to set it in a saucepan containing a little bit of warm water.
Watch the butane start bubbling madly with the increase in temperature and marvel at its low boiling point. Again, do this outdoors with a nice breeze!
You may have to repeat the process several times if you have a lot of marijuana to process but the result is worth the effort. When more than 3-4 ounces of marijuana is being converted to oil, it is best to have 2 pyrex dishes and alternate the dish you extract into.
When you are finished, you can simply let the butane evaporate. It takes a minimum of 20 minutes for the butane to evaporate. Use a pyrex vessel with a flat bottom if you choose this method.
The honey oil will be fairly cohesive and can be scraped off and collected with a razor blade and stored, after the butane has fully evaporated.
An alternate method is to let all of the butane evaporate off and then redissolve the oil in some isopropyl alcohol (90% or higher), and then pour the mixture into a vial (or some other type of small container) and let it sit out for a day or more to allow the alcohol to evaporate.
Isopropyl alcohol is not as flammable as butane but fumes can ignite when exposed to a spark or flame, so be sure store it in an area that has some ventilation while the isopropyl alcohol evaporates. After evaporation, put the screw cap on the vial and store it in a cool dark area.
Trying to transfer the oil into a small container while it is still solvated by the butane is too risky. I learned the hard way about this, thanks to the volatile temperament of butane.
I had filled a vial almost all the way to the top and was preparing to drop those last couple drops in, so that cleverly, I could let the last of the butane evaporate from the vial and the oil would all be neatly contained.
But when the last drop hit the mother lode in the vial, it changed the temperature of the solution in the vial upward by a hair and it all super boiled out of the vial and onto my fingers, which of course startled me and caused me to drop the vial.
I suggest dissolving it in alcohol as I mentioned above. If you can get pure or 99% isopropyl alcohol (also isopropanol and sold as rubbing alcohol), use it, because THC's photosensitivity reportedly does not occur in isopropyl alcohol.
The final product is a deep yellow-amber oil of the highest quality, incredibly pure and potent. I remember well some of the prime honey oil hash oils that hit the market in the late 1970s, and this stuff stands up to (if not exceeds) any of them.
It's amazing how this method extracts only the good fraction and leaves the junk in the weed. But that's exactly what it does. The color of the oil isn't as see-through as traditional honey oil but it is just as potent.
Because it is so fresh, it may be even more potent than any oil you may have tried before. Hash oil will degrade in less than a year. Only make as much as you will consume in a few months.
Note also that this oil has a somewhat higher melt/vaporization point than traditional hash oils. The traditional dispensing method (dipping a needle or paper clip in, getting some oil on the end, and warming it with a flame to get it to drip off) still works with this stuff.
However, it seems you have to be more careful with it because it doesn't heat to liquid state as quickly or in the same manner. It can easily be burned up on your needle if you are used to hash oil that is produced using other solvents. So be careful.
I also observed that unlike honey oil derived from traditional methods, this product is not immediately soluble in room-temp alcohol. It needed to be warmed before it dissolved fully.
Never try to produce hash or hash oil from marijuana seeds, they contain very little or no psychoactive compounds and will only add impurities to the final product. If a seed or two accidentally gets mixed in the marijuana you are working with, don't worry, but keep the seeds to a minimum.
For your first attempt you can try filling up the pipe with leaves, stem, and other marijuana by-products that would otherwise not be good for smoking. You should get something.
When growing marijuana, most people throw away leaves that dry up or are cut during regular plant maintenance. This is a good way to experiment with something that would otherwise end up in the garbage. During the veg phase, the plant will not produce much THC. Leaves collected when the plant is flowering should be utilized for making hash oil.
If you like the results, you can try making larger amounts of oil using good bud instead of leaves. Making honey oil out of marijuana is recommended for anyone, but because of the small return a large amount of weed will be needed to produce a substantial amount of oil.