pot size?

Team Green

Active Member
hey im new to the site and just started to grow one, its about 2 weeks in and is in just a normal plastic cup.. what would be the smallest pot size that could hold the plant fully grown?.

the reason im asking the smllest is because i have a few pots laying around but dont know if their big enough

can someone help??


New Member
The pot size will determine the overall size of the adult plant. This is how bonsai is achieved and "baby corn" in chinese food...(yumm).

I routinely grow smaller plants in 1 gallon pots because they are easy to hide outdoors. You can expect about a 2 foot tall plant from a one. Double that for a 3 gallon and so on.


out. :blsmoke:

Team Green

Active Member
well like i said i just started.. and the plant is only 2 weeks old..its indoors right now in my closet.. and once i gets bigger im prob going to mmove it outside.

but a 1 gallon bucket can hold a fully grown plant w.o any problems?... im probably going for a 3 gallon one or larger,, im just curious on all the possiblities


New Member
A 1 gallon can absoultely produce just as fine a plant as a 3 gallon. it will be smaller however. It all depends on your need and or location. If you want to go whole hog then dig out a 20 gallon hole in the ground, fill it with rich soil and stand back for the monster that will appear. :mrgreen:

I like to grow in 1's and 3's..... They always come out the same in quality, just not in harvest amount.


out. :blsmoke:

Team Green

Active Member
yeah thats prob a good idea. like since i get all seasons here in rhode island its too cold to put outside yet so i have to keep it inside for now. but in a few more days i might upgrade buckets. and then hopefully it will be warm enough to bring outside


Well-Known Member
I would not go under 3 gallons.. I would suggest 5 -7 gallons if you have the space.. 10 if you really have the room

Gives those roots tons of room... lets you grow bigger and therefore yield more

Now if you are strapped for space under 3 gallons would be ok... but I would not do it

Just my opinion though, to each his own


Team Green

Active Member
yeah like right now im short on space.. but once it gets warmer i can move it outside in some woods . now another question

when i move it outside.. should i.. dig a whole in ground and plant it in there.. dig a whole put the pot in the whole so its not suspicious or just keep the pot aboveground?


New Member
You'll have better water retention by putting it in the ground. It depends on how often you are going to visit it.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a put em in a big pot like 3-10 gallons then put it in a trash can filled with soil and put it outside...it might take a while but you'll have a monster sized plant


New Member
It really depends on your situation. Big containers produce big plants...and vice versa. Big plants are more noticeable than small ones, but you get more.

Yin and Yang prevail in most situations. It comes down to your preferences. In the end you can grow a nice cola in a paper cup if you want to, or a 10 foot monster in a 25 gallon pot.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Lol heck yea they'll be smelling that shit like 4 blocks away hahaha but you will get a freaking monster and alot of budds