my girls need help. pics to see


Well-Known Member
my pictures aint the best so ill try and explain it for you.. i have two grow rooms one room as c45 weed and the other has got cheese but here's my problem the cheese plants will not grow this is my 4th attempt and so far every one has faild but in the other room where the c45 is they grow fantasic, ive had 7 crops of the c45, anway back to the problem In the cheese room i have a 600watt hps light, 4inch fan with a 4inch carbon filter and the size of my room is about a metre and half by 2m. The problem is after 1 week of growing the leaves start turning yellow then brown, ive never had this problem in room 2 but in room 2 i use a 400 watt hps light dose that make a diffrence?. i cant work out what the problem is my ppm is between 1.8-2.2, ph level is 5.8 and i grow in a hydroponics system using clay balls. on the 600watt hps light i bought a light deflecter to bloke out full ray of the light because i thought it was burning them.. temperture is 80 f = 28 degrees i dont know wat to do now ive tryed most thigs to help them but every one has faild. i will get better pictures tomorrow i had to use the phone cam i didnt have time to get the digital cam out.. please get back and tell me what you think could be the problem!



Well-Known Member
What nutrients are you using? That plant looks deficient. Both N and I think in the 3rd pic I see a cal deficiency. When the the tips are not "burnt" but yellowing back it is usually an N deficiency. With the necrosis and yellowing of the the leaves from the leaf palm going out to the tips indicates cal/mag def. I think maybe increasing the nutrient dose slightly might be something to try out. Also, Cal-Mag plus from botanicare seems to take care of cal-mag deficiencies. Some plants just eat more than others.


Well-Known Member
i did use vita link grow but i changed it to optimum grow it say ad 4ml to every litre so thats what i did. i will try what you sed by putting more neuts in because these are my 4th attempt. its the same problem all the time with these plants. ive got to crack the problem i cant let this defeat me.


Well-Known Member
i did use vita link grow but i changed it to optimum grow it say ad 4ml to every litre so thats what i did. i will try what you sed by putting more neuts in because these are my 4th attempt. its the same problem all the time with these plants. ive got to crack the problem i cant let this defeat me.

Just add gradually, (like 1ml extra at a time). This way you can watch the plant for improvements. Also, a little cal-mag type supplement could help. I have also been using super thrive and it seems to help especially when the plants are stressed. Some strains just simply take more work, usually they are worth it..LOL.


Well-Known Member
sound mate i will try it and ill let you know if they are improveing. what should i use for cal-mag ive never come across that before.. i shal use super thrive aswell to help with the stress, no doubt my plants are stressed now.


Active Member
Probably nitrogen deficiency. Just water em with a solid veg fertilizer, something like Age Old grow. In my opinion its the best fertilizer for veg. Ive used it as a stand alone nutrient for both soil and hydro and needed nothing else and never had a deficiency in veg. I switch to the bloom fertilizer in flower and also use the foxfarm essential oils concentrates. It also helps to use kelp, it helps the plants absorb the nutrients faster.


Well-Known Member
sound mate i will try it and ill let you know if they are improveing. what should i use for cal-mag ive never come across that before.. i shal use super thrive aswell to help with the stress, no doubt my plants are stressed now.
1/2 tsp of epsom salts to 1 gl of water will help with the cal/mag.

***More is NOT better of the epsom salts. Also make sure is is Epsom salts, there is a huge difference between table salts and epsom.***


Well-Known Member
will do were do i get it from,will the local super market sell epsom salt?
I would think so. But I am in the states so I have no clue what is common there in the UK. It is used for foot soak etc.. they should have it.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
You said your only having this problem with one strain, right?
Long term, I say find a new strain.
Short term, I say add a little epsom and see if that fixes it. (Results take time)
I don't think Nitrogen is an issue because that usually shows in older leaves first.


Well-Known Member
ive flushed my system and added fresh neuts and epsom salt , when do you start to see improvement?


Well-Known Member
ive flushed my system and added fresh neuts and epsom salt , when do you start to see improvement?

Should be over several days. I would flush the system again in 3/4 days. I Had an incredible cal deficiency with my misty (grown in hempy) I ended up using 1/4 tsp to gal for foiler feed of the Epsom salt. This combined with the low dosage in the nutrient solution helped to correct most of the problem (mine was severe). I have had even better results since using cal-mag plus from botanicare.


Well-Known Member
sound mate i will keep ya updated with the babys and let you know if they are improveing


Well-Known Member
More N. I think. Remember, look for healthy new growth. Only sometimes do old leaves repair a little. Maybe gradually increase your nitrogen till this goes away. Man, seems like this strain is just difficult.

They are only showing signs of either not enough food, or wrong ph for uptake...


Well-Known Member
even the new leafs that are coming out are turnin yellowish before they even open but i have increased the nuets my ec level is 2.8, ph level is 6.0. 4th attempt aswell this is its doing my heading if this one dosent recover i aint rowing this type of plant again in this room lol.


Well-Known Member
even the new leafs that are coming out are turnin yellowish before they even open but i have increased the nuets my ec level is 2.8, ph level is 6.0. 4th attempt aswell this is its doing my heading if this one dosent recover i aint rowing this type of plant again in this room lol.
Ya, I had some problems with my misty. I finally got that figured out and now its on its last round. LOL. I like variety so I only do a few rounds of the same thing. Those cheese strains sound yummy. I really need to try and get some to try out before doing my own.