Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
I think you could cut the roots as long as the plants are not very old. They will just grow new roots.

Here is another idea that is not as risky as it sounds. If the male is from a really good strain keep it. Here is what you do.

Cut it way back so it only has a couple of decent branches. Keep them small. Now watch the plant closely. When you see male flowers you have about a week before they are ripe enough to produce pollen.

So watch the balls and as soon as they are big but still green pick them off and put them in a glass of water. Make sure you pick off all the male flowers! It's really not a big deal when the plants are small.

Put the flowers under the sink with a small light. Just enough to keep it alive.

The male flowers will turn yellow and open up. Take a smooth plate and shake the male flowers over the plate. You will see the pollen fall onto the plate.

Now take a small art brush and dip it in the pollen. Go into your flower room and paint the pollen on some of the lower buds. Only paint it on a few of the pistils.

You just created your first original strain.

I just mixed my Skunk #11 with my Blueberry, Purple Silver and Goo. I have two "Sour Blueberry", two "Sour Purple" and one "Sour Goo":-P...

I'm excited to see how they will come out. I'll let you guys know.
thanks stink
as all ways you come thruogh


Well-Known Member
thanks will be haven the ol lady get some for me.:leaf:
you mean i was suppose to ask the wife lol
i have sprayers from home depot they spin too i have the easy clone 360's just waitting to harvest to change them
the home depot ones stoped up all the time untill the pantyhose


Well-Known Member
california is in trouble because they want to give everything to everyone for free.....they give free college to illegal aliens
im confused on if u get caught by the government and arent legal why dont they just deport u?.......how can illegal people get anything without being sent back?
They get all the free healthcare they want. It's federal law for Emergency Room's to treat regardless of ability to pay. I am so sick of our healthcare system going to shit and, at least in one state close to california, the illegals are 100% to blame. In the meantime, normal citizens can't even use the ER because they don't have enough ability to pay (though yeah, they are ABLE to pay, they just can't afford it), but they can be tracked down and turned over to creditors.

Sorry. my two cents from being totally jaded in healthcare. Not the place or time for such a rant.


Well-Known Member
Hey I started some seeds under HO flourescent lights and they seem to be growing really slow. I was thinking it might be because the ballast I got was a one light one from home depot and that might have made the light less bright faster.


Well-Known Member
im trying to understand the........(i live in neast ohio so bare with me)........
police pull u over or comes up to u when doing something wrong..............
police: sir u were speeding can i see ur drivers licence...
illegal: sorry i dont have it with me.
police: ok ur soc. security number
illegal: (he says he has none or it doesnt check out)
police: ur under arrest
how can a police officer do anything without checking your statis?


Well-Known Member
dvd will be worth the price imho
already have the areo cloner and the veg areo system
building another veg unit and 4 flowering systems....4.75 inch by 4 foot long each doing 4 units each for a total of 32 plants.....want 4 foot monsters


Active Member
Man, this ain't fair. I've been reading for more than a day now. I'm barely on page 150. There's over 350 pages at this time. I'll never get caught up.

Thanks Stinkbud for all your insight. I had wanted to grow before. Reading this thread has made me interested again. that and my roomate is finally gone.

The system looks great. I'd hate to jump in and start asking questions without having read the whole thread so I'll hold my questions.

I may as well start planting my seeds though since I don't know anyone in Los Angeles with clones to spare. Or anyone that grows for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Hey stinkbuddys, I know this isnt pertaining to this thread that much but everyone here is so knowledgeable and I know I will actually get answered.(It just shows you how much everyone really cares in this thread)
I am curently finishing building the aero/nft system while my current crop finishes up.
This is what my questions are about.
I am growing Thai x Skunk from AMS.
The AMS site says that this strain is mainly Indica.
Ive been having trouble beleiving this because number one, Thai is allmost a pure sativa strain and if I recall correctly Skunk strains are usually mostly sativa also.
Number two, I have been monoriting the plants characteristics very closely.
The plant has very thin and slender leaves and the fingers are spaced far apart.
The internodes are spaced farther apart and the plants are very branchy. Also the plants are very tall (one is 6ft tall and the other two are 5ft tall) and this is usually another trait of sativa plants.
So the question I have here is I am on my 6th week of flowering and there is no actual bud meat yet, just thousands of white pistils all over the plants. Do you guys think that everything looks normal for how far along they are in flowering.
I know some other Thai strains say they can take up nto 16wks to flower but I just wanted some other opinions to make sure nothing is wrong.
Thanks in advance!
If there is any indica in them I sure dont see it. lol
those are so sativa.:o


Active Member
im trying to understand the........(i live in neast ohio so bare with me)........
police pull u over or comes up to u when doing something wrong..............
police: sir u were speeding can i see ur drivers licence...
illegal: sorry i dont have it with me.
police: ok ur soc. security number
illegal: (he says he has none or it doesnt check out)
police: ur under arrest
how can a police officer do anything without checking your statis?
that is some bs but our laws (I'm in Ohio too) are a little less harsh than a lot of other illegal states, marijuana laws that is...where you at in Ohio man?


Well-Known Member
you mean i was suppose to ask the wife lol
i have sprayers from home depot they spin too i have the easy clone 360's just waitting to harvest to change them
the home depot ones stoped up all the time untill the pantyhose
I ordered mine from a hydro shop. the problem was It was site unseen when I orderd and they just sent those. they've worked great till I moved some big vegers to flower and some of the small roots got sacraficed to the pump god, lol. here is a pic



Well-Known Member
guys got a problem. when the lights in my flower section go out the roolly pollys or pill bugs do too. My temporary flower place is at a relatives root celler/ basement thing. anyway its kinda damp and dark there but Im adding more fans and all the grow lights are drying it out too. but the darn lil pillbugs keep getting up on my flower totes and are nibling at the lower section of the stems and climbing up the to eat small tender shouts and leaves. Ive been reading online about ways to solve this but there all for in dirt not aero. Most people say they only eat dead leaves but I watched them chewing away at my plants, before I flicked them off. and now they have babys. any sugestions other than buying spiders and geckos to eat them


Well-Known Member
ur gonna have a dvd out?

dude...your the man im glad i checked er once more..

how much $???
I have no idea yet how much it will cost. We haven't figured it out yet.

It's being recorded in HD. It will be offered on Blu-Ray and regular DVD.

I'm just finishing the tutorial on the cloner.


Well-Known Member
guys got a problem. when the lights in my flower section go out the roolly pollys or pill bugs do too. My temporary flower place is at a relatives root celler/ basement thing. anyway its kinda damp and dark there but Im adding more fans and all the grow lights are drying it out too. but the darn lil pillbugs keep getting up on my flower totes and are nibling at the lower section of the stems and climbing up the to eat small tender shouts and leaves. Ive been reading online about ways to solve this but there all for in dirt not aero. Most people say they only eat dead leaves but I watched them chewing away at my plants, before I flicked them off. and now they have babys. any sugestions other than buying spiders and geckos to eat them


Well-Known Member
All i know is my stinkbud ganja factory is off the hook!

Ive got clubs calling me to bring them some sweet organic medicine

Im seriously thinking about doubling up.


Well-Known Member
Stink, please could you tell me how you flush before harvest? You say you flush 'the hell out of them'? I'm coming towards harvest and my plants have never shown any signs of nute def so I'm a bit worried that they're going to have too many nutes in them....Mine should be ready to cut in about 4 weeks so I'm wondering what the process for flushing is?

Lately I've been running Clearex for the whole flush. Just drain your res and fill it with plain water. Add 150ml of clearex for a long flush. You can add twice that for a quicker flush.

I pulled my indicas at 9 weeks and I let my Sativas go another 10 days.

You can also just run straight water for two weeks.