Days to Germination for you?

Days to Germination for you?

  • 2 days

    Votes: 23 54.8%
  • 3-4 days

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • 5-8 days

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • 9-10 days

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
How many days dose it take for you to get a seed to germinate?
I'm going nuts wasting seeds that cost in excess of $15 a

I presoak. keep in the dark, humidity the whole thing and still screw it up and wastes time and money.

How many days have you gone long and they finally came up?


Well-Known Member
1-2 days typically in the ideal conditions: warm & moist.

I don't presoak... don't really care about absolute darkness either....

A week tops. Sometimes they just don't pop. You can try scoring them with a knife to help them pop open.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
1-2 days typically in the ideal conditions: warm & moist.

I don't presoak... don't really care about absolute darkness either....

A week tops. Sometimes they just don't pop. You can try scoring them with a knife to help them pop open.

I try to put them close to the surface and they still take forever


Well-Known Member
I use a single piece of paper towel, soak it(tap water), put seeds on it, fold in half, and half again, put it in an aluminum can(nearly cut the top off, leaving a hinge) and stick near a heat source (PC exhaust).

I have over 90% success(germ) doing this. Though all the seeds don't take after being put in soil. So probably 60-80% using bag seed. Higher using good seeds.

Plant them in yogurt(4-6 oz) cups(preference, they transplant really easy). Or cut(with a knife) an aluminum can in half... etc if I need to(bunch of bag seed in the paper towel). They're about perfect size for transplant into a 20 oz plastic soda bottle with the top cut off. I flower in these(from bag seed), take females and transplant to 1-3 gal containers. Kill the males.

Pretty much zero $ invested. Not all the plants are viable. Not a big deal. Can sprout to sex around a dozen per 26w CFL.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
I use a single piece of paper towel, soak it(tap water), put seeds on it, fold in half, and half again, put it in an aluminum can(nearly cut the top off, leaving a hinge) and stick near a heat source (PC exhaust).

I have over 90% success(germ) doing this. Though all the seeds don't take after being put in soil. So probably 60-80% using bag seed. Higher using good seeds.

Plant them in yogurt(4-6 oz) cups(preference, they transplant really easy). Or cut(with a knife) an aluminum can in half... etc if I need to(bunch of bag seed in the paper towel). They're about perfect size for transplant into a 20 oz plastic soda bottle with the top cut off. I flower in these(from bag seed), take females and transplant to 1-3 gal containers. Kill the males.

Pretty much zero $ invested. Not all the plants are viable. Not a big deal. Can sprout to sex around a dozen per 26w CFL.
Wow great info, thanks so much, rep point for you :wink:


Well-Known Member
i use an empty cd case with folded paper towels then put it in a zip lock ans store in a warm place. usually don't have problems germinating seeds.:leaf: Peace:leaf:


New Member
less than 24 hours for a taproot about 2-5 mm long. If you want results do the following..

1. soak seeds in a cup of tap water until they sink. One by one as they sink take them out ( take the ones that sink out immediately or at least within 2 hours or so after they sink so as not to drown them ) and place them in between MOIST ( NOT SOAKING WET.. YOU WILL JUST ROT YOUR SEEDS ) paper towel ( I use 2 paper towels folded 3-4 times to make it thick ) and place somewhere that is between 60f and 75f.. If the seeds are viable then within 24 hours the seeds will germinate and you will get a taproot and ready to plant. 100% success if the seeds are good.
Stay away from "heat sources" as this can EASILY "cook" your seeds.. Seeds do not take very much warmth to germinate and will easily just die and rot if you get them too warm and/or keep them too wet.

This is the way to do it.Dont listen to ppl that tell you otherwise.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
less than 24 hours for a taproot about 2-5 mm long. If you want results do the following..

1. soak seeds in a cup of tap water until they sink. One by one as they sink take them out ( take the ones that sink out immediately or at least within 2 hours or so after they sink so as not to drown them ) and place them in between MOIST ( NOT SOAKING WET.. YOU WILL JUST ROT YOUR SEEDS ) paper towel ( I use 2 paper towels folded 3-4 times to make it thick ) and place somewhere that is between 60f and 75f.. If the seeds are viable then within 24 hours the seeds will germinate and you will get a taproot and ready to plant. 100% success if the seeds are good.
Stay away from "heat sources" as this can EASILY "cook" your seeds.. Seeds do not take very much warmth to germinate and will easily just die and rot if you get them too warm and/or keep them too wet.

This is the way to do it.Dont listen to ppl that tell you otherwise.

:o O shit, I' think I cook my seed using a heating pad on high now at 48 hrs turn it to low.

Seeing a tail wanting to get out I repositioned them and lightly covered them in there Ferry Morse expanded pellets in between two Pyrex bowls

I'LL give them one more day. :?


New Member
I can tell you from experience that a heating pad will KILL your seeds quicker than anything. DO NOT USE any type of heating pad OR heat source unless your room is lower than 45f. Which I dont think is likely.I actually wasted about 20 seeds ( some nice seeds too.. Blueberry,White Widow etc ) using a heat pad until I FINALLY wised up and removed the heat from the equation. It doesnt take much heat to kill your seeds.. That and too much water. Mainly it was the heat that killed mine, but keeping them too wet is bad also.After they sink in the cup of water, imediately take the one(s) that sunk and just put them in the paper towels ( I like to put the moist but now soaking wet folded paper towels w/ the seeds into a small ziplock baggie but I DO NOT seal it shut.. I actually use the "smelly proof" ziplock that seeds are shipped in, but its not needed at all.. you dont really need to put the towels into anything.And then put them in a dresser drawer or something and leave em be for 12 hrs or so and check em. If the towels are dry just mist them slightly ( very slightly ). When they germ, I like to use Jiffy 7 Peat Pellets ( 5.00 from Home Depot/Walmart etc ) that comes with a dome and all.Make sure to wing out most of the excess water from the pellets after they expand and then use a nail or something to "fluff" the peat back up ( break it up really well ) and place the seeds only about 2-4mm deep. place the dome over them and now you can use the heat pad on LOW to place under the tray of jiffy pellets. I like to use a tupperware container with a little water in it and place the tupperware on top of the heat pad on LOW and then place the try of pellets on top of the deep tupperware container that has a lil water in it.. This will cause the heat to rise up and uniformly and SLIGHTLY heat up the tray causing a greenhouse effect. Keep the pellets moist but not wet wet. I like to mist the pellets and mist alot of water onto the tray so as to cause high humidity within the "dome o' dank".I have found that after they germ, if using peat pellets and a dome it sppeds up sprouting time to use A LITTLE HEAT.. LOW LOW HEAT ONLY though. But ONLY after they have germed.

You can do it however you want but if you want to do it right and have 100% success just follow that advice and you will be amazed. I made all the mistakes so you dont have to.


Major Tom

Well-Known Member
I can tell you from experience that a heating pad will KILL your seeds quicker than anything. DO NOT USE any type of heating pad OR heat source unless your room is lower than 45f. Which I dont think is likely.I actually wasted about 20 seeds ( some nice seeds too.. Blueberry,White Widow etc ) using a heat pad until I FINALLY wised up and removed the heat from the equation. It doesnt take much heat to kill your seeds.. That and too much water. Mainly it was the heat that killed mine, but keeping them too wet is bad also.After they sink in the cup of water, imediately take the one(s) that sunk and just put them in the paper towels ( I like to put the moist but now soaking wet folded paper towels w/ the seeds into a small ziplock baggie but I DO NOT seal it shut.. I actually use the "smelly proof" ziplock that seeds are shipped in, but its not needed at all.. you dont really need to put the towels into anything.And then put them in a dresser drawer or something and leave em be for 12 hrs or so and check em. If the towels are dry just mist them slightly ( very slightly ). When they germ, I like to use Jiffy 7 Peat Pellets ( 5.00 from Home Depot/Walmart etc ) that comes with a dome and all.Make sure to wing out most of the excess water from the pellets after they expand and then use a nail or something to "fluff" the peat back up ( break it up really well ) and place the seeds only about 2-4mm deep. place the dome over them and now you can use the heat pad on LOW to place under the tray of jiffy pellets. I like to use a tupperware container with a little water in it and place the tupperware on top of the heat pad on LOW and then place the try of pellets on top of the deep tupperware container that has a lil water in it.. This will cause the heat to rise up and uniformly and SLIGHTLY heat up the tray causing a greenhouse effect. Keep the pellets moist but not wet wet. I like to mist the pellets and mist alot of water onto the tray so as to cause high humidity within the "dome o' dank".I have found that after they germ, if using peat pellets and a dome it sppeds up sprouting time to use A LITTLE HEAT.. LOW LOW HEAT ONLY though. But ONLY after they have germed.

You can do it however you want but if you want to do it right and have 100% success just follow that advice and you will be amazed. I made all the mistakes so you dont have to.


Wow, that it amazing insight and rarely do I get such a valuable and time saving answer with such detail for success.

Thanks also to
The Germination
Processswas great too



Well-Known Member
all of my germ failures revolved around too much heat or water. i now soak 12-24 hours (until they sink), then paper towel 24-48 hours (until theres a taproot), then plant in moist but not soaked soil. all 3 steps take place in a kitchen cabinet that cant be more than 50 degrees. i dont put them under light until they break soil surface and i leave the humidome on until all seedlings have their first true set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
How many days dose it take for you to get a seed to germinate?
I'm going nuts wasting seeds that cost in excess of $15 a

I presoak. keep in the dark, humidity the whole thing and still screw it up and wastes time and money.

How many days have you gone long and they finally came up?
Tom I use these Super Starter Rubberized Moss is what I think the hydro supply guy said it was. Either way, u can just get them at any hydro place, They're called starter plugs. They're so much better than rockwool, IMO. U don't have to condition them like rockwool. U just put ur seed in it a lil pH balanced H20 and Voila, in less than 2 days u got ur sprout. Yes usually mine are sprouted by the 2nd day.

this pic was from 2 days after I placed the seed in the plug. And Here's a pic of it 2 days after that.

I don't presoak or nothing. just place seed in moist starter, which they naturally are. I keep mine in the fridge till I need them. Then let them come to room temp before using them. After u place seed, place a few drops of water and I use one of them seed starting humidifiers. They work good for clones also. So I spray the top of the tent and cover with a black plastic bag cover and within 48 hours all my seeds are sprouting over the surface of plug and ready for light. Around my way the plugs run $6.50 for 25 or $12 for 50. Check them out man I highly recommend them. -Dodge:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok my thread was closed but this is exactly what i was talking about.....NOOO....this isn't the only way to germinate...i germ my seeds in a wet paper towel in a zip lock bag and leave it on the back of my tv (over the vent for heat) over night and they are usually ready to go by morning...but that is just one way to do's NOT THE ONLY WAY......remember me? eh?.fuckhead?
That Dude comes off a lil rude, huh Digger? that's the only way to germinate? LMFAO! The way he's describing of germinating takes a long time for me. And only 3/4 of my seeds germinate. Now the starter plugs I use always germinate and are under lights 2 days after I placed the seed in the plug. Should I say then that that's the only way to germinate and not to listen to anyone else. One thing I've learned here is one man's remedy is another man's disaster. I wish people would state their OPINION, cause that's wat it is. That's what that dude needs to realize, he's giving info based on his own experience. Just like my expeience with paper towels were bad. So hey buddy it's only ur OPINION, Just like this is my opinion "DON'T BE SO FREAKIN COCKY!" Ur way is not the only way. That's why u have people like Digger attacking u.


Well-Known Member
I just use the paper towel method, wet paper towel in a baggie on a plate on heating pad that has about 2 inches of cloth towel on top of the pad, than a towel on top of the baggie, that way it only gets a little heat, like 80○ or so.
I get different results per different seed type. If I germ 6 seeds one usually pops a tap root in 12 hours and 2 or 3 will pop in 2 days and the rest in 3 to 4 days.
Seems to be that way for most seeds although I have had some take 10 days.
Dunno about using those peat starter things as I would have to wash off the peat to put in hydro, right?


New Member
whoever has a fucking prolblem with me or my posts can kiss my ass . I wwear I wish I could meet some of you lil bitch ass mfs in person..I NEVER said it was the only fuckng way. Im just trying to help the OP by telling MY way. So fuck you if you dont like it..I hope your fucking crops get spider mites that have crabs that have the clap. Bitch ass haters. This site has THE MOST assholes that think there the fucking kings of the world. Karma is a bitch, bitch. You will see.
Get a fucking life and get off my DICK ,faggot.


Well-Known Member
That Dude comes off a lil rude, huh Digger? that's the only way to germinate? LMFAO! The way he's describing of germinating takes a long time for me. And only 3/4 of my seeds germinate. Now the starter plugs I use always germinate and are under lights 2 days after I placed the seed in the plug. Should I say then that that's the only way to germinate and not to listen to anyone else. One thing I've learned here is one man's remedy is another man's disaster. I wish people would state their OPINION, cause that's wat it is. That's what that dude needs to realize, he's giving info based on his own experience. Just like my expeience with paper towels were bad. So hey buddy it's only ur OPINION, Just like this is my opinion "DON'T BE SO FREAKIN COCKY!" Ur way is not the only way. That's why u have people like Digger attacking u.
haha..the dude is trying to send me shit now..probably like a virus or i'm gonna open god...


New Member
if ur talking about me bitch, I aint sending you shit. But you should "watch your back" .. Just a lil helpful advice..


Well-Known Member
less than 24 hours for a taproot about 2-5 mm long. If you want results do the following..

1. soak seeds in a cup of tap water until they sink. One by one as they sink take them out ( take the ones that sink out immediately or at least within 2 hours or so after they sink so as not to drown them ) and place them in between MOIST ( NOT SOAKING WET.. YOU WILL JUST ROT YOUR SEEDS ) paper towel ( I use 2 paper towels folded 3-4 times to make it thick ) and place somewhere that is between 60f and 75f.. If the seeds are viable then within 24 hours the seeds will germinate and you will get a taproot and ready to plant. 100% success if the seeds are good.
Stay away from "heat sources" as this can EASILY "cook" your seeds.. Seeds do not take very much warmth to germinate and will easily just die and rot if you get them too warm and/or keep them too wet.

This is the way to do it.Dont listen to ppl that tell you otherwise.

Hold On first dude ur doin a lot of flappin about how u'd do this or that. no one's doin nothing cause no one knows where anyone lives. @nd u have just been quoted and I quote "his is the way to do it.Dont listen to ppl that tell you otherwise." So ur sayin u didn't say that but u did! read it 4 urself. And if ur a real man u'll admit ur mistake! If not save us all the blah blah blah tough guy b.s. I've done time in prison buddy so don't come barkin that B.S. u were rude and ur being rude now. So read ur post and then read the post where u say u didn't say exactly wat u did say!