Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Im very well baked ...........................

Grand Daddy Purple and a dollop of hash .

I feel like going fishing .. But NOT ICE fishing .. I'd like to be out in the ocean off Cobo St Lucas fishing for Blue Marlin


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Good Morning all. Just getting over the flu here. My loving family gave it to me. Feeling a bit better today and will try to smoke. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good Morning all. Just getting over the flu here. My loving family gave it to me. Feeling a bit better today and will try to smoke. bongsmilie

Good morning Chiceh ,, Nothing better than hacking up a lung 1st thing in the morning ,,It kinda sets the stage for a great day :blsmoke:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
You used the Gumby method ?

I love Hash I get mine from a Co op in Cali
froze the fresh trim into a bowel of ice water ,hand held mixer ,low 4-5 min strained the veg and rinsed into the bowel let it settle and pulled the extra water out with turkey baster ...use glass bowel..is this gumby method?:bigjoint:


New Member
Good morning all.... happy valentines day!! Hugs and kisses all around....except for the guys, who get a firm handshake...ahem.

out. :blsmoke: