Favorite baked movies


Active Member
What are your favorite movies to watch when blazing and why?

Mine are
The Big Lebowski
Grandma's Boy
Garden State
& I Heart Huckabees

The first two for comedy. The third one I don't really know why, its just good. And the last one for that deep philosophical and existential plot that is ten times more interesting Stoned.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I got a long list of fav movies to bong to...but I just watched "The Last Mimzy" high, and I'm telling you that is a good movie to blaze to.

PM me and I can tell you about my copy of the movie.


Well-Known Member
Throw Mama from the Train
Bubble Boy
How High
Half Baked
Blank Man
Deuce Biggalo European Jiggalo


Well-Known Member
May he rest in peace.:joint: The man was a comedic genius. I still laugh after I've heard the same jokes at least a million times over.

Biznizz Hippee

Active Member
Dazed and confused
dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood <-actual name
Full Clip


Well-Known Member
i like to watch cheech & chong movies. smoke a bowl every time they do you get real baked by the end of the movie. just try not to laugh wile taking a hit or you will cough for a long time


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Cheech & Chong!
Young Frankenstein
Raising Arizona an oldy, but goody.
The red pill, or the blue one? Matrix (Not II & III)


Active Member
Pink Flyod the Wall
I just watched that one last night, and I was totally out of my mind. And that movie made me feel like I was going insane! That movie freaked with my head more than any other movie Ive watched. I didnt know wtf was going on most of the time


Well-Known Member
i like to watch cheech & chong movies. smoke a bowl every time they do you get real baked by the end of the movie. just try not to laugh wile taking a hit or you will cough for a long time
i got 2 try this,i got all there movies,funny as shit!cousin red is a crack up....oh yeah is tide stick real?lol:blsmoke: