almost rdy to go


Active Member
first of all i gotta say, kick ass forum :) anyways my roomates and i have been discussing about growing for months now and were pretty much ready to go. This will be my first time growing bud (with the exception of a few botched uneducated atempts in high-school) and i hope with a good mix of research and luck we'll have a plentiful yield. weve got a decent sized and secure room for growth and harvest but i just had a few questions before purchasing all the equipment:

How much is a good price for a hydroponic system for about 6-8 plants?

While the smell isnt too big of an issue i would like it to be not blatantly obvious that we grow, any suggestions as to which strain doesnt skunk up the house too much?

We were thinking about cloning a few plants before the first harvest to get a good crop cycle started, are there any recommended tutorials out there? (preferably video because were a bunch of dumbasses)

Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to make fun of us noobs :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I would make your own system, I bought one and have found that bought systems are quite expensive. where do you come from?


Active Member
i live in TN and i have no idea how to make a hydro system, i've heard its not that hard but i would rather buy it online than make it.