welcome to obama economy..


New Member
I'm sorry you haven't read the terms of service for this website, it specifically states NO RACISIM. People making rasist remarks is unproductive and childish.

And that may very well be the saddest plant I've ever seen. I swore it was saying "kill me" in sign language.

the plant in the avatar is a shitty plant...that being said..i hear racist shit come out of the mouths of black people and others all the time..i am very tolerant of free speech..so long as it is not slanderous...im sorry to hear no one else in here has read the constitution ......


Well-Known Member
the plant in the avatar is a shitty plant...that being said..i hear racist shit come out of the mouths of black people and others all the time..i am very tolerant of free speech..so long as it is not slanderous...im sorry to hear no one else in here has read the constitution ......
That's the truth. If I call Obama a black man I'm being racist..If he calls me a white man hes not? WTF? Now the term is African-American..Well then, I'm Irish American.
I find it humourous when Asian are asked (some) they say they are Americans..period. What's wrong with just being American? While i loathe the KKK they are a White organization, and are racist..The NAACP is a black organization and not racist ..Bull..
Why is it the responsibility of whites that many blacks live in poverty? The possibilities are open to ALL people in this country..just look at some Asians and other nationalities that came to this country flat broke and have embraced the American ideal and been successful.

I'm not a racist except against ideology and bigotry regardless of skin color or origin.


Well-Known Member
That's the truth. If I call Obama a black man I'm being racist..If he calls me a white man hes not? WTF? Now the term is African-American..Well then, I'm Irish American.
I find it humourous when Asian are asked (some) they say they are Americans..period. What's wrong with just being American? While i loathe the KKK they are a White organization, and are racist..The NAACP is a black organization and not racist ..Bull..
Why is it the responsibility of whites that many blacks live in poverty? The possibilities are open to ALL people in this country..just look at some Asians and other nationalities that came to this country flat broke and have embraced the American ideal and been successful.

I'm not a racist except against ideology and bigotry regardless of skin color or origin.
i am a american indian..you notice i dont use the term native american...that indicates i am somehow something else before being a american first....AMERICAN INDIAN..I AM A AMERICAN FIRST...AND FOREMOST..SWORE TO PROTECT AND DEFFEND THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST ALL ENEMYS....THAT INCLUDES OUR OWN GOVERNMENT....i find it very insulting the term african american..as it indicated the person is not loyal to this country first and foremost....and i do think that is the truth of so called african americans..to bad they were not just plain old americans..maybe of african decent..a plain ol american..just like me...fuck em..they can kiss my ass with all of this political correct bull shit...and by the way..im not insulted a bit by sports teams named the red skins...or the braves...these things are testomony to the courage and honor of the american indian...and should be..we are the best people god has ever made.....LOL..sorry about your luck,,if you have not had the honor of being born a american indian...:mrgreen:


New Member
but the word nigger is racist, you can't deny that. If he said Obama was a black man, I wouldn't think that to be racist. I can't keep up with the latest PC tems for different races, but I don't use ones that everyone knows are considered an insult.

It would help matters if black people didn't call each other nigger, that is one sided. It's really not right that they can say it and no other race can, they do perpetuate it by doing so.


Well-Known Member
i dont care if they call one another names..hell why not....i do not like the fact that a black person can call a white person whitey..or cracker or what ever..and hey..no big deal..but if the shoe is on the other foot?..hell no...LOL..law suit..NAACP...ect ect..i just really loved robbery reich's comments on diverting as much of the bail out funds and project's as they can to blacks....these ass holes are just making racial prejudice worse...and much more explosive than it already is......ill tell you in todays economy.guess who is getting hurt the worse..that is the poorest people in our society.....now..back to my ol evil self..fuck em...they voted for it..LOL...


New Member
Well we started out just 3 pages ago on Obama's economy and we are now at racism.... I am so shocked! SHOCKED!!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
racism is a sham, since before history, clans have been feuding because of race, back then it was not an issue. people realized they were different and defended their people. this was the first black on black crime. stone age baby, was rampant with racism...or is racism just a word, a sometimes meaningless word. people will always fight, this is not racism its Darwinism.


Well-Known Member
i am a american indian..you notice i dont use the term native american...that indicates i am somehow something else before being a american first....AMERICAN INDIAN..I AM A AMERICAN FIRST...AND FOREMOST..SWORE TO PROTECT AND DEFFEND THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST ALL ENEMYS....THAT INCLUDES OUR OWN GOVERNMENT....i find it very insulting the term african american..as it indicated the person is not loyal to this country first and foremost....and i do think that is the truth of so called african americans..to bad they were not just plain old americans..maybe of african decent..a plain ol american..just like me...fuck em..they can kiss my ass with all of this political correct bull shit...and by the way..im not insulted a bit by sports teams named the red skins...or the braves...these things are testomony to the courage and honor of the american indian...and should be..we are the best people god has ever made.....LOL..sorry about your luck,,if you have not had the honor of being born a american indian...:mrgreen:
Thenks, But I'm a left handed black Irishman!! I like the Canadian term..First Nation as Indians..well..come from India.right? As to the C you bet..especially the Second..with it, there would be no others...


New Member
Since practically all of mankind was sourced from Africa..... we are all African in the strict terms of "native". Everything else is hyperbole and splitting hairs....something humans are far too happy to do.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no im not a racist here is a picture of my wife to prove it! how ya like that.:clap: slow clap one time
obama does have a big roll of duct tape he borrowed form clinton.



Well-Known Member
the plant in my picture is almost ready for harvest cant you see the five juicy nuggs full of red hair sweet indica cross i believe the strain is charlis brownicus.


New Member
Since practically all of mankind was sourced from Africa..... we are all African in the strict terms of "native". Everything else is hyperbole and splitting hairs....something humans are far too happy to do.

out. :blsmoke:
Uhhh, you believe this bullshit? I thought most of our predecessors came accross the land bridge in the great white north. Maybe those monkeys that were being transmogrified from apes to humans were albinos, eh? Could it be that we are not descendants of apes or monkeys after all? Yes, there is some out of the box thinking. I've always wondered why there are still monkeys and apes, were they the retarded simians or what? Also, if we descended from simians, why are there so many races on the planet now? Are you suggesting that we came from African simians, chinese simians, Latino simians, white bread simians (Northern european) etc.? I think the scientific community should do another take on Darwin. In fact there are a few worthy scholars that are doing just that.


New Member
No actually there is new evidence that suggests that people actually crossed in boats during the ice age. When the glaciers were huge, there was less water in the oceans so the land was not as far apart. They went to geenland then to iceland and then from there to the east coast.

The land bridge theory came about because the first spear points that were discovered were found in New Mexico, since then older spear points have been discovered on the east coast.

We did all come outof Africa to begin with, then we changed to be able to survive the colder environment.


Well-Known Member
Some f the new thinking is that after leaving Africa they intermingled with other in indigenous peoples like Neanderthal and their speech genetics.. That' how there are different races..as well as climatic influences.


New Member
Keep in mind Med, that all breeds of dogs descended from wolves, from the giant St Bernard to the tiny Chiuahua.

All it takes is constant breeding of those with genetic mutations to make those mutations the norm.

Modern humans share Zero percent of DNA with neanderthals, yet we share over 99 % of DNA from chimps


Well-Known Member
This isn't "Bush's mess." Its Wilson's mess, along with FDR's mess. Oh yeah, and then there was LBJ. :lol:


Jeez, VI, you might as well blame the founding fathers while you're at it. Or no, wait, wait, what about Zachary Taylor, yeah, he's the one who got us in this mess.:-P