Just had two Mormon visit my door....


Well-Known Member
Don't mormons believe the world started in Ohio? That's just damn funny.
they believe there was a settlement in the "new world" before it had actually been discovered.....but the funny thing about that is there is no evidence of them existing......the only thing the mormons had said they left behind was the golden plates (which again just disappeared) until joseph smith found them and god took them back. Its another one of the mormon lies that they give some mystical answer to.........honestly with how apparent the bullshit is in that religion im surprised how many followers they have. I guess it just goes to show you mans desire to blindly believe in anything/anyone who "answers" their questions


Well-Known Member
All they gotta do is get to you when you're young. I went to middle school and there was a JW there. I used to pick on him. I feel bad now adays, but if I would of been the reason he got out of it I would of felt damn good.


Well-Known Member
When I'm home I lounge around in my sleeper shorts, I'm not a big fan of clothes in the first place but my wife and I have a roommate so I at least wear sleeper shorts.

Any zealot knocks on my door, I drop the shorts and answer stark naked (unless they have kids with them.) I have a doormat that says, 'Nudists live here, don't knock if you can't handle it."

If they don't run at first then they try oh so hard to get out their spiel, but they always interrupt themselves with 'excuse me sir could you put on some clothes.'
I always reply, 'This is my property and I like being naked, I'm personally offended by your puritanism and demand you get naked if you're going to remain on my property.' They always leave after that.

It's great to do when I have company and we're all baked.



Well-Known Member
When I'm home I lounge around in my sleeper shorts, I'm not a big fan of clothes in the first place but my wife and I have a roommate so I at least wear sleeper shorts.

Any zealot knocks on my door, I drop the shorts and answer stark naked (unless they have kids with them.) I have a doormat that says, 'Nudists live here, don't knock if you can't handle it."

If they don't run at first then they try oh so hard to get out their spiel, but they always interrupt themselves with 'excuse me sir could you put on some clothes.'
I always reply, 'This is my property and I like being naked, I'm personally offended by your puritanism and demand you get naked if you're going to remain on my property.' They always leave after that.

It's great to do when I have company and we're all baked.

dude you sound like the kinda guy i would kick it with......that shit is hilarious im going to do that next time one of those assholes knocks on my door

i love this pic



Well-Known Member
I agree there is very little chance of a higher being, at least the way religion sees it. But you can be an atheist and still live morally....
Sorry to use you as an example but once again I cannot believe how many of us on this planet are just so ignorant about religion.



Well-Known Member
You're probably catholic aren't you? fuck catholics they hate everyone who's not catholic. I can't live morally cuz I'm an atheist? fuck that. Just because it's a widespread belief that there's a god doesn't mean it's true. The number of atheists is climbing all the time because people are actually starting to open their eyes.
I think its the opposite...People are becoming dummmbbbbb and dummbbbeerrrrrr


Well-Known Member
I think its the opposite...People are becoming dummmbbbbb and dummbbbeerrrrrr
i hope you aren't refering to me because i basically believe what you are saying except the whole "god is everything bit" but thats your own belief.........that idiot that called me a catholic is ridiculous.....idk what i said that seems at all catholic


Active Member
yeuah jahovas witnesses always coem to my house but thewre black usualyy so when my dog barks hey run im not racist but its a fact black people are scared of dogs 90% of the time and its funny most of them dont know how to swim cause they were taught as a kid not to go in cause there hair will fuck up lol so thewre scared for life tahts funny


Well-Known Member
yeuah jahovas witnesses always coem to my house but thewre black usualyy so when my dog barks hey run im not racist but its a fact black people are scared of dogs 90% of the time and its funny most of them dont know how to swim cause they were taught as a kid not to go in cause there hair will fuck up lol so thewre scared for life tahts funny
if you think a black person wouldn't find that offensive you are mistaken lol i know its not meant to be racist and im not black but im almost positive any black person that heard you say that would fuck you up in 2 seconds


Active Member
oh and a littl e known fact its in the jahovas witnesses bible i that if your fqather rapes you its a sin to tell someon thats so fucked up and yes tahts a fact statment


Well-Known Member
oh and a littl e known fact its in the jahovas witnesses bible i that if your fqather rapes you its a sin to tell someon thats so fucked up and yes tahts a fact statment
I dont believe that is in their religious texts.....you are ridiculous and I might have believed that if you were at all literate.


Well-Known Member
dude you sound like the kinda guy i would kick it with......that shit is hilarious im going to do that next time one of those assholes knocks on my door
Roll on down to Florida, good times had by all, fun sun and buns.

Just be careful. I had a gay bible thumper (not jw) come to the door once. He was a little too interested.

Seriously though. The JW's are the ones that handle it the best. The Southern Baptists really freak out. That's great fun.



Well-Known Member
Roll on down to Florida, good times had by all, fun sun and buns.

Just be careful. I had a gay bible thumper (not jw) come to the door once. He was a little too interested.

Seriously though. The JW's are the ones that handle it the best. The Southern Baptists really freak out. That's great fun.

you should make like a candid camera type film from over your shoulder haha......but isint a gay bible thumper kind of an oxymoron? i thought it was a sin? lol


Active Member
yeuah jahovas witnesses always coem to my house but thewre black usualyy so when my dog barks hey run im not racist but its a fact black people are scared of dogs 90% of the time and its funny most of them dont know how to swim cause they were taught as a kid not to go in cause there hair will fuck up lol so thewre scared for life tahts funny
I'd appreciate if you didn't spur this board to violent tones. Needless to say, I don't appreciate your racist stereotypes.


Well-Known Member
you should make like a candid camera type film from over your shoulder haha......but isint a gay bible thumper kind of an oxymoron? i thought it was a sin? lol
Being gay is only bad in old testament churches. The new testament churches especially the 'hip' or 'tolerant' ones don't recognize the dogma of the OT.

They still recruit, but they're not as bigoted as the OT churches.



Well-Known Member
i hope you aren't refering to me because i basically believe what you are saying except the whole "god is everything bit" but thats your own belief.........that idiot that called me a catholic is ridiculous.....idk what i said that seems at all catholic
you could possibly fit into the mass group of people that im talking about but maybe not....

Here's what i want people to realize:

1) there isnt an afterlife for your current persona, or your body.

2) you control your thoughts through your subconcious. Religon is one of the best ways to control your primitive past that keeps trying to wake up.

3) religion teachs you about life before you have to experience it. Life is brutal, religion helps you prepare.

Learn from the past, dont repeat it. Believe.


Well-Known Member
you could possibly fit into the mass group of people that im talking about but maybe not....

Here's what i want people to realize:

1) there isnt an afterlife for your current persona, or your body.

2) you control your thoughts through your subconcious. Religon is one of the best ways to control your primitive past that keeps trying to wake up.

3) religion teachs you about life before you have to experience it. Life is brutal, religion helps you prepare.

Learn from the past, dont repeat it. Believe.

Ok first of all I dont give a fuck if i fit into one of your categories because that has nothing to do with me or anything i stand for nor do you know what i stand for......Second of all you are just as bad if not worse than catholics.....wouldn't the smart approach to it be something like "i really dont know what the deal with all that is" but your obvious superiority complex puts you on the same level with the guys knocking on my door telling me what to belive.........you are still naive the world doesn't work like that and you just come off like an ignorant prick not someone who may have put any real though into it


Well-Known Member
Ok first of all I dont give a fuck if i fit into one of your categories because that has nothing to do with me or anything i stand for nor do you know what i stand for......Second of all you are just as bad if not worse than catholics.....wouldn't the smart approach to it be something like "i really dont know what the deal with all that is" but your obvious superiority complex puts you on the same level with the guys knocking on my door telling me what to belive.........you are still naive the world doesn't work like that and you just come off like an ignorant prick not someone who may have put any real though into it
Dude i dont know you, true. im just refering to point of views of modern people in general. (sorry i offended you)

Religion has been out of control since federalism. The seperation of church and state only made things worse. People think they can live without religion but understand when religion finally is removed from the state of mind of "good people" and no one cares abotu one another anymore (like they already do, or should i say dont) ....Guess who is going to think for you... The govt. They are just sitting waiting wishing for that day to come. Personally i think we are already there and its getting worse by the day. The best blindfold is money in america/the world.


Well-Known Member
Dude i dont know you, true. im just refering to point of views of modern people in general. (sorry i offended you)

Religion has been out of control since federalism. The seperation of church and state only made things worse. People think they can live without religion but understand when religion finally is removed from the state of mind of "good people" and no one cares abotu one another anymore (like they already do, or should i say dont) ....Guess who is going to think for you... The govt. They are just sitting waiting wishing for that day to come. Personally i think we are already there and its getting worse by the day. The best blindfold is money in america/the world.
So you believe people need religion.....but a perfect one......thats not asking too much......dude get over the childish ideas....the gov't may be brainwashing people and the church is currupt but its too late....too many people feel the desire to be different....its human nature to want to believe in something and its also human nature to want to believe in something other people just dont know yet......again you are just as bad as those bible thumpers saying the answer is as simple as believing in god.........it is not as simple as you have made it seem....the world and humanity just doesn't work that way....so go ahead and pedal your useless nonsense to whoever will listen and maybe people will believe it............OH WAIT! isn't that how a cult starts?

puffpuffPASSEDOUT.......future cult leader of america