Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member


Yeah, the stealing is bad.If it wasn't for the stealing, I'd say to each their own.

He steals his mothers meds and then she has to do without and stand on her feet for 12 hrs and work in pain , While he lays in bed and plays PSP games or DS pick it he has em all .. Mind you he is 32 yrs old

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's sad.It's too bad there's not much you can do to him.Have you talked to China about this?
He steals his mothers meds and then she has to do without and stand on her feet for 12 hrs and work in pain , While he lays in bed and plays PSP games or DS pick it he has em all .. Mind you he is 32 yrs old


Well-Known Member
That's sad.It's too bad there's not much you can do to him.Have you talked to China about this?

China is in a tough spot ,, He (her brother ) works her Mom ,, She is a sweet sweet woman whom I have a ton of respect for , But She is a slave to him, she falls for the lies and the stories , China will NEVER cross her mother .. Its a touchy thing ,, China is Slowly getting the points across but to me its going unheard . He needs long term rehab.. Im a 1/2 an inch from calling the Dr


Well-Known Member
I was once a hardcore junkie .. My mom kicked me out and cut me off.. I learned the hard way .. Ive been there just with a different drug .. Prob here is nobody is forcing him to do anything .. therefor he does nothing and lives for FREE he wont even wash his own dish's ... 32 yrs old .. a waste of life ..


Well-Known Member
The mother does not understand that combination of drugs is deadly?(she is an enabler)SOMA is metabolized by the liver into another benzodiazapine. Does he also drink alcohol?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well..do what ya gotta do.I don't know how well things will go over, but you'll have to make that call for yourself.
China is in a tough spot ,, He (her brother ) works her Mom ,, She is a sweet sweet woman whom I have a ton of respect for , But She is a slave to him, she falls for the lies and the stories , China will NEVER cross her mother .. Its a touchy thing ,, China is Slowly getting the points across but to me its going unheard . He needs long term rehab.. Im a 1/2 an inch from calling the Dr


Well-Known Member
China is in a tough spot ,, He (her brother ) works her Mom ,, She is a sweet sweet woman whom I have a ton of respect for , But She is a slave to him, she falls for the lies and the stories , China will NEVER cross her mother .. Its a touchy thing ,, China is Slowly getting the points across but to me its going unheard . He needs long term rehab.. Im a 1/2 an inch from calling the Dr
by her allowing him to treat his mother this way is worse than anything. isn't it? to let him abuse her is crossing her. isn't it? my bro-in-law stepped outta line in front of my wife and his mother. i slapped the fuck outta him. they thanked me. if you would have asked them 10 mins earlier they would have told me not to. sometimes you just gotta act. or let him continue to walk all over everyone.


Well-Known Member
by her allowing him to treat his mother this way is worse than anything. isn't it? to let him abuse her is crossing her. isn't it? my bro-in-law stepped outta line in front of my wife and his mother. i slapped the fuck outta him. they thanked me. if you would have asked them 10 mins earlier they would have told me not to. sometimes you just gotta act. or let him continue to walk all over everyone.
Im afraid if i act a few things will happen

One because I hit first , Im getting locked up
Two If I 'm the cause of the mother getting upset and leaves then Im the bad guy , China only wants her mom to have it easy,, Thats why she is here , Her brother is just a leach, But he is "Mommy's Baby'' If she (the mother) would just put her foot down Things might be different.. Rehab is what he needs Other than the drugs he is a good guy,, I feel that he should be out dating and being a man , Not being a troll in his sisters basement..


Well-Known Member
yeah, i fucked him up good. tossed his ass all over the place. cops were ready to lock me up. his mom stepped in and told them i was actually protecting her. it all worked out for the best. :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If I was your wife, I'd have molested you when things quieted down.I love big manly displays of power.
yeah, i fucked him up good. tossed his ass all over the place. cops were ready to lock me up. his mom stepped in and told them i was actually protecting her. it all worked out for the best. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, i fucked him up good. tossed his ass all over the place. cops were ready to lock me up. his mom stepped in and told them i was actually protecting her. it all worked out for the best. :)
I really dont think an ass kicking will change anything .. he will want MORE pills for the pain.. He needs help.. he needs to be able to be on his own .He is a GROWN man . As long as she (the mother ) enables him to continue doing this . It will never stop.. Ive been here almost 3 years .. The only thing that changed was the drugs
when I met him it was Vicoden
Then he moved up to Oxycontin
Now its Methadone (only cause its cheaper then Oxy)


Well-Known Member
I really dont think an ass kicking will change anything .. he will want MORE pills for the pain.. He needs help.. he needs to be able to be on his own .He is a GROWN man . As long as she (the mother ) enables him to continue doing this . It will never stop.. Ive been here almost 3 years .. The only thing that changed was the drugs
when I met him it was Vicoden
Then he moved up to Oxycontin
Now its Methadone (only cause its cheaper then Oxy)
live and learn. :bigjoint: