1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush


Well-Known Member
how are you going to put your clones into rockwool when they root for your eeb& flow
No rockwool. Gonna put them straight into Hydroton pellets. That way I don't have to worry about the rockwool staying too wet and causing stem rot or something like that.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
how are your clones looking......??? i wanna see some pics ... mine are loook like shit agian :-(.....dont look at mine :wall:


Well-Known Member
lookin' good... res temps are perfect at 65...

and putting the plants right into hydroton works sooooo much better... its a little more difficult, cuz you have to have good clones with roots, but they grow a lot faster IMO...

avoid rockwool where ever you can...


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!

Here is an update.

Got a few more clones to shoot some roots out. The aerocloner seems to be doing a great job. Nothing wilts at all.

Some OG Kush. Mmmm.

Here are the mom's. Recovering nicely after being butchered. I could take bigger clones now than I previously took.

Here is my G-13 Haze that I will try for my second grow. Check out the little one. She is staying small but has like 5 sets of minature leaves, kinda wierd looking.

And here is the Mendo Purps I just germinated. So far I have 4 germinated with 2 lagging behind, has only been 48 hours though.

These will also be for my next grow. I think the next will be Sour Diesel, Mendo Purps, and G-13 Haze.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice .... i just noticed that your growing some cooking herb to well its alll good for cooking :weed: but the sage and stuff thats chilll and its a good cover if someone see some of your growing stuff no worries now hmmm i might set somthing up like that to just incase the family stops by :-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hulk Nugs. Yeah I've kept a garden now for about 6-7 years. With all the new toys I have this year should be great.

Have also been looking at doing a DIY greenhouse behind my garage. Want to do Hydro tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. Will be fun.


Well-Known Member
Beef Spareribs -
1 tablespoons non-iodized table salt
2 tablespoons paprika
1 tablespoon black pepper, coarsely ground
1-1/2 teaspoons onion powder
1-1/2 teaspoons granulated garlic
1-1/2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon turmeric

2 large chunks dry cherry wood

Hour 1 - 250 deg:

6 More Hours to Go

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
mmmmm I am ready to eat.... i am going to set up a garden out side soon..... just gotta get the soil and area ready.... not sure what i want to grow ....last year i only went with tomatoes


Well-Known Member
Your clones look great & those ribs look better!
good work ive heard excellent things about res's diesel..

Well they have all rooted except for one and it looks like it will soon. Even the clone I put in three days ago when I built the cloner rooted.

Most of them look like this guy.

A few of them that started to root first.

I'm wondering what the hell could cause this G-13 seedling on the left to be so small, like a dwarf. It was started at exactly the same time as the one on the right. They both have the same amount of leaves even, one is just tiny. Does anyone know what this could be?

I had 100% germination with the Mendo Purps. The last two popped out last night. They are all in Rockwool now. Sure hope atleast one of them is a girl.


Well-Known Member
What strain is the short one? My Sour Deisel is very short compared to the others I have growing. Just wondering what the short one is?
