IR cameras!! what a joke

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Well-Known Member
so i hear alot, well maybe not alot! but i do come across people concerned with the infared cameras the cops use!
well unless your putting alot of product on the streets i dont think you have to worry!!! but for those of you who are worried there is a simple fix!! as far as i know the tech. that the police use is the same as any infared camera(as far as how it works) well il just get to the point!!! GLASS!!! yep plain glass like in your windows IR cannot pennatrate glass!!!


Well-Known Member
IR dont need to penetrate glass,what it shows is the heat transfer from the glass to the outer wall or to the outdoors,ive been on the veiwing end of many infra red scans over the years,normal single pane glass has an average R Factor of +1 which is nothing on the R scale,heat flows right through glass allmost unchecked.

Lining the room with glass would not stop heat transfer to the outer wall or ceilings,this is where thermal scans show heat loss & make a grow op stand out.


Well-Known Member
have you ever used a IR camera? i think if you have you would beg to differ!
not tring to ber a dick, but infrared cameras measure ir light not heat! i know the two have alot to do with each other but a ir camera is what it is. a infrared camera. i have seen glass "regular glass" block ir light first hand.


New Member
maybe im wrong i will have to look into it some more.
why not look into growing weed some more and stop being so paranoid.
its not cheap nor viable to fly a helicopter for busting dope dealers and the cops really are not interested in pot smokers or personall growers they have far more important things to do like busting crack dealers in between their 2 hour coffee breaks and visits to macdonalds.


Well-Known Member
im not paranoid i have no concerns about getting busted but i see alot of threads/post about the subject and thought i would try to help some people with the subject!!!


Well-Known Member
what the fuck how do you know if i do or do not know anything about it? your ignorent because you are doing exactly what you said i am doing


New Member
im not paranoid i have no concerns about getting busted but i see alot of threads/post about the subject and thought i would try to help some people with the subject!!!
if you aint paranoid then you would not be thinking about heat seeking cops or helicopters.
100% TRUE.


Active Member
who cares man dont get mad because people are trying to be smart or are just stating facts...end of the story long as you dont tell..then..shhh who knows just dont be stupid son and no one will know..


Well-Known Member
maybe im wrong i will have to look into it some more.
No,you have it right but you've misinterpreted the information & the science behind Infrared technology.

You are correct that it cant scan through glass to read heat transfer beyond the glass but what you've missed is the heat transfer directly related to the glass,if you installed a layer of glass on all 6 sides of the grow op the heat would radiate through the glass & be transfered to the surrounding walls,floor & ceiling,much in the same manner as a glass shielded light hood transfers heat through the glass to the room.

All building materials absorb/reflect heat in a different way & they all have a heat signature,the only way to be 100% safe from a scan is to stop the transfer of heat to the outer areas of the grow op & find a way to dispose of the hot air being vented from the room.

Insulating the room with multiple layers of insulation with staggered & overlapping joints,then ending up with an R-factor of +29 or greater is the best way to be sure the grow op cant be spotted by scanning technology.


Well-Known Member
well i thought i would share my experience with some people to help them out! but fuck it i guess this site is getting to be shitty as hell because people would rather question people then try to find the truth!!!! i have seen glass block ir light but maybe im just stupid, i mean i love when people prove me wrong i would much rather know the truth then be wrong!!!!!!! but i hate it when dicks just assume they know!!!!


New Member
well i thought i would share my experience with some people to help them out! but fuck it i guess this site is getting to be shitty as hell because people would rather question people then try to find the truth!!!! i have seen glass block ir light but maybe im just stupid, i mean i love when people prove me wrong i would much rather know the truth then be wrong!!!!!!! but i hate it when dicks just assume they know!!!!
thanks mate and yes i do know.
happy growing or happy paranoia.


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