You did it. My plants are growing too fast. In fact, this plant's root system is so big it is blocking drainage! There is a constant pool of water behind this plant about 0.5inches depth (it rises to about 2inches when the sprayers are on, then slowly drains down to about 0.5" at about 4 minutes. In fact, there is one more plant from the same mother in the same post much farther up, causing the same problem--but there is no plant above it.
The other post doesn't have a problem. It quickly drains empty.
So the question is.. have you had this happen, and can it be fixed? When I actually pull the plant up about an inch I can see a rush of water drain out. There is no way to secure the net pot up higher--the roots have completely taken over.
Also.. these plants are only at 3 weeks. They have at least 5 more! I'm not too concernced about future plants--they will be much smaller before going into flower. But these ones have awhile, and I was a little concerned about stagnant water...
How long does it take your flower units to drain? Maybe this is normal after a few weeks?