Leaf hiding?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, sorry about not having pics yet -ill try to get them up soon but my camera is freakin out. Some of my fan leaves are good in color - very green and all but the blades of the leaves are kind of hiding under one another. The leaves and blades are big but like I say the blades arent 'fanning out' but doing the opposite. Kind of a crappy description - try to get pics soon.


Well-Known Member
AS you guessed, need some pics.

The description sounds interesting but I want to see the health of the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
ok. what kinda grow area do you have?
what lights are you using? soil??? give us some more info on what might have
happened or what might have cause it....

It looks like some kinda stress since the lower branches of the plant have more leafs and they look normal.

do you have fan on this thing???? it's looking pretty thin and stretched.....


Well-Known Member
Is it a clone, mine look like that when they start converting back to veg state from flowering. Once they get straightened out , it will grow fine.


Well-Known Member
did you look at the lower leafs??? they look normal.. the top leafs look all funky... and there are only three on the top and seven on the top?????

I'm leaning more towards some kinda lighting issue.... but I could definately be wrong....


Well-Known Member
Thats a big ass clone!!

I would give it a good flush then start back with nutes at approx 30%


Well-Known Member
looks like what they call the CLAW...check ur plant problems section, i dont remember what causes it lol i havent been keeping up with it much since i cant grow rite now. lemme know what u come up with tho man. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Lighting is under a 400w mh - its about 10 -12 in from the light so it shouldnt be a lighting issue. Its soil - a 2 gallon bucket, i've given it mostly nit guano so I'm guessing it might be that? And yes - it was a clone takin from a plant that was already in pre-flower.


Well-Known Member
ok i checked and to me it looks like : Copper deficiency plants shows a lack of growth, growth tips die back, green leaves will show a bluish hue and plants may have a hard time showing maturity in vegging stages. Copper deficient plants causes irregular growth and wilting in the newer growths. The Leaves at top will wilt easily along with bleaching (chlorosis) and necrotic areas in the leaves. Leaves on the top of the plant may show veinal chlorosis.(bleaching of the veins)
Growth and yield will be diminished along with spots on the leaves that are necrotic.
That or over watering.....i think overwatering tho


Well-Known Member
Hey Scrag, Hope these pix go thru, my clones leavces get twisted ,curled, and some times smooth all the way around the edges. Not jagged at all. Its just the plant swithing back to veg growth. Mine are under cfl and hope to get under a 400 hps in about 10 days. Go easy on the nutes and easy to overwater. Clones are finicky.LOL with ur Lady



Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you-your username is tops! So I see what you are saying-looks like there is a couple things going on. First off, I see some chlorine burn-the very light teeny tip burn-leave your water out a couple days to let the chlorine evaportae some.
Second, I see the mature growth on the bottom of the plant, and now see the immature gwoth. I have seen this only one time, and I use clones exclusively. It actually grew to about 4 feet with only 3 fingered leaves. I threw it away out side and she tried to keep growing. Next time try taking the clones at a different time. I like to do either couple days before or couple days into flowering. It looks like you may have taken them too latw in flowering and now they are actually revegging clones which would explain it going back to absolute immaturity.
Looks like def could use some more light. You may want to FIM her in 2 weeks or so b/c she looks like she is going to want to stretch out too much.

as for the nutes, you gotta be gentle with them just like seedlings to a degree. I dont see any real nute problems or overwatering. 1/4 strength should do it. also, you may want to give a tad of bloom formula.
Looks like your humidity could be off as well.

all in all, they look just ok for now, which isnt the worst they can look. like someone posted, clones can be finicky.
Bagseed or online seeds?