well i'm not in the U.S. and we don't have ur measurement units - we have cm, m, km, and 4 temp - is Cwhy do yall measure by C's... isn't it easier measure by F?....
you're right about the arguing thing... but it helps makes my internet experience fun at times
just different side of the globeha...thats funny... i feel the same way
No SOG for me, it just wouldn't work with my hydro system. It's a bucket based system and I can only squeeze 8 buckets in my tent. For best results, you should try to squeeze 2 plants per square foot. That's just not possible for me.in a couple of weeks? mannnnn... then its going to be like a werewolf seeing a full moon...ha... ready to rip a dudes head off...ha..
this isn't good...i think i'm addicted...ha
but yeah man...from your pics... i was thinking you might have an SOG going on...but to think about it.... i don't recall seeing you focusing on 1 main cola...can't remember...gotta go check...
Good one.Its Funny how Americans think Celsius is so weird....its only used by the Rest of the World..
Ha, It's even funnier how Americans think the world ends at the ocean, or border.Its Funny how Americans think Celsius is so weird....its only used by the Rest of the World..
Why is fahrenheit easier than Celsius?why do yall measure by C's... isn't it easier measure by F?....
Why is fahrenheit easier than Celsius?
Water freezes at 0 degree
Water boils at 100 degree
- that is so cool and so logical /u got temperature at 37.1/
the thermometer in my grow room is 60 degrees in top
Water freezes at 32degree
Water boils at 212 degree
- WTF /u got temperature at 99 - boooooy ur on FIRE/
the thermometer in ur grow room is 140 degrees in top and
that is so weird
other example is your mile - our kilometer is 1000 m. but 1 mile is 1.61 km. C
it;s pointless to argue about this things LET'S TALK ABOUT MARIHUANA
Ha, just after I got my drivers license we changed to metric, man all the speed signs were changed to kilometers and no one had any idea how fast they were driving.[SIZE=+1]1 mile = 5280 feet