Simplest "hash"


New Member
I'm gonna give some directions on the simplest form of hash possible.

You will need:

-Small brush - to brush the thrichromes
-Weed "garbage" or "skuff" - for the THC
-Plastic "dish" - Plastic will statically charge holding small particles (such as the thrichromes) to the walls
-A tray of some sort to dust the trichromes off into.

Step one(optional): If the material you are using is bone dry than this step can be skipped. The results will always be better if you do this step but it CAN be skipped.
Freeze skuff.

Step two: Place all skuff into the plastic container and slightly agitate the skuff around the walls of the container. Make sure to statically charge the plastic by rubbing it on a carpet or on your clothes.

Step three: Give the walls of the dish a firm tap to release any larger foliage particles.

Step four: Wipe (with your finger) the walls of the plastic dish until a healthy amount of crystals have been collected

Step five: Brush off crystals into the tray

Step six: Repeat

You will end up with a nice pile of crystal after a half dozen wipes with your finger. Pile, smoke, and enjoy!

Note: this is hardly a form of hash, but it is a way to get high when you got nothing. Its not very pure but it does get you high.




Well-Known Member
lol... take that pile, put it in your palm, get the thumb on the other hand wet with hot water and knead it in your palm with your thumb. it will turn into a flat little coin all stuck together. fold it up a few times. roll it back and forth while pressing it together hard. this is the easiest form of bubble hash. num num!!!


New Member
haha ur an a hole get on with it
haha ur a chump get on with it

lol... take that pile, put it in your palm, get the thumb on the other hand wet with hot water and knead it in your palm with your thumb. it will turn into a flat little coin all stuck together. fold it up a few times. roll it back and forth while pressing it together hard. this is the easiest form of bubble hash. num num!!!

Good idea, that way it's a little more manageable to smoke. ++rep for the contribution. Thx:weed::weed::weed:

P.S. Love the sig. Keep on rockin' in the free world!!


i've got a ghetto hash thing i do too.... little different though; but seems to have about the same results....

its not bubble, but it is still a crude hash and tastes/feels damn good!! smoke on bro


New Member
i've got a ghetto hash thing i do too.... little different though; but seems to have about the same results....

its not bubble, but it is still a crude hash and tastes/feels damn good!! smoke on bro
would love to see a "how to: by gogrow", when/if you got the time:weed:


Well-Known Member
very nice man! i've never tried that before and will have to do so. i still have all the leaf and trimmings from my last two harvests and am too lazy to put much time into making hash.


Well-Known Member
U could make a ton of oil with ur scraps as well... Very simple in a blender with some 91 proof rubbing alchohol. Just dont know if id smoke it or how id smoke it..


New Member
very nice man! i've never tried that before and will have to do so. i still have all the leaf and trimmings from my last two harvests and am too lazy to put much time into making hash.
I use this more as an act of desperation. The smoke isnt GREAT but it doesnt make you hack a lung and it gets you stoned off otherwise *nothing*.

Making Honey Oil is quite simple eh? I got a DIY..

Just make sure to clean the pipe good if you do it and decide to use copper. Stainless or glass are the best best but I don't know of something that works as simple as a copper pipe and that can be found everywhere.

Pretty easy way to turn harvest garbage into real good highs.



Well-Known Member
Chuck bro Would u smoke oil made using alchohol im new to this but mines almost ready now.. U think this would be bad for health or do the ingredieants in the alchohol dissipate during evaporation like the butane... Ive never smoked oil before. Just a question


New Member
Chuck bro Would u smoke oil made using alchohol im new to this but mines almost ready now.. U think this would be bad for health or do the ingredieants in the alchohol dissipate during evaporation like the butane... Ive never smoked oil before. Just a question
Just make sure to use the proper type of alcohol and make sure to evaporate it off completely before smoking. When its done the oil should not be runny whatsoever.
Oh, and they type of alcohol you want to use will be 99% alcohol. Make sure that the other 1% is just water, it will say on the bottle.

And as far as weather it is bad for the health?
Well lets face it. Smoking anything *can be proven* to be bad for your health.
Any worse than smoking buds? Probably not, in fact probably less worse because you are not smoking any carbon based foliage.

But I'm not a scientist, or a doctor. So thats the best I can give you.



Well-Known Member
U could make a ton of oil with ur scraps as well... Very simple in a blender with some 91 proof rubbing alchohol. Just dont know if id smoke it or how id smoke it..
.....DO NOT use a blender for Isopropynol (99% rubbing alcohol) oil.

You will blow yourself up and end up with gross hash because you will dissolve way too much chlorophyll and crap.

The key to making oil with 99% alcohol as a solvent is to not soak the "scraps" too long. You basically just want to wash the ISO through it, not soak it.

Once the THC is dissolved in the ISO then you can cook it down on a stove, use a double boiler (fill a pot with water, and float the bowl of alcohol/oil in the hot water.)

Or if you've got some time, let it air evaporate over a few days. I kinda prefer air evaped oil, it always tastes cleaner.



Well-Known Member
Yea its kinda crazy i got a lil run left in the pyrex baking glass.....
It still smells like alchohol. Cuz theres a lil left in it. Its almost completely evaporated tho. Only 3 days..
Does not look like its going to end up runny at all.. The dried oil is actually flaky tar like thats stuck on the sides of the pan..
But i didnt use 99 %. I was told i could use 90-100 and be ok.
I dunno. Ill prolly wait a month and see whats up. By then I think all of the alchohol should be evaporated but who knows. Im just trying to figure it out..
Seen ur stuff on the nutes too was going to respond to that as well. Very informative thanks bro.


New Member
.....DO NOT use a blender for Isopropynol (99% rubbing alcohol) oil.

You will blow yourself up and end up with gross hash because you will dissolve way too much chlorophyll and crap.

The key to making oil with 99% alcohol as a solvent is to not soak the "scraps" too long. You basically just want to wash the ISO through it, not soak it.

Once the THC is dissolved in the ISO then you can cook it down on a stove, use a double boiler (fill a pot with water, and float the bowl of alcohol/oil in the hot water.)

Or if you've got some time, let it air evaporate over a few days. I kinda prefer air evaped oil, it always tastes cleaner.

Yea, I have never soaked my foliage in alcohol. It's as simple as coffee filters and two bowls. I'd do a DIY/How-To but I never really make that shit any more.
I dont find it quite as pure as the BHO

I'd write one for a jay though:-o:weed:


Well-Known Member
Man I have alot to learn.. thanks bros im going to wait at least a week and then once the smell is gone i may dip a bud in it and see what happens. I didnt blend it long lol only till it started crackling then i knew it had to be ready to strain.
Be very carefull lol. Its the truth. During straining the ground components in the filter did get hot.
Sounds like everything went as planned tho... thanks to the previous poster i know how to refine this method a lil nicer.


Well-Known Member
damn well hey i have a easy way to make hash oil i could post to the pool... her ya go.

Reqired Space: any place that has access to at least one window. you will need the window open for up to 2 days. its a good idea to have at least one fan pointing toward the window with the bowl in front of it. NOTHING PLUGGED IN IN THE ROOM ITS DONE IN!!!!

1 foot long 1.5 inch pvc piping.
2 caps for said piping.
2-3 small cans or 1-2 large cans of butane.
some sort of screen if possable.

step 1. punch or drill one hole in one of the caps, make sure that its just big enough for the tip of the butane nozzle to fit into. then punch/drill multiple smaller holes all over the other cap.
step 2. place a 2x2 inch piece of screen at the end of the pvc tupe and place the cap with multiple holes over it and onto the pipe so that the screen is inside the area were the holes are.
step 3. grind up alllll the trimmings, stems, leaves, ect. very fine and poor it into the tube from the oposite end of the screened area. shake it every few inches and make sure theres no empty areas in the tube.
step 4. tap the tube on a table to make sure its packed down good but not tight! level it off and place the cap with the one hole on the end.
step 5. blast the butane through the tube into a pyrex or metal bowl. make sure its bit enough to hold all the fluid. it should be about 1 big can of butane for one tube full and about 1.5 small cans. you can always do more if you want tho, the more you push through it, the more oil you get potentialy.

How It Works: k so its known that cold temps push the resin out of the plant material more. thats why you use a washer with COLD water for bubble bags. butane is very cold. because it is a gas at room temp it has to be lowered to the temp it condenses at. im not sure the temp but i know that its cold enough for the butane to boil at room temperature.
when you blast the butane through the tube it makes the resin come out of the plant material and takes it along with the fluid out of the tube. so what comes out of the tube is a mix of butane and oil derived from the plant (which contains most of the thc). this would be the same as boiling something and boiling the water off to leave a concentrated oil or substance.
since the butane boils at room temp you just leave it out at room temp for a few days and it evaporates away, leaving a sticky, syrupy, tan to light brown oil. leave in the dish for as long as it takes for the consistancy to stop being runny and there you go.

one thing tho. do not toss any seeds into the batch. this will cause the abundant oil in them to be extracted as well... it makes the whole batch taste like a big nasty seed...

now i know you are suposed to use 99% rubing alcohol for the other way and boil it off but thats not safe and not very practical since you cant get it from anywere than a hospital or special order. butane is lighter fluid and i have had people pass it up just because of that but i asure you it is fine... there is no butane in it when you smoke it, the butane chemical has all evaporated because it is normaly just a gas. thats why its important to really let it thicken up alot. till its a consistancy between syrup and honey.

good luck and hope all goes well! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
As far as the original idea, why not just use some New girls stockings and put them over a jar of the "shwag" and shake it out?



Well-Known Member
Eh chuck what do ya think...My oils all dried up but doesnt look like oil...It looks like a thick layer of brownies in the bottom of the pyrex pan...THere is no scent of alchohol left whatsoever... U think u could smoke this.... Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Eh chuck what do ya think...My oils all dried up but doesnt look like oil...It looks like a thick layer of brownies in the bottom of the pyrex pan...THere is no scent of alchohol left whatsoever... U think u could smoke this.... Anyone?

Yes, but if your leaf and shwag was soaked for too long then your oil wont be oil, it will be oil mixed with a bunch of dissolved plant matter...stems, chlorophyll, etc.

To make proper alcohol extraction oil you cant soak the material for very long, just long enough to dissolve the THC.

It totally smokeable, just wont taste so great.



Well-Known Member
Cool bro heres a pic man its my first time bro...THE initial scrap consisted of an assortement of crystalized trimmings, a few immature females with buds...And some small popcorn buds that were left over...
Here ir is like i said its my first time bro.I dont want to be smoking stuff that gonna make me sick.

