obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job


New Member
But I believe in peace and love and what not and I am a conservative. Just because someone is Conservative doesn't make them evil, necessarily.
You are getting confused. Just because you vote conservative doesn't mean you are a conservative. It just means you find the conservative party to be "less worse" than all the others.
It takes a true shithead to be an outspoken conservative, but there are still lots. They are even on this website for some reason:shock::shock::spew:.
Let me break it down niiiiiice and simple for you. No conservative would EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER legalize pot.

Need I say more?

and to add on to that thought;
It doesn't take a stoner to legalize pot, it just takes a strong sense of personal freedom (without negative impact on others)


New Member
You are getting confused. Just because you vote conservative doesn't mean you are a conservative. It just means you find the conservative party to be "less worse" than all the others.
It takes a true shithead to be an outspoken conservative, but there are still lots. They are even on this website for some reason:shock::shock::spew:.
Let me break it down niiiiiice and simple for you. No conservative would EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER legalize pot.

Need I say more?

and to add on to that thought;
It doesn't take a stoner to legalize pot, it just takes a strong sense of personal freedom (without negative impact on others)
Heck, I'd legalize it and I don't even smoke it. Used to, don't quite work for me now.


New Member
i have my mad scientist experiments going on..dont you worry...AND BESIDES HANGING OUT WITH YOU STONERS I AM ONE..it keeps me somewhat sane...one of my favorite past times is gloating medicine...when everything is in the shitter...and you are all in the shit..and im standing over you ..and the shit..and laughing.. (evil mad scientist or evil villan in the movies type laugh of course...)telling you fools ...I TOLD YOU SO...LOL...RETARDS....LOL:fire:
I forgot to vilify you about being a scavenger of money. Note to Max: consider yourself vilified for being one of the causes of human misery. I hope you have lots of it (Money) to burn to keep you warm when the masses come for you.


Well-Known Member
Websters..It's dictionary. Why am I a Nazi..Oh yeah because I don't agree with you You accuse without facts..you make statements as fact that are opinion.Others have to quote you sources twice you call others names. Where are your FACTS whiner? What is so insignificant and small in your life that you have to be a wannabe internet bully?
Now, according to YOUR definition of a Stoner is someone who is all about Peace and Love.. not hate and war.. So, what does that make you with your continuing spewing of hate and disrespect?
No meathead, As I'm sure others will agree with me, the Stoner community is as diverse and different than any other group. It can be seen by your posts that unless someone agrees with you they're a Nazi.. It's glaringly apperent that history to you is the last breath you took. Howver to the intelligent well read adult. The Nazi's were just like you..Censorious, biogotted have to be in control. Angry..blaming others for their self created problems. Look in the mirror bubba. THAT'S a Nazi..Like you and your butt buddy medicineman.
In the real world mature intelligent people can disagree without disrespect..obviously a lesson you slept through. tell me this..are you so disagreeable in public? Do you disrespect those who disagree with you in RT/ Do you csll them names? I doubt it 'cause you'd get assed kicked.. Such a brave little boy..nslting people from the safety of your bedroom.. Now get in your jammies and maybe, if you're a good boy momwill read you curious George..that's about the level of comprehension and intelligence you've shown here.
I can holdback from stating the obvious no longer: You sir are a cocksucker, and I suspect Max420 is your partner in the sucking of cocks. Ahhh, the truth at last.


Well-Known Member
I can holdback from stating the obvious no longer: You sir are a cocksucker, and I suspect Max420 is your partner in the sucking of cocks. Ahhh, the truth at last.
you seem to know alot about sucking cock dont you? whats a matter butt buy...cant handle the truth?the truth is its a dog eat dog world..and you are at the bottom of the food chain...sorry about your luck....you are weak..and the weak have always hated the strong...because they are not strong and want to be like the strong..that is why they hate...in a race you will find there is only one winner..and second place is just first loser...LOSER...:bigjoint:


New Member
you seem to know alot about sucking cock dont you? whats a matter butt buy...cant handle the truth?the truth is its a dog eat dog world..and you are at the bottom of the food chain...sorry about your luck....you are weak..and the weak have always hated the strong...because they are not strong and want to be like the strong..that is why they hate...in a race you will find there is only one winner..and second place is just first loser...LOSER...:bigjoint:
How exactly are you strong?

Mommy and daddy take good care of you?

You probably were born with a silver spoon, like many others that preach the bullshit you preach.

We are all human. Don't forget that punk.

Some -rep for the lousy post by the way


Well-Known Member
look.if not rubbing someones fur the wrong way..im not doing my job...LOL..i like to TRY to wake people up who live in fantasy land..to get them into the REAL world..and its not like MTV..its actualy more like my views of the world...everything is competitive..and the winner wins..and the loser loses..that is how it is supposed to work...as far as some idiot putting his hand in my pocket through the government .produces nothing for society..other than a free ride..is a useless eater...if you were to take one of the first societys with a welfare system that we currently have today..and over burdening tax's ..this was the roman empire...seems they taxed the shit out of the peasant farmers and were giving away free meal tickets..tickets to the games.tickets to the baths..the average roman citizen of the city had it pretty good didnt they?..the roman republic got to the point it was taxing the workers so much that many of them stoped working ..and went on the government dole so to speak..pretty soon there were not enough people working to support the welfare state they set up..and the government was so oppresive to the people when the goths..vandals ..huns..invaded rome the people hated their government so much they just let them do it basicly..they figured..what the hell..the invading theifs cant be any worse than the theifs we currently live under...hence the decline and fall of the roman empire..a empire that lasted around 1400 years..they lasted so long do to their ability to change..seems they had a interesting way of picking and removing leaders that deserves some merit in study..if not in practice...i think if we took up some of their traditions in leadership we would have a more effectively ran country..oh yea....its A U N IDEA TO REMOVE 2/3 of the worlds population..i simpley parot it...as it is perhapps a good idea..for several reasons....sustainable development is just one of them...pollution and deforestation ..ect,...you ever walk through a store..what ever kind of store..and see a whole family of like great big fat lard ass's 6 or 7 of them who are basicly mental midgets....and think to yourself...some people should not be allowed to breed...well when you subsidize a idiots breeding..you are obviosly going to get more and more idiots in society..you wont be able to slow it down once you start paying for them to breed...pretty soon before you know it...the useless breeders have out bred people who are capable of taking care of them..the only way they have of making a income is to breed more children..they normaly dont even understand they are doing this...this country has been doing this shit for fifty years...how long do you think it would take a familys of idiots breeding 5 children each to over take someone's familys who are having two children or less...im my humble opinion...brains are like eye color.you are born with it..and there is nothing you can do about it..its almost all genetics.....in the natural order of things we wouldnt have so many idiots breeding...in natures order..idiots die off..in the socialist order of things they are subsidized...and you get more and more of them...pretty soon..you have more idiots in your country ..or world.than you can feed...THE WORLD NEEDS DITCH DIGGERS TOO..just not so damn many of them:bigjoint:
Obviously not that intelligent if you believe that IQ is genetic. Oh, yeah, there's marginal differences between genders, but that can and has been explained by the terminology used on the tests.

As far as your claims of an IQ of 180, I think I have to agree with your detractors when they say that you forgot the decimal point and meant to type .180. Eugenics is a dead, morally deficient science, just like your thoughts.

No, I think you just wish you had an IQ of 180, because any one with that kind of IQ would have enough intelligence not to go around talking about it like it meant something. Which it doesn't, really. All it does show is that you supposedly have a reasonable ability to soak up knowledge (and stupidity) like a sponge, and apply it.

Besides, from your rants you wouldn't fit into Conservatism. You'd be more qualified to be lumped in with the extreme environmentalists, who are the ones behind the UN's idiotic ideas behind reducing the global population by 80%.

Of course, from your rants, I think the world would be a better place when that came to be, because you'd be part of the 80% that got axed.

As far as Rome. Yeah, they were overtaxed, and the only thing that let them survive was the fact that they were able to conquer most of their neighbors. Once they ran out of neighbors they could conquer they ended up declining. Taxes were just a portion of the over all problem. Other problems were the fact that the Senators were ballless maggots (much like yourself) who had an overly inflated view of the value of their skin and were too frightened by the thought of losing it to stand up like men, instead of lying down on their backs like prostitutes or on their bellies like dogs.

Of course, one can only imagine that there were some that made for rather annoying dogs, like you, yapping non-stop with out actually saying a damn thing worth hearing.

Med, as far as people of intelligence speaking, just how the hell are we supposed to speak? What, you think we can't adopt the speech and manners of the rest of society so that we are able to better cooperate and work with them? Intelligence is just a measure of knowledge and being able to apply it. Which means that being able to use gutter-slang with the best/worst of them is also a sign of intelligence.

Besides, I'm sure you are probably fairly intelligent. It does take some mental ability to be able to accumulate the amount of money that you have accumulated, and to be discerning enough to pull your money out of the markets before they collapse. Not that you want any one to accuse you of being intelligent. All your Marxist friends would turn on you, because they hate engineers, and managers, and people of ability, because people of ability make them look bad.

Though speaking of engineers and managers, when all your socialist ideas come to pass don't count on me lifting a damn finger when all your socialist friends are crying about how they need people like me to run the factories, and make sure data is being passed through the communications network, and that the water is purified properly, and the factories and power plants are performing at optimal efficiency, because I assure you. I wont lift a damn finger, being too busy laughing my ass off at your Marxist friends crawling on the ground like dogs begging for my help and the help of others like me. Of course, I'll also be thinking, "I Told You So."


Well-Known Member
self made all the way .....leave all the neg you want punk..and some of us are human....and some of us are leech's who leech off of the ass of mankind...like you for example chuckie...just like i said earlier..a useless eater...all you do is use up the resources of the planet..eating up all the food...using resources up that would be better used on the productive members of society...for the good of the collective whole..it would be best chuckie if you went off to some corner curled up and rotted....as you serve no productive purpose...i ..and millions of other people who have to provide you with the resources that are required for you to live on the planet would greatly thank you.. millions of others like you...both on wall street and in the food stamp line up ..would do everyone a favor..if they done the same..that way..we the productive do not have to support and provide for them for the rest of our lifes..


Well-Known Member
damn..im a conservative environmentalist>>LOL ...yea..genius is genetic..just like brown hair..or brown eyes..or short and fat..or tall and skinny...hey guess what brutal..if your parents were ugly fat slobs..that were stupid..you probably will be too....im sorry if i hit a nerve with you buddy..i didnt mean to call you a ugly stupid fat slob..just cause you were born that way ...or your parents are....well in any case LOL....two elephants dont have a monkey as offspring..just like two idiots dont normaly have a genius in the family tree...


New Member
damn..im a conservative environmentalist>>LOL ...yea..genius is genetic..just like brown hair..or brown eyes..or short and fat..or tall and skinny...hey guess what brutal..if your parents were ugly fat slobs..that were stupid..you probably will be too....im sorry if i hit a nerve with you buddy..i didnt mean to call you a ugly stupid fat slob..just cause you were born that way ...or your parents are....well in any case LOL....two elephants dont have a monkey as offspring..just like two idiots dont normaly have a genius in the family tree...


He didn;t just say what I think he said. Did he?

"two elephants dont have a monkey as offspring"


I get it now! He's an IDIOT! It all makes sense now:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
damn..im a conservative environmentalist>>LOL ...yea..genius is genetic..just like brown hair..or brown eyes..or short and fat..or tall and skinny...hey guess what brutal..if your parents were ugly fat slobs..that were stupid..you probably will be too....im sorry if i hit a nerve with you buddy..i didnt mean to call you a ugly stupid fat slob..just cause you were born that way ...or your parents are....well in any case LOL....two elephants dont have a monkey as offspring..just like two idiots dont normaly have a genius in the family tree...
Hit a nerve with me, no, not in the least bit. Annoyed me with your obvious lack of intelligence, and research into the opinions you are espousing, yes.

You call yourself intelligent, but so far the only thing I've seen from you is an amazing ability for you to soak up idiotic ideas and dress them in even more idiotic sentences.


New Member
Hit a nerve with me, no, not in the least bit. Annoyed me with your obvious lack of intelligence, and research into the opinions you are espousing, yes.

You call yourself intelligent, but so far the only thing I've seen from you is an amazing ability for you to soak up idiotic ideas and dress them in even more idiotic sentences.
I would figure you would get along great with that knob max420. To see you talk against a capitalist fascist just like yourself astonishes me!


Well-Known Member
This thread has gotten outta control. There is nothing wrong with honest debate, but it is anti american and just twisted to think you are better than someone else.

"All men are created equal" anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong and misguided.

Derive your worth from something that enriches our besieged planet, for it is mighty indeed, but cannot bear forever the oppressive weight of all mankinds hate and anger. Love your brother for he is of this earth, as are you. Where you disagree, forget this at your, and all of our peril.


Well-Known Member
all men are created equal...but they dont stay that way...a human is like a cup..it is only as good as what is inside of it..if you spend a lifetime putting good things inside your cup..then you will have a good life...if you spend your life time fucking off and putting garbage into your cup..then you will have a cup life full of garbage.so...what you are saying is a man who worked his ass off..going to school..getting educated for years and years ..and you take another man.who has fucked up and fucked up all his life..so this fuck up is as good as a man who worked his ass off all his life? ..after all..they were created equal? fuck that..i dont buy that stupid theory..they might have been created equal..but that was the end of that..im sure a piece of shit human being didnt just wake up one morning and say..i think ill be a peice of shit the rest of my life....to be honest..he was born geneticly a piece of shit..the fruit never falls far from the tree...


New Member
So Max, how are we to take you seriously when you have a signature like this:
everything i print write or show on here is a complete and utter lie..i cant help myself i am a terminal liar..all of this shit is just fiction and made up for entertainment purposes ONLY..:bigjoint:
I'll take you at your word, you are a liar, a terminal liar. Everything you write is fiction.
I must say you have a healthy imagination, like your IQ for example, although you did figure out the frog test, which pissed me off too much to finish.


New Member
So Max, how are we to take you seriously when you have a signature like this:
everything i print write or show on here is a complete and utter lie..i cant help myself i am a terminal liar..all of this shit is just fiction and made up for entertainment purposes ONLY..:bigjoint:
I'll take you at your word, you are a liar, a terminal liar. Everything you write is fiction.
I must say you have a healthy imagination, like your IQ for example, although you did figure out the frog test, which pissed me off too much to finish.
I dont know if folks know this but after about 8 years of age, IQ tests mean nothing. I have someone in my family who studies early childhood development, and apparently this is a known fact.

I did a test one time and I scored 150, which is incredibly good, and hey, I never even finished highschool. So I wouoldnt be bragging too much there MAX420


Well-Known Member
If you spent a solid week doing IQ tests you would be be doing better at them by the end of the week.

What i mean is you can learn to do IQ tests, they mean nothing.


New Member
If you spent a solid week doing IQ tests you would be be doing better at them by the end of the week.

What i mean is you can learn to do IQ tests, they mean nothing.
The only thing an IQ test will prove in adults is if you are mentally disabled or not.

This is why it is only for young children. It is a test to see how the brain is developing.


Well-Known Member
I can holdback from stating the obvious no longer: You sir are a cocksucker, and I suspect Max420 is your partner in the sucking of cocks. Ahhh, the truth at last.
bitch bitch bitch bitch..Feel better now?And what's YOUR problem?What are you talking about, or are you another one? Making accusations without facts?SHOW ME!!!
What happened to being able to maturely discuss differing opinions? I wonder if all these hate filled posters behave this way in public or if they save it for online...where they know there safe from getting bitch slapped as they deserve.

Liberals..conservatives..What's in a label. I believe in what I believe in regardless of labels. Why can't a
'conservative be environmentally aware? Why can't a liberal believe in capitalism? I believe labels were designed to point the finger at others and " look..Their different..I'm better than they are" Come from an inferiority complex..belittling others makes them feel better. By putting others down they feel elevated. If someone is an asshole, then they're an asshole..not because of particular beliefs or affiliations, but just because they are!!! Simple..


Well-Known Member
Your point?
what now? Because I called him on his "peace and Love"? I suppose attacking is also your idea of peace and love? Yet again you show your ass with your.."I've made up my mind..don't confuse me with facts" FACTS boyo FACTS.. Ya know, those annoying things you haven't got. Grow up if you can.:spew: