27 Days Flowering...Looking Sick


Well-Known Member
I over nuted my last watering using 1/2 nutes. Fan leaves had already started to yellow but now they have nute burn and are drooping. This mg is killing me!

All of the new inner foliage and top fan leaves are still lush and green and absent of nute burn. Buds looking really nice.

What do you guys think? Will she make it? Should I trim anything or just wait it out?

Plants under a 150w HPS and 4 40w cfls. Grown in mg and fed fox farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom and molasses



Well-Known Member
Hey there, what kind of nutes u use. Grow food or bloom food. At ur stage, hopefully bloom food. pretty hard to burn leaves, feedin bloom fert because nit. levels are low.I feed every third watering, 1/4 teasp per gal water, in flowering stage. Towards the end Ive been using 1 Tble spoon apple juice per gal. Leaves are yellowing normal as plant uses engery during flowering. Let her mature, lookin kill .


Well-Known Member
Yes only fed with blooming nutes.

Anyone else have an opinion?

Will she make it another 30-40 days til harvest?


Active Member
trying giving it a good flush then just feed em water,rain water if possible 4 the next week or so then start by giving em ur nutes but only a very light doseage.


Active Member
yo exact same thing is happening to me. I'm using a bloom fert. I can't keep the big fan leaves alive however new growth seems to be doing okay. I do think it will affect yield because those leaves are energy making machines. However, if it were an issue of nitrogen your new growth wouldn't be green. So maybe it's a genetics thing


Well-Known Member
Whats your ph level ?????? looks like nute deficiency ,...could be from two high or low ph levels, or salts buildup....I would suggest flushing and checking the ph in the first runoff water ........


Well-Known Member
change to hi n fert that may b prob, never mind bloom just give it what u think it needs

so do you think the Fox Farm Grow big 6-4-4 in a very small dose would hurt? I hear not to use it during flowering. Im acyually a little iffy about nuting this thing again period other than molasses.

Whats your ph level ?????? looks like nute deficiency ,...could be from two high or low ph levels, or salts buildup....I would suggest flushing and checking the ph in the first runoff water ........
Runoff ph was around 7-7.5 the watering before last when I used only water. Watering with distilled water right at 6.5.

I think ill flush it its next watering with the molasses and ill also look into the liquid seaweed.

yo exact same thing is happening to me. I'm using a bloom fert. I can't keep the big fan leaves alive however new growth seems to be doing okay. I do think it will affect yield because those leaves are energy making machines. However, if it were an issue of nitrogen your new growth wouldn't be green. So maybe it's a genetics thing
This is ecaxtly what Im thinking...that it will survive but not produce buds as full as how they would be otherwise.

Thanks for the help everyone.


Well-Known Member
no i dont think you are going to hurt it with 6-4-4 mix, little at a time but there really arent any feeding regimes that are cast in stone.


Well-Known Member
7.5 is too high ....flush with ph'd water untill runoff is 6.8......7.5 can lock out nutrients...you dont have nute burns, these will be on the tips and edges of leaves not the entire leaf unless its an extreme case..... I would flush as i stated before and water with a ph'd nutrient solution at 1/4 strength for a week then increase the nutes to 1/2 strength.....hope this is helpful .......


Well-Known Member
so how important is it to ph cause i have never done it? hope you put some water with that molasses ha


Well-Known Member
Best range is 6.5/6.8 ...So you're ok..give them a couple days and you should be able to see a substantial improvement.....


Well-Known Member
yo exact same thing is happening to me. I'm using a bloom fert. I can't keep the big fan leaves alive however new growth seems to be doing okay. I do think it will affect yield because those leaves are energy making machines. However, if it were an issue of nitrogen your new growth wouldn't be green. So maybe it's a genetics thing
to counteract ur point:
Nitrogen (N) Mobile Element and Macro Element

Benefit: Nitrogen plays a very big role in your plants; this one element is directly responsible for production of chlorophyll, photosynthesis, Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. The myriad of enzymes which help the plants growth in leaves stems and the how well the vigor of your plants is.

Nitrogen is the biggest mobile element meaning it can travel anywhere on the plant.
Usually the def will start on the lower to middle part of the plant, and then will usually happen to older leaves first. Then the deficiency will work its way up the plant. Your plant can be green on top, then yellowing on the lower leaves when the deficiency is starting out. Yield will be greatly reduced without good amounts of nitrogen in your plants. Sometimes in bad cases the leaves will turn a purplish color along with the yellowing.


Well-Known Member
to counteract ur point:
Nitrogen (N) Mobile Element and Macro Element

Benefit: Nitrogen plays a very big role in your plants; this one element is directly responsible for production of chlorophyll, photosynthesis, Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. The myriad of enzymes which help the plants growth in leaves stems and the how well the vigor of your plants is.

Nitrogen is the biggest mobile element meaning it can travel anywhere on the plant.
Usually the def will start on the lower to middle part of the plant, and then will usually happen to older leaves first. Then the deficiency will work its way up the plant. Your plant can be green on top, then yellowing on the lower leaves when the deficiency is starting out. Yield will be greatly reduced without good amounts of nitrogen in your plants. Sometimes in bad cases the leaves will turn a purplish color along with the yellowing.

Good info! Thanks! Ill add some Big Grow my next watering. For now it recuperates.


Well-Known Member
Ok so 12 days later and things arent looking great. I had to remove all fan leaves except for the top 4. Inner foliage is now starting to yellow and spot just as the larger fan leaves did.

Last feeding I added 1/4 strength Grow Big to get some nitrogen back in these leaves but it seemed to do more harm than good.

I think going to avoid nutes the rest of the grow. Just molasses and water from here on out.

So how is she looking?

Day 37 of flowering :weed:

