What is a perfect grow room consist of?a few problems


Well-Known Member
I plan on making an air tight grow . no in and out vents , completely light and air tight . I was going to go with a 4k hps vertical grow in 2 5'x5'x8' areas with . I have all the Pipe and lumber to build my room the only problems i do have is
1. When the lights are on its going to be very hot , so I'm in need of a air chiller just cant seem to find a dealer. Anyone know where in Canada you can order them? and the cost?
2.Now the other thing is also related to temp its when the lights are out the temp in going to be very low right now in there its uncomfortable for me its that cold. So i was wondering what i could do about this .
The main room 10'x5'x8' can be divided so 2 light can run for 12 and then the other side can run the other 12 but with the rooms divided by Polly I'm not sure this will even help with the cold. any ideas?
an air tight grow room with HID lights is like trying to flag down the Space Challenger with a burnt out match! you can try it, but I doubt it works!
It sounds like you understand the lighting and cycles and such, but I cant see how an air tight grow could possibly work. 4k of hid is like running 2 small bbq's in the room. They other important factor is fresh air exchange. The air around the air in the room needs to be replaced quite often just to meet the standard co2 levels the plants need.

Stagnent air will also bring mold and soo many other problems. You might want to reconsider the airflow issue.
No An Air tight room is excatly what im looking for no in or out vents in and out vents bring in a lot of unwelcome contams form outdoors such as mites molds ect not to metchon the smell leaving my garage . I will be using a blue ox co 2 burner with reg set to 1600-1800ppm .

I sure with air chiller my room will be fine with the lights on the problem is with the lights offf and where to find a air chiller
you are on the right path.....with co2 plants can grow in higher temps...just get a heater for your night cycle...since you have no out take a walmart heater will do just fine...just remeber to put some black tape over the light on the on switch..as for the ac...use a portable room air conditioner...not a window mounted one...do this and you will be well on your way to growin the kronz
2000w plus a burner! Are you sure one a/c is gonna be enough? Even if it does keep the temp. down your gonna have to have it on 12 hours solid, how much will that cost to run?

Just a thought.

Would be cheaper and easier to put the lights in air cooled hoods. You can still have a sealed room, the ducting can run from outside your room and exit after passing through the hoods, so no contaminants will find there way into your room. And you won't have to run the A/C constantly.
if your going to go airtight you cant use insulation because itll get to hot when your lights are on. and what do you plan on doing to provide the roots with oxygen?
i plan my first grow in april. i have a 4'x5'x7' grow box in my covered car port. i have 12 1700k- 1600 L. and 12 5000k 1600L for my light's. 8 will be in the hood 1 on each side and i in the senter of the plants. i am going to start 8 plants and hope for 3 femail's. the box is plywood and has bin painted with 3 coat's primer and 3 coat's flat white. in side and out and well cocked. i have a 250 cfm. ex. fan out the hood, and a 125 cfm for fresh air in. a 10" fan for the plant's. i have a place to staet my seed's. will be useing 2 48" t-12's. is this a good plan.? " HELP":weed:
IM not worried about the oxygen in the room cause the plants should produce enough of that i just need to provide co2 to the plant .

the plants will be built around the lights and the lights will be in air cooled tubes . the build and air cooled tube will be vertical and the plants will be grown on"shelves " all around the bulb making it a wall of green giving me more plants and SQ ft per light about 400% more resulting in 400% more bud .

I agree I dont think the mobile ac unit will be as efficient as a say 4 fan air chiller I just dont know where to buy am air chiller .
how will u cool it, even an ac unit needs to vent the hot air from a compressor.

with a chiller IM not sure about ac but i think its the same you jsut have water lines so you drill a hole in your wall and bingo put in your drain lines.
how would gases be exchanged? do the roots that need oxygen also generate co2? and if so wouldnt they need to be produced at the same rate that the veggation produces oxygen, even if you were adding co2 because if not wouldnt there be to much co2 for the roots? i dont know i sort of understad the principle but i thought ventalation was crucial? i have used grow boxes with out intake/outtake fans but they werent air tight and i opened the boxes often. they worked good but i have since made it a point to have good circulation. i hope some one can brake it down or even provide a good link!!
good luck bud and id love to see you get great results because an airtight grow never even crossed my mind before and i am very interested now!!!
ops sorry i didnt even see the second page of your thread before i posted that!!! so the upper growths co2 out put can support the root system? that interesting! and im not trying to be a drag man but 400 percent sound high i have seen plants grow how you desribed but i dont know about 400 percent. what medium are you going to use?
and do you have any experience with it? like i said im not being rude or doubting you in fact i wish you have great results!!! you have me inerested in the subject now and i love to learn about growing so thank to you sir!!!
how would gases be exchanged? do the roots that need oxygen also generate co2? and if so wouldnt they need to be produced at the same rate that the veggation produces oxygen, even if you were adding co2 because if not wouldnt there be to much co2 for the roots? i dont know i sort of understad the principle but i thought ventalation was crucial? i have used grow boxes with out intake/outtake fans but they werent air tight and i opened the boxes often. they worked good but i have since made it a point to have good circulation. i hope some one can brake it down or even provide a good link!!
good luck bud and id love to see you get great results because an airtight grow never even crossed my mind before and i am very interested now!!!

the plants will produce enough oxygen for the roots as well as for me to go in and walk around with out dying lol so the roots will be fine my ppm for the co2 will be reg at 1600-1800ppm max
most of the hot air from my lamps will be vented from outside the room through the air cooled tubes and out through the ceiling . this is where I was wounding if i should just divide the rooms and instead of wasting that heat maybe vent it to the other flower room while them 2 lights are off and vice versa when these lights are off 12 hrs later.........:hump:
You should take the time to learn about filters. HEPA & Carbon filters. Don't be afraid, they aren't complicated. It will save you much work and many headaches in the long run. What you are proposing is much more complicated than using filters.