Sick plant!!!


Well-Known Member
If it were me i would switch my lighting. Not that expensive. But a reflector type thing on it and a clip, i think its like 15 bucks if you have a home depot around you. Looks like a cone basically and the lights goes inside. Get a bulb that gives off more of an orange glow. Lights come commonly in three spectrums, and on the box it shoud show if its more a blue spectrum or an orange spectrum. The CFL is blue which is good for vegetative, but if you want some good buds you do way better with an orange. So switch if you can, plus a regular bulb produces more heat that the CFL.


Well-Known Member
And someone recommended letting it veg for a month or so once you stablize it, thats definitely a good recommendation.


Active Member
Also, how do i know what stage its in? Ive had it for a long while, but its cycles are all messed up so it didn't grow right. Can i make the plant bigger for bigger yield or will it always be stunted.


Active Member
And someone recommended letting it veg for a month or so once you stablize it, thats definitely a good recommendation.

what do i do to veg it for a month?

and i have the cone lamp thing. so veg stage i should keep my cfl, and then when i want it to bud i should get a new color cfl? At kmart they only had the one type of cfl, ill try home depot.


Active Member
What kind of lights would i need to heat it better but are still good to use. i dont think the heat from the 150w cfl is doing anything at all. Im pretty sure more heat would be excellent.

And should i just mix a bit of scotts soil ( need the nitrates ) with the regular soil i have?


Well-Known Member
get a couple of these

and a couple more cfl's and youll be good.

when i veg i do 16/8.

Yeah thats exactly what i was talking about. Gotta highlight and paste that entire link cause clicking it didnt work. I personally veg 24 hour a day. Id say 16/8 is the minimum. Keep using your CFL lights for vegging. Then when your stable buy a regular incandescent bulb, 100watt or 150 with the orange spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Also the combination of the CFL and an orange spectrum incandescent would be even better than the orange spectrum alone. And yeah you can fix a stunted plant. Stunted is just temporary if you can fix the environment. The bigger it is when you start to flower the more bud you'll produce. Flowering is triggered by the light cycle, going from 12 on and 12 off will allow the plant to start budding during the night.


Active Member
Yeah thats exactly what i was talking about. Gotta highlight and paste that entire link cause clicking it didnt work. I personally veg 24 hour a day. Id say 16/8 is the minimum. Keep using your CFL lights for vegging. Then when your stable buy a regular incandescent bulb, 100watt or 150 with the orange spectrum.
Alright this is all good. But how many lights do you think i'll need? will it still grow/bud with only one light?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Without proper lighting and a steady schedule you won't get anything from that plant. Imo you left it in the dark enough to start it in flower and got the light schedule off. Thus it started to flower and reverted back to veg hence why no bud growth. You can't just put a seed in a pot and walk away. They will survive in the wild but not in captivity if your not tending to them....


Well-Known Member
even lost causes deserve hope and attention. veg for 24/0 for a month to straighten her out. how do you know it is a girl? have you check for possible male balls/sacs?


Active Member
Also the combination of the CFL and an orange spectrum incandescent would be even better than the orange spectrum alone. And yeah you can fix a stunted plant. Stunted is just temporary if you can fix the environment. The bigger it is when you start to flower the more bud you'll produce. Flowering is triggered by the light cycle, going from 12 on and 12 off will allow the plant to start budding during the night.
Im thinking of buying two of those lamp things, keeping my 150w cfl and adding a regular incandescent bulb and throwing the plant into veg stage for a while. then keeping it at 24 hours of light. Then switching the cfl to an orange spectrum cfl. 12/12 light when i think its ready. Im also going to buy some of that fish food stuff or whatever you reccomended, or something to help the nitrates during the veg stage. Hows that sound?


Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure, and while your at it just get another 150 watt CFL, it will promote bushier growth and give your plant more areas to bud. When it comes time to start flowering you might want to look into messing with your nutes again. The two stages (veg and flower) have their own ideal dosages. I would just post a new thread when it comes time to flower.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats exactly what i was talking about. Gotta highlight and paste that entire link cause clicking it didnt work. I personally veg 24 hour a day. Id say 16/8 is the minimum. Keep using your CFL lights for vegging. Then when your stable buy a regular incandescent bulb, 100watt or 150 with the orange spectrum.
DONT USE INCANDESCENT'S. THAT IS TERRIBLE ADVICE! Get the bloom spectrum cfl or even better get a hps when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
You know what, he's right. Incandescents are the worst type of all lights, but if your on a budget i don't think it would be THAT bad with the CFL's to balance since the orange spectrum does help. If you can afford it then for sure spend the $100 + on a HID light.


Active Member
You know what, he's right. Incandescents are the worst type of all lights, but if your on a budget i don't think it would be THAT bad with the CFL's to balance since the orange spectrum does help. If you can afford it then for sure spend the $100 + on a HID light.

Alright, can you sum it all up for me? I have one light holder now, so im going to buy another one of those and another cfl (Orange spectrum?) .. have the blue now. can't afford the HID. Should i still add nutes? And the whats the best nitrogen source i can use and how do i apply it?

Also, how do i know i'm ready to switch stages, basically when im satisfied with the overall plant growth or what?


Active Member
Thanks all. made myself a little to-do list over the break.

Plant do to list.

Get Light Timers.
Get a blue cfl spectrum 100w
Get a light holder. hold 1inch above plant.
Get Nitrogen nutrients, dont add too much (miracle grow) Alasken fish food stuff. etc
Rip out tinfoil, paint inside of tank white.
Throw into veg stage ( 24 hour light ) for 1 month.
Try to heat up basement.

This will leave me with two CFL's on at all times. One 150w red spectrum one 100w blue spectrum, im just going to leave both running and see how it goes. Maybe switch places so each side gets the same amount of light.

hopefully this will cure my plant. any more ideas will help very much.