Dwc Grow Club


New Member
No skippy today.Another bad weather excuse for taking the day off. LOL

Net i wish i could rep u more they just wont let me. I was just looking at this

And ive got to say the placement of the cutout over the lid was supposed to be just my secret! Are u in my head?
I am totally in your head!


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin about doin the lid thing myself but i don't seem to have an algae problem so i havent done it...I just fill all the way to the top with hydraton


New Member
chillin chillin. went to the hydro store earlier to look at air pumps. gonna get one of the smaller commercial ones so i can keep the girls oxtgenated during the next grow...

and yourself pirate?
Awesome! I love buying new stuff for the grow.

I'm doing good, a bit sick though. I slept with the window open and it got cold. My kitty was all bunched up on my face when I woke up. I'm just kicking back doing some layered airbrushing.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I have just restarted my dwc after my 600w cfl melted and burned up.this is something people should be warned about big cfls.I had mine under a reflector and it melted the glue that held the tube to the ballast.The tube fell down and shorted out causing a small fire.If you position your light horizontaly keep a eye on the glue that holds the bulb to the ballast.
Back to my grow.I have sprouted some seeds of some old homegrown i used to grow outdoors.The seeds were slow in germinating,but i have six seeds under the lights now.I made my systems using two 8 gallon rubermaid tubs.I cut 3 holes in the tops for my 6 inch baskets.I am vegging under cfls and t5s at the moment,when i go to flower i will switch to 400w hid.
I am using gh maxigrow and maxibloom and will be using a sweetener when they go into flower.
Both of my digital cameras are broke so no pics.OPH :cry:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm going to the store and get my things for the cloning tonight.
I'll tell you in the morning now it went..

U dont have to water from the top as long as U place ur water level @ or a lil above the bottom of the pot. I have 4 8 inch stones in mine on 2 pumps. Bubble penetration forces plenty enuff water up into the rock and keeps it "moist" Not WET. They will look damp.
Ive told people in the past to take it easy on the water until they get a feel for it. I suggest sometimes to water from the top only to help people out in not damaging or prolonging seedlings and clones.THey like air at this stage.

Once my Roots pop out and begin growing down or into the water I back my water off to 1/2 inch below the pots.
I begin feeding when they hit the water.

I do not place my clones in the cup in the dark. Never had to. They get placed directly on the side of the mom right after the Cut,Scrape, And dip process.
However, I just attemted a method of another grower here using upside down peat plugs.A nursery tray, A horticultural heat mat and a dome and acquired 100% success. The clones in the dome OLD in the ways style actually cloned quicker.Im addopting his method to keep my tubs full. This method does require 12 hrs of darkness before hitting lights and u dont dome them or place them on the mat until they are ready for light.
I would suggest anyone tho, To get a lil practice with the cup first, Learn what to expect and get some confidence in cloning before trying a more difficult Method.

In the end its all really simple. I used to make it alot harder than it should be.
Hope that helps bro.

And it not a problem we all goof of alot but we are all here to help.


Well-Known Member
hello fellow members...

my runt got its seventh leaf today woo hoo haha, i say it like people care lmao

Ill post pics in a lil bit =]


Well-Known Member
Aight fellow members im gonna get another tattoo this weekened any recommendations??

And im taking pics of the plants right now haha


New Member
Tattoos are on you forever blah blah blah blah......

Just be sure to get one that YOU really love. It may be meaning full, could be just a really good looking tat, either way, let it come from you man.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know what you meen. I got 2 already I got Las Angeles on my arm and the tat that you see in my avatar

I wanna get the phoenix going down the side of my ribs with a lil weed leaf sparkling in his eyes hahahaha


Well-Known Member
hello netpirate and how is life? Mine is full of dead lil plant's...I have started over 3 times now in dwc...just cant get it right.. In mean time I a soil grow going with one plant starting on it's second set of leaves....If by time the cuttings have rooted it wont matter. Hopefully this is a fem


New Member
hello netpirate and how is life? Mine is full of dead lil plant's...I have started over 3 times now in dwc...just cant get it right.. In mean time I a soil grow going with one plant starting on it's second set of leaves....If by time the cuttings have rooted it wont matter. Hopefully this is a fem

Lets help you out then! From the beginning. So why dont you start listing what you have for your DWC set up.


Well-Known Member
5 gal bucket with three gaalons of nutrient mix at quarter strength..a 30 gal air pump with 5 inch round oxygen stone....cfl's and an led panel...hydroton and rockwool.


New Member
your set up sounds good. So how did you start the growth? In rockwool i know, but was it hand watered for a while? also when did you start adding nutes?


Well-Known Member
you know i started the growth in rock wool...i put approxametly a quarter of the hydroton in the bottom of net pot...I stretched the stems until they were at the top of holes in net pot...filled rest of way with hydroton....