
Well-Known Member
once a week is fine.

And by spread, he means the necrotic parts. they'll eventually mold and mildew over. that will cause further problems later on down the road, trim those dead areas away.


Well-Known Member
after the transplant some of my plants are still stuned,3 that are performing the best are planted in this soil in the pic,but the problem is that it says on the label that its not treated against disease and fungus so how can i disinfect it


Well-Known Member
Most soils aren't treated for infectious stuff. Best way to sterilize soil is to bake it in an oven at about 450F for a few hours. This will kill just about everything in the soil, minus some extremophile bacteria.


Well-Known Member
man from all this soil complications soon as i get over this level i think im gona try hidro


Well-Known Member
i got these little plants growing from the new soil,i never had enything growing from that other tipe,is it a big risk to use this soil,the other brand says its treated against disease and things like that



Well-Known Member
looks like cheap soil with some random seed in by accident. it's fine just make sure to pull the little sproutlets out


Well-Known Member
Yes, a "funguy" problem. You're having too much fun with your friggen plants!! Leave them alone and let the soil "almost dry out" You're messing with them too much, let them be. Plain ph'd water ONLY. I like to start mine in styro cups, I think it insulates them better and grows better roots.
Remember, too much stress and you will have more males!


Well-Known Member
now some of my bigger plants are developing nicely,now when can i start to feed them im a little traumatized from all these soil problems now if my soil is ok and theyare growing when can i start giving them some mild nute solution


Well-Known Member
its been 10 days since i transplanted,some are in 50-50soil perlite some 1/3soil 1/3perlite 1/3coco coir,the new growth looks nice and green,when can i start givivng them 1/4 nutes



Well-Known Member
Your last picture still hints at a magnesium deficiency or lockout. Note how the leaves are half-folded and pointing up to the sky like it's praying. Also note the whitening of the leaves and shriveling tips. I think that algae in your soil is screwing with your pH and causing a lockout.

Either way, you have obvious magnesium deficiency. Find out what's causing it. It looks like pH.


Well-Known Member
the ph of my water is 6.6 and the runof's 6.7ph,i thought that praying was a sighn that they are growing and reaching for the light,i got 3 different tipes of soil mixed with perlite or coco coir as i said,the bigger plants have no browning on the tips but the old leaves are damaged as u can see,so is it possible that the smaller plants are still recoveryng from a lockout and the bigger ones maybe recovered,the little brown burnt tip on the new growth u see is from tuching the bulb



Well-Known Member
Mg recovery is done within a day, the leaves will no longer be folded up like they currently are.

If you ph your water at 6.6 and the runoff is 6.7 that means your soil's pH is still way off because it shouldn't be so basic as to neutralize the acidic watering solution.

It's definitely a ph lock that's still ongoing. Fresh growth will look fine but as it ages you'll see it getting worse.


Well-Known Member
Try taking your pH down to 6. Don't bother measuring pH of the runoff, it is irregular and unpredictable. Get a soil probe to measure pH.


Well-Known Member
Your chart there shows conflicting information that doesn't jive with basic chemistry. Sorry, google is NOT god.

If you're watering with pH 6.6 and you're pulling runoff of 6.7 that means your soil is basic (Above 7) and screwing with your pH. This is basic chemistry.


Well-Known Member
1 - never feed by leafs
2 - if your getting burned tips/leafs flush
3 - test the run off if its high when you do a nother watering/flush use some PH Down and test the run off
4 - to high or to low of PH level will cause nute lockout to certin micro nutes, try to find a sweet spot for PH Level
5 - always use distilled water