Congrats. Canada, I genuinely WISHED the fans (I'm 50 mi S of Boston) would not BOO the Canadian anthem, and while I'm American and supposedly our Juniors program has been closing the talent gap we have nothing close to what the Connor Mc David's of the world bring, Canada had a more talented team. I was surprised Canadian's bood our anthem (out of character) but I know the hurt inflicted by our disrespectful buffoon in the W House was off the charts offensive. I'm sorry, I didn't vote for him/that and am dismayed that Americans would install such a "leader" , so ignorant of the longstanding goodwill between our countries. I'm just glad for your guys who faced tremendous pressure to get a W as the game will always be more important to your nation's fabric, notwithstanding the ridiculous tension that was added. Believe me, not all Americans are down w/this BS, to insult a proud, sovereign nation who we share the longest peaceful border in the world with over some trade/defense issues is just another eg. of the character of a guy so many of us have been calling out for almost a decade, in vein,sadly.