Grow journal

I thought I was supposed to be staying on the anytime rate but I guess I didn't read it correctly.
I think this summer when the rate change goes into effect there will be some savings to be had.

But yeah, they can literally see the usage down to atleast 15min blocks. And there is a comparison to other similar sized homes in the area.

It does feel intrusive but I'm not doing anything wrong so there is that. pretty sure the ability to remotely kill power without having a site visit is part of it as well

It's the kind of stuff that breeds conspiracy around these parts
Its kinda sketchy really. My grow op is 10 ft away from the meter, and the reader guy is like a ghost. Home grows without a medical card are still illegal here (unlike most the other states), so its only a matter of time before he walks by me coming in or out the door or something. Like, its inevitable that I'll eventually be "busted" by the electric company, all because I'm too stubborn to wanna be pulsed 100 times a minute with frequencies, or sign a paper saying I'm a grow patient anymore... Since last summer he's only shown up once that anyone knows about or seen, and there are no warnings or anything when it happens.
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20 years ago this week, moving from Baghdad AO to Najaf, after a year in country, to help squash the mahadi militia uprising unofficially supported by Iran.

Peace be with all