Epic 50 Seed Super Sour Diesel Pheno Hunt in my 2x4! Help Growmies!


Well-Known Member
I just read this incredibly interesting report while searching if seeds left in the mailbox under the summer heat for 2 days would damage them and found out about this research on mother plants performance over time.
Some of you may have heard that mother plants during time they incur into and accumulate little genetic mutations, this basically happens because the plant is a seasonal plant that gets artificially kept into a vegetative state.

So the study found that during time clones from the same plant have diversified genetics and are more prone to mutations due to accumulated somatic mutation while the mother plant has been living all that time in a vegetative state.

Now could it be that the Super Sour Diesel since its a strain that comes from 2 25+ years old strains bred, would happen to have accumulated some mutations and expressed them during the seedling stage due to possibly having perfect conditions for that mutation to express?
What do you guys think?

My plants are growing vigorously but there's still bits of signs of mutation here and there


Well-Known Member
Those are from the old original batch made ? Have they been reproduced again at any point ?
You can sometimes get slight weird looking things from inbreeding certain strains and old seeds can sometimes start out giving some weird looking traits and be slower to get established. I think Ojd has made a fresher batch of these from a new selected female ssdh f1.
Do you mind sending me the link to this info that mother plants kept in veg for a long period of time alters the genetics. The mutations and changes usualy come from viruses and pests over years that can change how good the cut original used to produce flower compared to how good it is over time. But the genetics dont change. It is possible to get a old cutting thats suffering with issues and get it deep cleaned and it goes back to its original state as if from seed again, so i dint think the actual genetics change as they are still there. What changes is the overall vigour and health of the cutting due to how its been looked after and maintauned.

I did read the link you put up and it says the same thing, that the overall vigour and health changes, they havent reserched enough to know the cause. But the comunity after colectivley growing and cloning for many many years already know the causes. And in that report although they claim genetic change dont list no proof of actual genetic changes apart from overall health and vigour declining. And it looks like they have been using honey bannan clones to test changes which isnt ideal. For a proper test they would have to tezt cannibis cuttings fresh taken from a plant that has been bred properly in the first place and then record the results every six months for 10 years were the cuts are kept in tip top health and see what genetic changes they detect. I doubt they can find a proper f1 built from perents that had been properly progeny tested and selected for their ability to pass on supirior quality and potency consitently compared to the other potential parents anyway.
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Well-Known Member
I was Thinking that I might skip on the co2 in the main tent till the 3rd week of flowering to reduce stretching, If I skip till that time, when I take cuttings from toppings or branches the moment they are ready to clone for sexing, I will the start blasting up to 1000ppm the 2x2 clone tent so they will grow faster and show sex earlier, so then I can manage better the main tent and veg for what's actually needed. just food for thought for now.
1000ppfd in a 2x2 tent while the plants are in veg will be too much. Take it easy and dont try to force them or push them till you have more experience and more confidence in your skills, as thats exactly how many of us made mistakes wen first growing, just concentrate on the basics and maintaing health. The plants will then tell you if they need something. Aslong as you are able to keep them healthy over their whole life period they will give back to you healthly


Well-Known Member
Variegation is still in their dna but it doesn't show much now and even when appearing in newborn growth it seems to not slow down the growing too much maybe up to 20% so I am not worried right now, just hoping its not a viroid that fucks with flowering. Next week I will be implementing co2 and top clones.


Well-Known Member
This is what I am feeding every 2-3 days so far no deficenses nor burn just healthy growth considering this is day 23 from lights on


Well-Known Member
I am gonna top them to sex them and to manage cola count. To make sure they all got space I will run just 2 main colas per plant for a total of 36-42 main tops, no side branches and no larf and they fit just perfect and the buds will have space to swell, like a SOG of colas

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I am gonna top them to sex them and to manage cola count. To make sure they all got space I will run just 2 main colas per plant for a total of 36-42 main tops, no side branches and no larf and they fit just perfect and the buds will have space to swell, like a SOG of colas
How strong is your dehumidifiers and exhaust fan?

32 colas in such a small area will generate alot of humidity.


Well-Known Member
How strong is your dehumidifiers and exhaust fan?

32 colas in such a small area will generate alot of humidity.
I am in the west coast it is always dry here, humidity would be too high only if I seal everything. Next week when I get the co2 tank I'll seal everything and get a dehumidifier too to be safe
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