A hickory shaft?... Please say it's like this! ...
time to begin planning for a Halloween harvest and Xmas gifts
I was definitely team argyle at some point late in the last century!
Stopped with the argyle around the same time you got stopped using the Gutty?... I was definitely team argyle at some point late in the last century! ...
I think one guy is rocking a pager!Flip phone on the belt lol!
I think one guy is rocking a pager!
My garlic. Sigh. I usually aim for 100 heads every year. Only 12 came up and it's normally a reliable crop. Bought from my usual supplier too. We had crazy weather all winter and December/January was warm enough to prevent full dormancy and I think planted garlic may have been repeatedly triggered to grow until it ran out of energy. Also lack of frost penetration could mean my bulbs rotted in the ground, normally the frostline is 4 feet deep.. Really disappointing in either case. I love my homegrown garlic!morning, friends. i'm still crawling out of my Sad Cave, one little step at a time. staying busy is helping and evenings are harder than day hours. but alas, life always goes on. the garden is enjoying the rain and warm temperatures. carrots finally sprouted up. the garlic is growing so weird this year - cut back the scapes yesterday and i noticed there are fresh baby leaves coming out of the main stalk so i pulled one up and cut it open - the baby cloves were sure enough, trying to send up a main stalk themselves! i'm just going to let them go and see what happens. i think it's gonna be either a complete loss OR the most prolific year ever for garlic. tomatoes are in their bags with their companion herbs. the baby weed plants are being babies; still pretty small but there is new growth everyday so no cause for concern. i still have a looooong ways before summer solstice. i picked up ~200 lbs of 3 year aged livestock manure from a local farmer friend; cow, sheep, goat, pig shit. gonna mix it in with my nursery compost and peat moss for the outdoor plants this year. the tent plants are humming along. i'm learning how much you really *can* leave them alone, as long as you give them a good base soil to start. they've just been getting water every couple of days. i'm really ready for the tent to come down for the summer though as it's in my work space and markets are officially starting up for me this week.
i've been loading my bubbler with 1/2 fast eddy cbd and 1/2 bear assed monkey and it's been :: chef's kiss :: for keeping my mind right. my brother came up and visited for the day yesterday and we popped over to a local farm stand for burgers and beer and happened upon some really nice live music - lots of string instruments and banjos.
hope everyone has been well the past couple of weeks. i've been popping in but most days just don't have the energy to post or interact much.
May the garden bring you joy, peace and love. It's a tranquil place, where miracles happen, turning seeds into food/medicine.morning, friends. i'm still crawling out of my Sad Cave, one little step at a time. staying busy is helping and evenings are harder than day hours. but alas, life always goes on. the garden is enjoying the rain and warm temperatures. carrots finally sprouted up. the garlic is growing so weird this year - cut back the scapes yesterday and i noticed there are fresh baby leaves coming out of the main stalk so i pulled one up and cut it open - the baby cloves were sure enough, trying to send up a main stalk themselves! i'm just going to let them go and see what happens. i think it's gonna be either a complete loss OR the most prolific year ever for garlic. tomatoes are in their bags with their companion herbs. the baby weed plants are being babies; still pretty small but there is new growth everyday so no cause for concern. i still have a looooong ways before summer solstice. i picked up ~200 lbs of 3 year aged livestock manure from a local farmer friend; cow, sheep, goat, pig shit. gonna mix it in with my nursery compost and peat moss for the outdoor plants this year. the tent plants are humming along. i'm learning how much you really *can* leave them alone, as long as you give them a good base soil to start. they've just been getting water every couple of days. i'm really ready for the tent to come down for the summer though as it's in my work space and markets are officially starting up for me this week.
i've been loading my bubbler with 1/2 fast eddy cbd and 1/2 bear assed monkey and it's been :: chef's kiss :: for keeping my mind right. my brother came up and visited for the day yesterday and we popped over to a local farm stand for burgers and beer and happened upon some really nice live music - lots of string instruments and banjos.
hope everyone has been well the past couple of weeks. i've been popping in but most days just don't have the energy to post or interact much.
garlic is my favorite thing to grow. i try to do about 120-150 each year. i just don't know what to think of the season so far. literally if you plopped me out in the yard, looking at what is growing and how far along things are, i'd put money on it being mid-june right now. comfrey and rhubarb have already set flowers. what kind of garlic do you grow? i started saving seed back in 2018, and now i just grow my own. however, i may be buying seed this fall if this crop is a bust!My garlic. Sigh. I usually aim for 100 heads every year. Only 12 came up and it's normally a reliable crop. Bought from my usual supplier too. We had crazy weather all winter and December/January was warm enough to prevent full dormancy and I think planted garlic may have been repeatedly triggered to grow until it ran out of energy. Also lack of frost penetration could mean my bulbs rotted in the ground, normally the frostline is 4 feet deep.. Really disappointing in either case. I love my homegrown garlic!