First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
im excited they seem to be really stocky
so far at least... keep the cfls close .... we dont wanna stretch em out...
you might be looking at better ones than mine in the future... Congrats man!
Yea, they are stocky as hell- first for me- they are usually super stretchy! I've been LST'n them for almost a week and they are fillin out like crazy! I hope to get somethin decent outta these babies.....Thanks!

ey man wussup ur off to a good start n wheres the other seeds u had??? did u toss emm?? n hey how old were u plants when u first gave em nuts, they dnt need nuts until 2 and a half or 3 weeks from seed otherwise good shit man ill be here
Haha what's up!?! Yea the other seeds bombed- one grew it's first set of leaves- u know the round ones- and that was it nothin else came out of it so I pulled that one and the rest of them just didn't grow.... So they went for a ride to the county dump... They are about 2 and half weeks..... I just started them out on like an 1/8 of the recommended dose for nutes and they are LOVIN it so far! I think I'm gunna let them go another week before I throw them into Flowering...... If they weren't pinned down with the LST they'd probably be about 5-6 inches tall- give or take a few....... Thanks for the support.........

lookin good man, i'm having a bit of a droopin problem, hopefuly i can get it fixed. Plants are looking real healthy, continued good luck on your grow!
I seen that too..... I don't really know anything to suggest for that- other than searchin the GrowFAQ- if you got that much time???? Maybe hold back on watering them a lil bit and foliar feed them? I really don't know- haven't runn into that yet- hopefully I wont tho.....Thanks for the Luck!


Well-Known Member
i would say let them get a full month of growth or 1m 1m week befor u throw them into flower u wont regretc it


Well-Known Member
i would say let them get a full month of growth or 1m 1m week before u throw them into flower u wont regret it

Yea I was thinkin about that yesterday as I was watering them..... They are gettin decent in size but they could go a lil longer......

SO somewhere between the 17th and the 22nd I'll throw them in..... i may just let them go a lil longer since I ain't in now hurry to have bud.....

Gotta lay off it for awhile with the job hunt and what not.......


Well-Known Member
Just a quick pic update.........

Also, watered them again yesterday, they seem to be havin a growth spurt and are suckin the water/nutes up like crazy........Tryin to watch the nutes however, don't wanna over do it- so a splash here and a splash there and they are seemin to love the love!

As always oldest to youngest.....

These are 3 weeks into veg.........

The last pic is of my experiment plant........ Since I've been givin her the vitamin water her growth has been increasin A LOT..... She's stayin short and bushy- which is a good thing..........

But here they are - ENJOY!



Well-Known Member
Nice grow thus far bro! Plants do look indca dominant too, Good luck the rest of the way, hopefully theres a few ladies in there for ya!


Well-Known Member
Nice grow thus far bro! Plants do look indca dominant too, Good luck the rest of the way, hopefully theres a few ladies in there for ya!

Yea I was thinkin that with their fat daddy leaves- Think I'd luck out hard if all four of them were ladies.......

Thanks for stoppin by


Well-Known Member
yeah man definetly let those beautys get bigger n hey at least u might have some of ur own bud for 4-20


Well-Known Member
yeah man definetly let those beautys get bigger n hey at least u might have some of ur own bud for 4-20

Just dropped by urs- they're lookin sweet as hell- like mouth waterin n shit!

Next Wednesday I'll be puttin them into Flowerin- They are gettin frickin huge already! I think I 'm gunna take some more pics just for the hell of it- so beautiful!


Well-Known Member
hehe thnx man fuk it throw them into flowerin lets so those buds
Ok Ok u convinced me- I'll throw them into flower tomorrow......... Should I give them the 24 hours of dark or just throw them straight into the flowering? They are already on 14/10..........


Well-Known Member
Whooaaaaa lol all this happened.. where was I!?

Post up some pics of the plants right now... how tall are they?

And before your start them on 14/10 or whatever... put them in complete darkness for 24-48 hours... this will tell the plant that it is now time to BUD :)

And 12/12 is a good idea, or even 13-11... not too sure about 14/10... you gotta remember that they need the light just as much as they need the dark.



Well-Known Member
Whooaaaaa lol all this happened.. where was I!?

Post up some pics of the plants right now... how tall are they?

And before your start them on 14/10 or whatever... put them in complete darkness for 24-48 hours... this will tell the plant that it is now time to BUD :)

And 12/12 is a good idea, or even 13-11... not too sure about 14/10... you gotta remember that they need the light just as much as they need the dark.

I'm gunna take some pics here in a few minutes- they are lookin GORGEOUS!
They have been on 14/10 for almost a week now. And when I put them on that schedule they burst to life really!
I'm gunna put them into flower tomorrow.... So after they go out tonight I'll grab the plug and undo her...... Then I'll leave them dark until 6:30 am on Thursday- I know it's a lil more than 24, but that's the best way I can set it up so that I know I'll have no reason to go into my closet......

So bare with me and I'll go grab some pics before the lights go out for the night......... I'll be right back........


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the pics: Enjoy!

Oh the second pic- Second oldest lady- I went to check on them today and my CFL fell out of it's slot and was layin on top of her- just one or two of her leaves got toasted, but she's fine- Thank God! I don't think it was on her very long, so I think I made it in time...... She perked right back up after I sprayed her leaves with some reg H2O.......So keep my fingers crossed...........

Da Da Da DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Here's the pics! As always- oldest to youngest!

Also, the youngest is my experiment pic- she's lovin those Vits!



Well-Known Member
Ok, lil help here.......

Checked on the ladies after the lights came on today, and my oldest lower leaf tips look burnt... I know it's not from the lights cuz right before they went into total darkness she was fine, and the lights are far enough away to not burn.......

Nute burn? It's just on the lower leaves and only the tips of those leaves......

What should I do? flush her with some fresh water? they need watered anyway? someone hook me up please!


Well-Known Member
How much of the plant is burnt?.. if it's just one or 2 leaves it's okay because it's expected with MG.... be patient and if you see more of it ... flush it. Have you flushed it before?

And get used to the lower leaves of the plant looking like shit, its going to be the case throughout... i noticed it in my grow too.. just the bottom 3/4 leaves would be burnt or droopy.


Well-Known Member
yeah man its natural for the most lower leafs to fall die n fall off n shit there lookin fine man im guessin ur gunna get a single cola plant but GL