What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

I have trouble believing in demons, devils, & evil…except for THAT thing, “Paula White”…

‘New Apostolic Reformation’, my *ass* - she is to Christianism what TFFG is to Americanism
It's amazing how many suckers there are and how easy it is to con them, you just need a "hook" used to be greed and religion, but now just hate and bullshit will do as Donald discovered his greatest grift, politics. I seems damn near half of the voting public just loves an emotionally and socially retarded psychopathic moron and want him to control their destiny and have the nuclear codes too. Who would have thought.
It's amazing how many suckers there are and how easy it is to con them, you just need a "hook" used to be greed and religion, but now just hate and bullshit will do as Donald discovered his greatest grift, politics. I seems damn near half of the voting public just loves an emotionally and socially retarded psychopathic moron and want him to control their destiny and have the nuclear codes too. Who would have thought.
I’m consumed by the question regarding whether there is a trend for how many of each side go to Mcdonald’s or the King.

I already know the answer for Taco Bell vs Chick-Fil-A.
His “supporters” really should consider the fact that HE ALWAYS STIFFS THE LITTLE GUY

Why they think he won’t walk over their crushed & bleeding bodies to take the throne, I just can’t fathom. He’d spend every single one of them to become President again - and never slow, never look back.

The USA will simply be THE FIRST to suffer; but I’m sure he’d dedicate the ensuing carnage to “all those who believed & fell”: the suckers. The losers. The fools who’d die for a country, as if it meant something.

As of burgers, I’ll never eat @ Wendy’s again. Where I’ve been, Wendy’s had FOX on a big screen in the dining room - even the rallies. His whole time in office. I’m smart enough not to eat where they shit. OTOH, Burger King for all its faults is still king of junk burgers: I’ll drive past other places
It's amazing how many suckers there are and how easy it is to con them, you just need a "hook" used to be greed and religion, but now just hate and bullshit will do as Donald discovered his greatest grift, politics. I seems damn near half of the voting public just loves an emotionally and socially retarded psychopathic moron and want him to control their destiny and have the nuclear codes too. Who would have thought.
How dare you speak of Orange Jesus that way!
Don’t you know he’s the biggest rocket man!!
I knew there were a lot of dumb mo-fo's out there, but I never knew it was half the country. Scary shit . My wife and I are already looking at several places out of the country ( if f-head takes charge) . I bet a-lot of dumb f's "enemies" are doing the same. Violence, win or loose. F'ing surreal !
I knew there were a lot of dumb mo-fo's out there, but I never knew it was half the country. Scary shit . My wife and I are already looking at several places out of the country ( if f-head takes charge) . I bet a-lot of dumb f's "enemies" are doing the same. Violence, win or loose. F'ing surreal !
Wait for his immunity and disqualification calls inside a month and then calculate the odds...
Somebody at a fertility clinic dropped a tray of frozen embryos. According to Alabama, they committed some form of homicide. Fertility clinics are now childcare facilities. A military couple who put away a fertilized egg or two or ten in case one of them die in war. Or a single woman who was about to undergo surgery and stored a fertilized egg or ten in case they wanted to become a parent at a later time. Congratulations, you have a family!!!

Alabama Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children, Raising Questions About Fertility Care

An Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that frozen embryos in test tubes should be considered children has sent shock waves through the world of reproductive medicine, casting doubt over fertility care for would-be parents in the state and raising complex legal questions with implications extending far beyond Alabama.

On Tuesday, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said the ruling would cause “exactly the type of chaos that we expected when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and paved the way for politicians to dictate some of the most personal decisions families can make.”
Somebody at a fertility clinic dropped a tray of frozen embryos. According to Alabama, they committed some form of homicide. Fertility clinics are now childcare facilities. A military couple who put away a fertilized egg or two or ten in case one of them die in war. Or a single woman who was about to undergo surgery and stored a fertilized egg or ten in case they wanted to become a parent at a later time. Congratulations, you have a family!!!

Alabama Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children, Raising Questions About Fertility Care

An Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that frozen embryos in test tubes should be considered children has sent shock waves through the world of reproductive medicine, casting doubt over fertility care for would-be parents in the state and raising complex legal questions with implications extending far beyond Alabama.

On Tuesday, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said the ruling would cause “exactly the type of chaos that we expected when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and paved the way for politicians to dictate some of the most personal decisions families can make.”
I think this is sexist. What about all those frozen sperm? Are they not children also?
Not speaking from personal knowledge but I've read articles citing a passage in the Old Testament about not wasting seed as reference to masturbation. And not just that. Use a condom, go to jail.
From Quora, a different take, and damning to those who preach against masturbation.

In its precise context, it basically refers to “pulling out".

It was a sin because Onan had a moral duty to be a surrogate for his late brother and impregnate his childless, widowed sister-in-law (yes, that was a belief then) so (1) his late brother would have an heir and (2) his widow would have a son-qua-old-age-pension.

This was the practice of Levirate “Marriage". It was an ancient Near Eastern practice/law that predated the Torah by a millennium, but the Torah accepts/incorporates it. The child would be the legitimate son (for some reason, the practce never considers the possibility of a daughter) of the late brother. Once the widow was pregnant, sexual relations had to stop. Again, no mention is made of what happens in the case of miscarriage, stillbirth, or a girl.

Onan's sin was 2-fold: first, he was refusing to perform his duty to his brother and sister-in-law, and second, still went through the motions of doing so effectively using his sister-in-law as a reusable masturbating machine. Though moderns tend to see a sin of lust, the generation of the Exodus saw a sin of greed and an offense against family and charity: that is, Onan's motive wasn't the pursuit of sexual pleasure without consequences, but of wanting to hog the family inheritance for himself and his children who would bear his name.

Additionally, there was the offense of dishonoring both his brother and sister-in-law: by defying/evading the purpose and perpetuating what was supposed to be a very temporary, in extremis, relationship, he was committing both adultery and rape.
From Quora, a different take, and damning to those who preach against masturbation.

In its precise context, it basically refers to “pulling out".

It was a sin because Onan had a moral duty to be a surrogate for his late brother and impregnate his childless, widowed sister-in-law (yes, that was a belief then) so (1) his late brother would have an heir and (2) his widow would have a son-qua-old-age-pension.

This was the practice of Levirate “Marriage". It was an ancient Near Eastern practice/law that predated the Torah by a millennium, but the Torah accepts/incorporates it. The child would be the legitimate son (for some reason, the practce never considers the possibility of a daughter) of the late brother. Once the widow was pregnant, sexual relations had to stop. Again, no mention is made of what happens in the case of miscarriage, stillbirth, or a girl.

Onan's sin was 2-fold: first, he was refusing to perform his duty to his brother and sister-in-law, and second, still went through the motions of doing so effectively using his sister-in-law as a reusable masturbating machine. Though moderns tend to see a sin of lust, the generation of the Exodus saw a sin of greed and an offense against family and charity: that is, Onan's motive wasn't the pursuit of sexual pleasure without consequences, but of wanting to hog the family inheritance for himself and his children who would bear his name.

Additionally, there was the offense of dishonoring both his brother and sister-in-law: by defying/evading the purpose and perpetuating what was supposed to be a very temporary, in extremis, relationship, he was committing both adultery and rape.
Pulling out is a selfish act, the sin of greed and kills babies.

Got it.

Supreme Court -- take notice!